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Commander Mini (2400Wh 50E, 134V, 16in tire/12in rim, 40kg/88lb, 3200W C38 motor, suspension, speakers)


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On 8/11/2023 at 3:37, Darrell Wesh said:

¿Más fotos o vídeo? ¿Y solo tuviste que quitar un lado para llegar al neumático como en este video?

Yes, just remove the side that does not have the motor cable, the problem I had was inserting the valve, since it goes on the opposite side of the tire

On 8/11/2023 at 0:40, Frolic0415 said:

¿El Mini tiene inclinación hacia atrás PWM?


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hi there....i am goona pick the mini in few weeks...should i get the street or offrad tire?are they both good?i will use it more for commuter use on the street?it will be my first wheel to ride on also and what kind of pads should i bought for it later?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi FarkyJ,

I haven't tested the street tire and it's really up to individual taste but the off-road tire is great in my opinion plus one huge advantage according to me is that it is much less prone to piercing which leaves you statistically speaking with much less occurrences when you'll have to change or fix your inner tube. Plus the tires last much longer... By no means a small perk in the long term.

For the pads, a good option price wise follows. Regardless of the relatively modest price, they're awesome and I love them. Provide great control, excellent built quality and protect your wheel as well :


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  • 1 month later...


I decided that the availability of the Mini from EUCDeals was simply too good of a buy to pass up.  This wheel has fallen to the side as it really hasn't been marketed as much as others (such as the Extreme & V14).  I likely would have picked up the Extreme had Begode not forced price controls on it, but I can't justify at the current price give how much new shock links, stanchions, & shocks would add to make this more 'state of the art'.  It really is a shame that somebody who is allegedly an expert was involved in the really crappy suspension!  The V14 is largely still unknown, and apparently it has suspension issues (outside of the freak failure of Marty's wheel).  Patton?  Well, they seem quite comparable, a few advantages & disadvantages.  At the same price, it would be a different matter.  But for under $2300, the Mini is a no brainer!

I have toyed with a Lynx, but honestly I am too new at this sport to spend an additional $2k.  Given the progress in the market, if I choose to buy a new wheel at some point in the future, there will be much more info available.

The Mini has a street tire, and I intend to try a couple of different knobbies at some point.  The Shinko trials tire (SR241) is likely a great option if it fits (or a belt sander down the side will make adjustments!).  I am researching tubes, and just started a thread with a possible solution for many of us 90 deg valve extension?

Finally, I am attempting to figure out how one gets a set of the soft springs.  But my LONG TERM plan is this: dismantle the shock & pull the spring, take some measurements, and look for motorcycle fork springs of comparable diameter and proper rate.  Then they can simply be cut down, likely gaining 2 shock springs from one fork spring.  If we can more finely tune the springs, then the other element would be playing with different weights of fork oil.  Having done this with MTBs & motorcycles, I am sure that there would be room for further improvement.

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I just got the mini as my first EUC and I was wondering if there was any documentation for how to adjust the suspension, or a guide somewhere. I can't find anything online, Roger has a video where he was messing with it but it ended with him not really understanding it any better, which is where I'm at as well, I'm a lighter rider around 130lbs and I can't seem to get the wheel to soften up at all.

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1 hour ago, Zombie31 said:

I'm a lighter rider around 130lbs and I can't seem to get the wheel to soften up at all.

I was all set to get the Commander Mini. Fortunately, I had an opportunity to very briefly hop on one just before I pull the trigger. After that brief experience, I decided not to get it. The suspension was so stiff it rode like my V12.

Thanks for confirming it.

And you're even lighter than me.

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Ok, after much more messing around with the suspension, its about 20 turns from lock to lock, clockwise to soften counter-clockwise to tighten, there is some adjustment, at my weight, locking it as soft as it will go it's still very stiff but it will compress a tiny bit, no sag at all when I stand on it though, I was aiming for a tiny bit, when I turn it all the way to stiff it pretty much locks out the suspension, even jumping on it doesn't move it, so it would be great for heavier riders I imagine but for me it's just to stiff, I will just have to live with it I guess.

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9 hours ago, Zombie31 said:

I will just have to live with it I guess.

Sell it while it's new and get something you will enjoy.

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I could but it's going to be around a $1,000 price difference between selling this and getting a Patton and it's just more than I feel I can spend getting into a new hobby.

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14 hours ago, Zombie31 said:

Ok, after much more messing around with the suspension, its about 20 turns from lock to lock, clockwise to soften counter-clockwise to tighten, there is some adjustment, at my weight, locking it as soft as it will go it's still very stiff but it will compress a tiny bit, no sag at all when I stand on it though, I was aiming for a tiny bit, when I turn it all the way to stiff it pretty much locks out the suspension, even jumping on it doesn't move it, so it would be great for heavier riders I imagine but for me it's just to stiff, I will just have to live with it I guess.

As has been mentioned, there are apparently two different spring rates.  Unfortunately nobody (meaning the vendors) seems to know much about that, so we really need to push Extreme Bull to make alternate springs available.  As I mentioned before, I intend to take mine down & measure the springs.  Once we have more info, then the potential for replacements is easier to sort out.  Before placing my order last week, I considered the same issue (I weigh ~160#).  Having replaced springs in motorcycles, and tuned MTB and motorcycle forks with revalving or even as simple a move as changing the hydraulic fluid viscosity, this is NOT an insoluble problem.  The commenter saying "sell it" is a fool.  Look at the issues of the Extreme suspension, hundreds of $$ of parts required to fix it.  The V14 has already demonstrated issues.  These wheels are utterly SOLID, the only real complaints of substance are the stiffness of the springs, the pads & side mounting areas (easy to fix), and a crappy headlight!  For the price, this is an unbeatable buy.

I have ordered a Shinko SR241 trials tire and will see how it fits.  I will be posting what I learn.

2 minutes ago, Zombie31 said:

I could but it's going to be around a $1,000 price difference between selling this and getting a Patton and it's just more than I feel I can spend getting into a new hobby.

Please read what I just posted!  This wheel is a FANTASTIC bargain, we simply need to source softer springs.

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2 hours ago, OldSolo said:

The commenter saying "sell it" is a fool.

Perhaps from your perspective, since you have the background and experience to tackle the job, and you seem to be keen to put in the effort.

But in general, I would say it depends on the individual.


The Patton is great out-of-the-box. No headaches.

On the other hand, for the Mini, you would need to source the correct spring for your body weight and comfort/performance bias, and install it. Some people may not want to mess with this. There is a potential risk also of encountering hassles while sourcing the spring.

For me personally, when I buy a new wheel, I don't want to be face with the DIY project prospect, after unboxing. Of course, unless I am intentionally looking for one, like what I did with my Abrams and S22.

Additionally, I test rode very briefly on a Commander Mini. It didn't standout for me in the company of the Patton and the S22. Additionally, I found the Mini to have strong braking wobble tendencies.. Maybe the Commander Mini is special in some particular areas, and for other riders.

Sure, the spec's look nice, and the price is right. But if one were to look at the details, it may not look as enticing.

Edited by techyiam
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Yeah, it's unfortunate, I didn't want to have to do any diy. Every review I could find of this wheel had almost nothing but positive things to say about it even in comparison to the Patton. But I definitely wish I got a Patton instead, if anyone has one to sell let me know lol.

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42 minutes ago, Zombie31 said:

Every review I could find of this wheel had almost nothing but positive things to say about it even in comparison to the Patton.


Ride One, Ronin, Marty Backe, and others gave very positive reviews on the Mini, with Hsiang a little less enthusiastic.

Fortunately for me, I was able to sample a Mini just prior to pulling the trigger. My first impression was like, "wait a minute, this is not much of an upgrade from my V12". Maybe for a higher top speed and harsh impacts from jumps, drops or stairs, but I don't do those.


Since you are in California, can you not try out a demo unit out before buying a wheel?

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22 hours ago, Zombie31 said:

I just got the mini as my first EUC and I was wondering if there was any documentation for how to adjust the suspension, or a guide somewhere. I can't find anything online, Roger has a video where he was messing with it but it ended with him not really understanding it any better, which is where I'm at as well, I'm a lighter rider around 130lbs and I can't seem to get the wheel to soften up at all.

Here's one piece of information i learned unfortunately months after releasing my review. Extreme bull, for all their suspension wheels so far, have 2 sets of shocks: soft and hard. And they dont communicate on this. So some riders ended up with a suspension randomly chosen for them (unless you specifically requested to them). You probably had a stiff shock. To fix this, You can order a set of soft shocks and replace them. Hope this helps. 

Edited by Ronin Ryder
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1 minute ago, Ronin Ryder said:

Here's one piece of information i learned unfortunately after doing my review. Extreme bull have 2 sets of shocks: soft and hard. And they dont communicate on this. So some riders ended up with a suspension randomly chosen. You probably had a stiff shock. To fix this, You can order a set of soft shocks and replace them. Hope this helps. 

I read somewhere to this effect. So it is real.

Extreme Bull really has two springs.

Crazy that they are not labelled.

Thanks for pointing that out.

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1 hour ago, techyiam said:

Since you are in California, can you not try out a demo unit out before buying a wheel?

Wouldn't really have made much of a difference, when I bought this I had never stood on an euc before and couldn't even mount one so demo wouldn't have helped as I would have had no idea what to look for or if it could be adjusted to my weight, but yeah I'm less than 2 hours from Alien rides shop, I wonder if they could help and tell me what spring rate they randomly decide to give me

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2 hours ago, Zombie31 said:

Wouldn't really have made much of a difference, when I bought this I had never stood on an euc before and couldn't even mount one so demo wouldn't have helped as I would have had no idea what to look for

I see. This is your first wheel.

Since you are on the lighter side, and chose to learn on a 88 lbs wheel, you may be facing an uphill battle, unless you are gifted or have some very relevant background.

As a first wheel, learning to ride on a suspension wheel with a stiffer suspension may not be a bad thing.

For me, I did without suspension for the first couple of years. In that time, I learnt a lot as I try to cope with the various types road imperfections. On a suspension wheel, you pay a lot less attention to road imperfections. But since I have that knowledge, I find that it helps me to improve my riding on a suspension wheel, since suspension wheels are not perfect, and the rider is still very much a part of the equation.

For now, you can just set the preload to zero with minimum damping, and see how that goes. If it doesn't ride like a pogo stick, which it shouldn't, just don't worry about it, and focus on learning to ride.

Zero sag is bad. But by the time you have gotten good at riding euc's, you may already be ready to upgrade to a new wheel with all the features that you have learnt to be important to you. Things like more range, smart BMS, high discharge cells, and etc. Or, the alternative is to mod your existing wheel.


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I'm actually having a pretty decent time, after 3 days, I'm comfortable up to around 25-30mph but I am having a hard time getting it to stop wobbling, I am doing a little off-roading and riding off curbs and stairs. I have been focusing on using my knees to absorb bumps, which seems like its the proper way to actually ride, it's not a pogo stick really, I have everything full soft and on drops the suspension helps a tad but like over broken pavement or bad sidewalks it doesn't do much of anything.

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44 minutes ago, Zombie31 said:

I'm actually having a pretty decent time, after 3 days, I'm comfortable up to around 25-30mph but I am having a hard time getting it to stop wobbling, I am doing a little off-roading and riding off curbs and stairs. I have been focusing on using my knees to absorb bumps, which seems like its the proper way to actually ride, it's not a pogo stick really, I have everything full soft and on drops the suspension helps a tad but like over broken pavement or bad sidewalks it doesn't do much of anything.

Wow, that's amazing progress.

Regarding wobbles, are you having wobbles during braking?

The Mini is more prone to braking wobbles, I found.

Having said that, for new riders, wobbles can also be cause by the rider himself, and which will go away with time.

And there are number things a rider can due to reduce wobbles.


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19 minutes ago, techyiam said:

Regarding wobbles, are you having wobbles during braking?

Yes, and when there are some weird bumps and cracks in the road that my wheel wants to follow and it forces me to wobble, I am sure it is absolutely my fault, I'm just trying to figure out how to not cause them. Braking for sure is casing a ton of them, I found that not letting my legs touch the braking pads and that has gotten rid of them. Maybe my pads are misplaced or something. So far ive just widened my knees and gotten a bit more relaxed and lower and that has helped but im not sure if im solving them in a way that will form bad habits.

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