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eWheels 16hr Endurance Challenge

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I like this. May 31. is just doable even here in north. Batteries will have less range in cold, but in May I can find days above +10C. Also, highest riding speed won’t necessarily win as efficiency plays a big role. Fast charging is important also. I really hope @Seba can provide EUC World screenshots for us iOs users in May.

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The point is...to attract attention to EUCs? I mean, the 16 hours range seems not only kinda unimportant, but it could also easily be computed from consumption vs speed graphs combined with the charging speed.

Edited by Mono
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This is a really interesting challenge!...  Linear programming;  Consumption versus speed versus capacity versus time to recharge to xx% in regard of charge effect versus charge%  There is a razor sharp and delicate line between raw speed performance, consumption, battery capacity and time to recharge.   It wouldn't surprise me if, in theory, this challenge could be won by one of the smaller and old wheels, e.g. KS 18XL, but it will be exciting to see the results :)

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Man, I wish I had a faster charging wheel.

I did a 643km/400 miles weekend road trip, last year. 300 GPS kms (187 GPS miles) the first day, 343 GPS kms (213 GPS miles) the second day. 

1500wh charging the Sherman S was fine the first day, but wasn't fun in the second part of the second day 🙄

First day was awesome, started at 6h18 in the morning, perfect weather if a little nippy in the morning, great view from the St Lawrence River all the way. 

Studid me wanted to challenge itself, so I rode it standing. Calves were made of concrete at the end of the day. 

Second day started a bit past 8AM? Not sure. It had everything. Rain, wind, more rain, forced to leave trail due to mud to go on backroads with truckers passing me by close, was nearly home in the middle of the night, to face a closed bridge that forced me to do a detour and suffer through more fine rain 😂

Came home at 1h15 in the morning 😴

Ive been thinking of doing Montréal to New York this summer (not sure if it's gonna be a round trip 1400km plus riding around New York? YIKES) , but damn, 1500wh charging would be miserable, ugh 😅!

For anyone interested to watch. 


Matt from Montreal. 

Edited by MattDeamon
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Fastest rider will win.

Also fast charging wheel will help.


Or ride like a turtle - so you don't need to charge that often? Nah.. Going top speed and charging is the way to go. :D 

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Just now, Funky said:

Fastest rider will win.

Also fast charging wheel will help.

It's not that easy;  fastet rider will use more energy pr. distance than slower rider.  And in addition spend more time charging, so..? :P

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The obvious though is: the bigger batteries will win, in particular as any battery can be pretty much fully charged within an hour (remember, mods are allowed).

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2 minutes ago, Robse said:

And seated riding and aerodynamic helmet :-)

yeah, this challenge will def encompass weather and terrain. marty could start at the top of a mountain, others might ride with the prevailing winds. or laps around an indoor track.

i can only hit 32mph on my 2000' road, so i couldn't rack up enough miles. plus peeing would slow me down. might need diapers like the astronauts.

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Everybody talking about battery size and theoretical possibilities. Maybe there will be someone achieving crazy miles. But for most participants (who do this for fun) it will be a matter of soles and/or ass. Whether you ride fast or slow, 16 hours on the wheel (minus fast charging breaks) is a serious physical challenge. It’s much more a matter of bodily abilities than wheel specs (provided a moder big wheel). Bigger battery gives some initial benefits but in the end some Wh difference is not that much divided for 16 hour ride. Fast charging and efficiency are keys in addition to good seat, good shoes and physical perseverance. 

Edited by UniVehje
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