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Any riding tips for better experiences?

Tony Whereisone

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Just got my first wheel the KS16X a week ago which I’ve now already done 300km on it commuting to my office and cruising around city at 3am. It’s now the only thing that I look forward to do everyday. The more time spend on this wheel the more it feels right.

Thanks to you all and the great community of EUC. I feel like this is a hobby that we can truly share our experience and knowledge together by 100%. The more we know the more fun and the safer we are. 

Just discovered that if I have my feet not parallel together (so one is on the top of the peddle another is on the back) then I can increase the wobble control by A LOT and also to be honest it feels pretty cool since it look like I’m  riding sideway.

What is your style of riding ? any tips that we can try for a better riding experiences? any gadget or equipment?  would love to know 😊🙏

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Sounds like a great start. First you need to get your feet to work together, then you need to learn to drive with either foot. The easiest way to learn this is to carve. Carving will increase your skills quicker than anything else.  You are shifting the responsibility from one foot to the other while learning the feedback of the wheel. Best of luck and stay safe. 

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Gadgets? Don't get these people (self included) started.

But I'll start anyway with my must-have list...

Pebble watch from eBay + EUC World gives you a speedometer on your wrist which is way excellent. Full instructions for install of the helper app on the Pebble are available. Be sure to pay for premium on EUC World, it's well worth it. @Seba is an active participant on the forum and really does a nice job with it, plus you get AVAS "just for fun". There are options to the pebble like full Android "watches" as well as some side projects for oddball watches.

Black crow stand, @RockyTop will hook you right up.

Roll.nz cover. Helps a lot with preserving your wheel from drops and crashes and very importantly, solves the 16X's slippery sides problem. Makes it impossible to use Clark pads though, other jump pads (Kuji style) can fit underneath the bodyguard but look a bit silly.

And of course as much body padding as you desire, one can go a bit crazy on that front.

You might want to think about a rain cover (showercap), getting caught in heavy rain isn't a good thing for the 16X. The roll.nz helps some, but this wheel isn't water proof by any stretch of the imagination. It's fine on wet roads after the rain stops, just don't go through deep puddles.

Edited by Tawpie
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I know for me, that when I started to carve it became way more fun to ride my EUC.  And ear buds inside my helmet put music there was fun to carve too.  I have the galaxy ear buds that can be set to let you hear ambient sounds around you, which I feel is safer.  As you get better, you can ditch some of the protective gear like elbow pads or knee pads when you know your not working on a new skill and only going under 20 kph for a trip.  Now its also fun to take our trash on my EUC its about 200 meters between my apartment and the dumpster.  Walking my dog on the EUC another fun thing we just started working on.  I have two dogs, one likes to run behind the EUC and the other likes to cut in front of me, which is a big challenge.  The EUC is super addictive and I have started to just put it in the boot of the car when going places now, so when I have some time to wait or a parking lot in front of me I have something fun to play with.  A 360 action cam is amazing to record your adventures on the EUC and they have some somewhat down in price. 

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Street clothes and a warm day is all the gear I need. I ride mostly evenly on the pedals a little to the front. Im trying to keep it this way so that my power pads feel more centered. THo I also tend to move around on the plates anyhow. On the mten, I just ride however I feel like it, no agenda, no worries. The best experience I find, is when I'm unaware of the wheel and the gadgetry, with my hair in the wind, cigarette in my mouth, music in my ears and heaven's gates in my sights. Less is definitely more!

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8 minutes ago, ShanesPlanet said:

heaven's gates in my sights

Ah now come on Shane, surely that should have read: "Hell's gates" in your case!!??;)

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5 hours ago, ShanesPlanet said:

Nope, Hell's gates in my rear view, but gaining on me every mile  :o

Getting closer Shane!:P 



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