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EUCs can be dangerous

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On 5/22/2024 at 9:02 AM, UniVehje said:

Good point. I counted only three direct rider errors there. All were head injuries and two without helmet. Only one rider error and with helmet. 
Keep your helmet on and ride on cycle ways and this hobby is pretty safe compared to how people perceive it. 

If one rides defensively it pretty safe regardless; the perception of it being unsafe a product of many members of the EUC community declaring it to be so as loudly as they can at every possible opportunity, as well as people riding in public dressed like accidents waiting to happen. In the early days this was not at all the case.

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9 hours ago, winterwheel said:

the perception of it being unsafe a product of many members of the EUC community

Just to be clear, I meant that people outside of our community regard EUC as unsafe very often. I judge this by the reactions they give. The usual is “I wouldn’t dare to ride that thing!” Just like climbing is a safe hobby while many regard it terrifying because of heights. But good point that in EUC community it’s pretty common to use more protective gear than even motorcyclists. 

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Posted (edited)

But it is unsafe.. Even climbing can go very horribly wrong in split second. Especially if it's "free" climbing..

Then again i'm one of those who don't use gear.. So it's especially unsafe for me. :D 


Unsafe - when it stops working MIDDLE OF RIDE! If euc works as it is intended and will never stop working middle of a ride - it's safe then. GUY's you need to explain in what matter you think it's unsafe/safe.. While riding i feel safe and have no problems. But i feel unsafe, when i know it can stop working, sending me in free fall.

If it works - it's safe.

If it stops working - it's unsafe.


Edited by Funky
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8 hours ago, Funky said:

If it works - it's safe.

Unless a boar suddenly jumps on the road! 🐗

Happened to me today. Thankfully, it missed me by a meter, but I'm sure @atdlzpae from at least a few alternative universes were forced to lithobrake.

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Posted (edited)

It is mostly safe, it just isn't FAILsafe ! Anyway, it's all relative - humans often choose to do unsafe things for excitement, amusement, entertainment or the general joy of it, and they presumably consider the risks well worth it, or they wouldn't continue !

I'm going shopping in high wind on my Master now - it'll probably be fine* - lols ;)

*I am aware that I might be laying a direct challenge to sods laws there. We'll see won't we ?!

Edited by Cerbera
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The shift in perceived safety that I feel between riding my EUC and then riding my motorcycle is about the same as
the shift in perceived safety that I feel between riding my motorcycle and then driving my car.

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Safety very much depends on the rider. I remember when folks in my apartments used to be terrified of me on my EUC, but now they have grown used to me and they insist on their own right of way now because they know I'm extremely maneuverable. I don't feel safe riding faster than 15-20 mph because if I crashed at higher speed then I wouldn't be able to run it out.

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Every potential sport we engage in has inherent danger.
We have hyper-scooters that will go upwards to 60mph.
No matter which gears you deploy, the rider is responsible for "riding defensively and responsibly," as most fatal accidents involve automobiles.
That said, we love EUCs because they produce adrenalin and dopamine. We will always push the boundaries.
As stated above, we have a Nami Burn E2 max that would go upwards to 50mph with my fat ass on it.
However, I rarely go over 45mph as it's pretty frightening.
I think there is a balance between fun and safety.

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