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Kingsong S20/S22 (Confirmed)


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21 minutes ago, supercurio said:


The wheel travelled without being ridden approximately 10.5km near the beginning. Maybe in a car, tram or bus.

Actually, I think it means bluetooth connection to the EUC was lost during that time. Speeds are still EUC speeds, and the path moves along sidewalks where other vehicles can't go...

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yeah, bluetooth issue. There's a 30 minute break they took in the park... when they arrived, no wheel data. (roughly) 30 minutes later they left from the same spot with wheel data being collected. First logged voltage when they resumed is 122.9V. (zoom the map in, then hover over the route and a pop-up shows the data at that point)

I wonder if being at the NW end of PDX might have had something to do with loss of BT?

Edited by Tawpie
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45 minutes ago, RagingGrandpa said:

Actually, I think it means bluetooth connection to the EUC was lost during that time. Speeds are still EUC speeds, and the path moves along sidewalks where other vehicles can't go...

That's what I initially thought as well: lost bluetooth connection.
Then as @Rawnei pointed out it was not ridden, I looked at the voltage and temps.

Voltage would have gone down, and temps would not be beyond ambient (same as the very beginning)

Edit: probably wrong theory as discussed later

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Just now, Tawpie said:

yeah, bluetooth issue. There's a 30 minute break they took in the park... when they arrived, no wheel data. (roughly) 30 minutes later they left from the same spot with wheel data being collected. First logged voltage when they resumed is 122.9V. (zoom the map in, then hover over the route and a pop-up shows the data at that point)

Huh? It's 10km GPS changing location but no data from wheel, look again, and voltage looks very similar before and after that 10km gap.

15 minutes ago, RagingGrandpa said:

Actually, I think it means bluetooth connection to the EUC was lost during that time. Speeds are still EUC speeds, and the path moves along sidewalks where other vehicles can't go...

10km of bluetooth issue? I don't find that plausible. :)

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6 minutes ago, Tawpie said:

BTW, on EUCWorld's webpage there is a Preferences menu at the top. Choose Chart Scale > Time and it'll plot the X axis as time rather than distance.


Yes sure, and look at 11:20AM for example.

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1 hour ago, supercurio said:

Rev Rides was kind enough to publish the EUC World tour recording on their low-speed long-range range test :)

Let's look at it !


Useful info to keep in mind:

Battery starts at 125v.

The current tilt back is at 95v (3.15v per cell)

Other kingsongs use battery until 3.0v

Lowest voltage dipped at 86v (2.876v per cell)

Ian cut out at walking speed was at 82,65v (2.755v per cell)

Cell values are average of all cells, there might be cells that are higher or lower. Its nice that we can monitor this in the future.

The battery cells themselves will cut off at 2.5v

At the end no load voltage seems to be around 100.6v, so still some juice left.

17.7 Wh/km AVG
1,598.7 Wh TOTAL

Seems spot on with what @mrelwood sair earlier and taking into account the missing 10km. 


About the time skip. Before seems to be around 124v middle there is a blip of info 123v and after 122v. Seems right too.






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Yes @Tawpie when looking at the the recording with Chart Scale being set to Time instead of Distance, it tells this:

1.78km, 24℃, 124V
~12km, 15℃, 123V

1V for 10km? Maybe.

At that point, voltage goes down to 122.2V, despite not being ridden. Is it smoothed by @Seba's EUC World, or did the app re-connect to the other S20?
Maybe they tried each other wheels which could explain the loss of BT connection.

@Rolzi guessing the energy estimates are wrong: both AVG and TOTAL seem low.


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1 minute ago, Rolzi said:

Battery starts at 125.5v same voltage that was recently measured by WrongWay.

This should be due to charger. The pre-production unit has charger that does not actually provide full 126V (125.5V), it was stated, that it will be be changed to another model. (pre-production charger was same manufactor as gotway used..)

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20 minutes ago, supercurio said:

@Rolzi guessing the energy estimates are wrong: both AVG and TOTAL are too low.

Add the missing section and the used Wh is around 1800.

Lets say there is maybe around 200 Wh still usable energy in the battery. 

Then take what @mrelwood said about not being able to use the 100% Wh of the pack anyway (stopping usage at 3.15v versus 2.5v per cell that is what the calculated 2200wh is from)

Edit: Also please don't try to compare the earlier Wh/km to these values. The other values are stricly calculated with the maximum cell usage, speed and time. These values are straight from what the wheel reports. So the values are not comparable (exactly for the reasons @mrelwoodstated).

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7 minutes ago, supercurio said:

Maybe they tried each other wheels which could explain the loss of BT connection.

Who knows. I wasn't there and to me, everyone else's range tests are "for indication only". I'm gonna get well over the 40ish miles I get on my S18 and that's what I'm concerned about (I really only wanted an S18XL). I darn well better get further than Ian did, if not there will be a slightly used batch 1 S20 for sale... and I'll be able to deliver it the instant the cash hits my palm. And is counted. :P

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About the BT connection.

Right now i have Bluetooth headphones in my helmet.

I have a problem where both the wheel and the headphones will disconnect at the same time.

Headphones will connect back immediately but i have to go manually connect the wheel back in EUC world. I haven't waited if the wheel connects back automatically after a longer time.

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1 minute ago, Rolzi said:

Headphones will connect back immediately but i have to go manually connect the wheel back in EUC world.

Remember the heartbeat feature that @Seba just added? I think it's because getting disconnected from the wheel is common enough to be an 'issue', and that it doesn't automatically reconnect (it may be using a data profile that doesn't support auto reconnect... the audio profile certainly does but I haven't looked at the BT profiles in a very long time so I don't know if data connections are different).

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Good discussion on the data and thanks for the correction :D
I hope we'll get a comparative range test soon, with a S20, and 16X/18XL/V11 riding together, for less (or more!) speculation.

@Rolzi wheel data is over Bluetooth Low Energy and headphones is Bluetooth Classic.
Both are pretty different technologies although handled by the same chipset, and software stack to some extend. It sound like an issue with your phone software, hopefully will be solved in an update.
EUC World should re-connect automatically to the wheel, as long as Bluetooth is not switched off entirely in your phone settings.

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3 minutes ago, Paul A said:

As mentioned by members Rolzi and Tasku, if the charger used was only charging to 125.5V or less, the shortfall of 0.5V is quite significant.

Other testers reported between 124 and 124.5V, and this one starts at 125V (max at 125.4V was probably a regen peak during braking)

Hard to tell if the difference is in the chargers or mismatched calibration of the wheel's voltmeter or variation between chargers.
But that explains why some testers say they start at 96%, some others at 94%.

And yes maybe 1 to 2V lost when charging equals to 10-15km range missing in the end.

Edited by supercurio
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