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Best EUC for hot climate

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30 minutes ago, amalakassogue said:

is that the main difference?

Another huge difference should be the legal situation.

Consumer protection should be quite/very good in the US?

By buying from aliexpress one renounces these rights and depends fully on the goodwill of the reseller and aliexpress.

Afaik by buying from a foreign country one has the legal status as importer and by this is responsible for all the regulations and "formalities". So theoreticly this could leave one reponsible for a burned house if one used a non certified/badly designed product burning down a house or even worse injuring/damaging other persons.

If you choose an US reseller he imported the wheel and is responsible for compliance with local regulations and for all/most possible dangers and damages caused by a bad product.

Ps.: I'm no lawyer and for sure not experienced with us regulations, but this should be roughly the main points in case something goes wrong...

... If the wheel arrives in good condition and as long as it functions one saved quite some money...

Regarding heat you could check if @Marty Backetook the wheels you are looking for on his overheat hill test rides. The outcome and his comments on his youtube channel could give you some hints...

Also looking for reports of mods like adding more/better fans for these wheels could help?

A great way to search this forum is using googles search term:

site:forum.electricunicycle.org whatever you are searching for

To find the reports people posted here regarding  buying from aliexpress, overheating, modifications...

Edited by Chriull
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Aliexpress - no warranty. (Seller can tell you what ever you want to hear.. Or simply stop talking to you. It's like rolling "dice") Do what ever you want with that information..

I would pay extra $$$ to "in country" dealer. Simply if something goes bad - he deals with all my problems. On Aliexpress you are the one dealing with problems. (That's if something goes shit..)

How big $$$ is the difference anyways? From what dealer you where planning to buy? (Wanna see prices and compare. :D)

I vote Sherman Max. (But for off-road type paths - you need suspension..) How smooth are your roads there.. That's the real question.

If it isn't smooth like pavement, asphalt, suppressed dirt road - you need suspension!

Have a look at Begode EX20S in my mind one of the "better" suspension wheels out there. (Personally hate it - just because begode euc..)

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I'm a big aliexpress guy and for most anything made in China, I go to the source and buy it there. 

HOWEVER I would never buy an EUC from Aliexpress. Or Amazon. EUCs are not at the stage in development where you can trust it'll be reliable. It's common to need service, and you'll need a relationship with the retailer to get that service, because parts have always been in short supply.

You're asking for advice, so I say find a domestic dealer (like ewheels) and buy from them. Not only do you get better service, but they are our advocates in the fight to make the manufacturers improve.

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8 minutes ago, Richardo said:

I'm a big aliexpress guy and for most anything made in China, I go to the source and buy it there. 

Same. :D  I buy most of my thing that don't go over 100$ on Aliexpress. Because there it is "cheaper" and for 100$ you don't need warranty.. For euc that cost 3000$ - No Way Jose!

Imagine the wheel gets "lost" in mail. :D The seller can even simply "send" it out. But didn't really. - Doh Aliexpress should refund you at least.

3 for 3 saying no to Aliexpress - Get it yet? Or do you feel lucky mate. :D 

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1 hour ago, amalakassogue said:

I noticed that prices on AliExpress buying directly from China are significantly better than buying from distributors here

Hello, welcome to the forum.
About Aliexpress: indeed since the beginning of the pandemic there has been a delay in all the ports of the world, the accumulation of goods in the ports and their passage through customs takes a long time.
The interesting points to buy in import are for early buyers, all those who want to get the latest model that is not yet distributed in their country. But beware, these are resellers so the manufacturer of the brand does not support the entire guarantee of the object and will not directly supply spare parts. You will have to contact the dealer. Buyers who know how to repair everything themselves, or who already have many models in their possession order on aliexpress for spare parts but parts can be very expensive depending on the demand, the success of the model.

For a first purchase it is better not to take risks, buy in your own country, there are many stores specializing in EUC and they have a long experience. Aliexpress is a few resellers who can also close their shop quickly and open another with another name. There are also serious dealers, but they will not offer the brand guarantee added to the store.

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1 hour ago, amalakassogue said:

I know the Commander tends to run hot and would be concerned about overheating.

It's a valid concern, some DIY mods should be anticipated!

1 hour ago, amalakassogue said:

prices on AliExpress buying directly from China are significantly better than buying from distributors here.

This is true largely because you get zero support from your reseller. A DOA wheel? You'll be a long time getting it fixed. I personally am willing to pay the markup for the availability of service, particularly when the wheel is under warranty.

If you buy a BG wheel from eWheels, you'll get their custom battery packs that have additional temperature sensing in them so you know if/when your batteries are overheating... probably useful in your hot climate! Granted, I'm a bit of a eWheels devotee—other distributors offer solid service as well but none are able to sell the eWheels LiTech batteries.

It's not worth trying to save a few hundred dollars. Unless you get lucky.

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Caveat Emptor! whether frenetic or phonetic, or a frantic fanatic - buying local saves potential panic!

As for the Commander running hot, well as it comes, this is true; but! According to Marty Backe (one of the most respected influencers apropos EUC), it’s a pretty easy modification to transform the running temperature of the Commander in a very positive way:



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6 hours ago, amalakassogue said:

Any thoughts on the others or suggestions about ones I am not considering currently?

I've really been enjoying my new Kingsong 18XL. It's an older 18 inch wheel but it has run quite cool in 103 degree Alabama weather. It does come with an internal fan, and I've been going up some hills, and it still stays cool due, I'm sure, to its very white glossy shell.

I got mine for $1800 including shipping from Revrides. Just add it to your cart and wait a few days, and eventually they'll send you a coupon to sweeten the deal; not that I did that on purpose as I was undecided to buy it.

It's a great midrange midsized moderate speed wheel. I also have the KS16s and the KS18XL is a slightly bigger, heavier, faster wheel that's far more useful and comfortable than the KS16s. Usually I average between 25 to 29 mph but the KS18 is very much a commuter and public transportation wheel than any of those wheels you mentioned, and it's thin enough to stick inside a car in the back seat. Those other EUCs...not so much.

In my opinion, you should give serious thought to the smaller 14 inchers before buying the big advanced wheels. Just learning to ride means you'll be crashing and dropping the EUC a lot in the first year or two, and the smaller wheels skip along the ground when you crash. In comparison big advanced wheels receive huge amounts of expensive damage when they crash at 30 mph, not to mention you.

And you'll always need a 14 incher. Unlike the bigger EUCs, you can easily take a 14 incher with you to most places. Before I sold all my 14 inchers (I've been meaning to buy another one), they had by far the most trips of any of my EUCs as they're incredibly handy.

Edited by LanghamP
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My recommendation would be the KS 16x or similar and buy your first EUC at least from a dealer in the U.S. I can vouch that EWheels customer service is hard to beat. The 16x meets most, maybe all of your intended uses for an EUC. It’s not the fastest or newest but nearly perfect as a first wheel and should serve you very well for at least your first year. It’s not too heavy and it’s wide tire makes it really planted when riding and good for off road. The newer wheels like Commander are heavy and harder to learn on plus, as the most expensive EUC as a first wheel, would not be a smart choice, in my opinion. Other than the KS s18 and IM v11, new suspension wheels haven’t been released to the masses yet so major issues w them aren’t widely known so I’d skip these as a first wheel also (Master, EX20 is the heaviest EUC at 104lbs so not for a beginner and KS s22). Also, suggest you don’t get caught up in getting the fastest EUC, riding mid 20 mph will feel really fast, and it is, as you’re learning to ride safely the first 3-6 months. Get good gear and always ride w it too. Let us know what you decided on, we all like to know. Good luck!

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I've become so dependent on the wheel that I could never have just one. When there's a problem I often can't even wait one day before I need it. This makes it easy for me = two wheels.

Local reseller or not makes no difference (for me, in such a case). You simply have to pay for replacement parts which are relatively cheap.

It's not that Chinese like to screw you over. It's just that they don't have the same consumer laws (thankfully) and thus can pass those savings over to you.

So to summarize. If you're looking to own one wheel only and don't mind it being broken for a week or two, go local. If you plan on having more than one wheel then save the money and go aliexpress. (in my opinion)

If you have no technical skills then that's another reason to go local. If you're a bit handy and patient it's a vote for aliexpress.

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My S18 was down for a week with a tire swap and various complications of me trying to get the right tools and such, I was not happy that I didn't have a backup. Sold the mten a while back. Seriously considered ordering like 14D or something similar to have in the meantime. Very happy to get the S18 working again today, hopefully my S22 will come soon so I won't have a 1 wheel problem. So yeah, +1 for backup wheel.

Also on the topic of hot climate favored wheels, I'd toss in the S18, runs very cool in moderate climates with the airflow design and heatsinks. Haven't tested it in >90 temps myself but I'd think it would do well to keep from overheating. Not quite the same class of range and performance as the other wheels mentioned in the OP though.

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if you are worried abut high temperatures you should get the Begode Resolute. Unlike any other EUC on the market it doesnt have li-ion batteries but lithium-iron-phosphate batteries. Those things arent even properly awake below 110°F.

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I think he's concerned about the control board temperatures. But yeah cell temperatures can spike too if you drain them fast so good point.

I've seen Lifepo cells being shorted and not catch fire. Impressive. 

However you might want to try high drain lipo cells first. They stay cooler under load..

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if i had a backup wheel when my last one disappeared, i wouldve bought the Master but i didnt and the master wasn't available yet

it was 30 celsius today and i ditched all my safety gear, too damn hot. i was in steel toed boots, t-shirt and shorts and was cruising at 40 km/h to cool down because i "feel safe" on my ex-n 

id get a HS Begode wheel with a black controller if i wanted range

and a rs torque with a black  controller for ripping around town

to rip around town on my ex-n hs , im skipping magnets quite often and it runs too hot on long hills

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1 hour ago, alcatraz said:

What does this feel like? Does this happen on all HS wheels?

The wheel does the "buzz-buzz" groaning noise. :D (If i'm not mistaking.)



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Thanks for the rapid feedback guys/gals!  As was mentioned in a previous post, I am mainly concerned about the control board temps.  Ideally I would just get a used EUC first, but there really isn’t a scene as of yet in Albuquerque. In fact I have not seen a single one, only One-wheels.  Is there a good site for buying used EUCs? I have just looked at eBay, the deals weren’t that great. Even if I buy from a reseller in the US, there are no local ones, so repairs would involve packaging the thing up, shipping it, and then waiting for a return shipment. Not ideal. Generally I like to learn to work on and do repairs myself if I am going to get into something new like this.


Is the KS 18xl decent off-road?  I was also considering the V11.  I think 40 mi would be the minimum range to make the wheel worthwhile for me.  

Though buying two wheels sounds nice, I can’t really justify it since I have yet to ever ride one.  

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2 minutes ago, goatman said:

dont know if ewheels honors its warranty when it gets resold

Historically eWheels does allow transfer of the warranty, but as always, ask first because nothing stays the same. You'll surely need documentation of the original sale so make certain that comes with the wheel!

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5 hours ago, amalakassogue said:

Is the KS 18xl decent off-road?  I was also considering the V11.  I think 40 mi would be the minimum range to make the wheel worthwhile for me.  

Nope 18xl is not a off-road wheel. It's a pavement cruiser. :) Anything off-road you need suspension.

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+1 for a suspension wheel. Unfortunately, New Mexico has some of the worst road quality in the US. Even driving those roads in a car is... unpleasant.

I ride my S18 for hours in 100+ temps here in Texas. Motor temp maxes out around 75C/167F which is (according to euc.world) about twice as hot as most S18 riders. Haven't had any issues..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just got back from a trail ride here on the S18 in Texas.. 1.5 hrs at 104F ambient temp. Lots of hills, stop and go on the trails and not much shade, so slow going.

Motor topped out at 90C, motherboard 55C. Wouldn't go any higher. According to the manual, max temp (tiltback) is at 120C/80C respectively on the S18.

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