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Help with understanding the EUC world gauge

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I've been using this fantastic app for a while now. A friend of mine asked me today — what do those orange dots mean? I realised I have no idea. Can anyone help me out/correct my understanding of the following labelled items:

  • A, D (three orange dots on the outside gauge) — are these the three speed alarms?
  • B (outer orange gauge) — current speed
  • C (inner green gauge, left hand side) — battery percentage, with green dots that show the maximum and minimum battery % during your ride
  • E (inner blue gauge, right hand side). also has two blue dots — no idea. Temperature maybe?
  • F (dark orange hashed area) — maximum speed? what does this represent?
  • G (linear scale, bottom of gauge, light green) — no idea. Lean angle?


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It would be really good to create a simple user guide/wiki on this app - it is always evolving (thank you @Seba for  your amazing work). It is great, but it is also complex. There are other areas of the app that I also do not understand, such as the options around the speed alarms. What does it mean to alter the priority of the alarm in the middle of the list?

Is there a wiki for the app?  I have searched, nothing much useful comes up. Even Adam's video he mentions a few things he doesn't seem that confident about.

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Actually i don't know what some of these are myself and i use the app everytime with my wheel.

And the alarms confused me too with relation to priority. I have just set them and just let the wheel free spin to make sure the alarms are working at what i set them and then just leave them. 

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I just checked my app and i don't have the bar (G) 

(D) seems to be max speed.

(A) seems to be average speed. 

(F) I have never seen! 

(E) Is tempertaure. No idea what the dots are, although high and low seems resonable guesses like you pointed out. 

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9 hours ago, NickNonsense said:

Actually i don't know what some of these are myself and i use the app everytime with my wheel.

Exactly! I wonder if the author needs any help with UX and UI design? Is it a community project or a closed-source initiative? I'm willing to contribute (as it is my job and I'm quite experienced at it) though this is not the point of my post at all.

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The first two 'A' dots are average journey speed and average riding speed (average speed in motion).

The rest has been said already, apart from F which I am unsure about. I think it's something to do with speed limits...? Not sure, I have never seen it either...

Edit: maybe tilt back speed setting (which I have never used)..

Edited by Planemo
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1 hour ago, DKMotion said:

I don't have G on my Veteran Sherman. Am I doing something wrong?

This information is not available for Veteran and Gotway/Begode wheels.

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14 hours ago, Seba said:

A and D, from left to the right (always in this order) - average speed (including stops) as this is always lower, average riding speed (in motion only) and max speed. Usually you will see three dots as described, but you may see two (or one, or none) if any of three values is less than 5 kph

B - current speed

C - battery, with dots representing min and max value recorded during app runtime

E - EUC temperature, which may correspond to different locations (mainboard temperature in Gotway/Begode/Veteran wheels or MOSFET temperature in King Song, Ninebot or Inmotion wheels)

F - current speed limit imposed by EUC mainboard (only available in King Songs, Inmotion V11 and Sherman)

G - energy consumption and average energy consumption (dot)

There also may be another yellow bargraph displayed above odometer if you set any of current alarms - a relative load indicator. It will show you how big is the battery current (or motor phase current in case of Gotway/Begode/Veteran) in relation of largest of current alarms. For example, if you set current alarm to 100 A and actual current will be 50 A, bargraph will display 50 % of full scale. You can also see one or two dots - one yellow and optionally one blue. Yellow one will show max discharge load, blue is showing max regenerative (braking) load. Regen load is not available in Gotway/Begode/Veteran wheels.

Thanks @Seba — this is super helpful. Would you be up for doing a video on your youtube channel to talk through the app overall then into the specific features. It would be great to get a better understanding of how the alarms work with all the various options.

Thank you

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4 minutes ago, Seba said:

This information is not available for Veteran and Gotway/Begode wheels.

I comped together a couple of screenshots so that everything was in view — I must have taken one screenshot when riding my S18, and another from my Sherman.

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6 hours ago, Seba said:

This information is not available for Veteran and Gotway/Begode wheels.

Ok, that's a pity. Is it that the wheel doesn't provide the information? I would think it can be calculated from how many W(hatt) is used divided by kilometers?

Could it be done @Seba?

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On 2/26/2021 at 7:16 PM, Seba said:

Gotway/Begode and Veteran wheels doesn't report DC/battery current but motor phase current. Power displayed by EUC World or any other app is derived from this phase current and is an arbitrary value that may only be used to estimate wheel load/output, but doesn't represent real power and can't be used for energy metering

Thanks Seba for clearing this up!

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