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61 year old guy...from Portugal - day #1

Paulo Mesquita

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18 minutes ago, scubadragosan said:

I am 61. Learned EUC 3 years ago. My wife 68, learned at 65. Is this any boost of confidence for you? Hope so...Hope we'll keep riding til drop dead!

It was an extraordinary boost of confidence with only 30 minutes of effort sweat and pain. I'm sitting on the couch right now, totally beat, but waiting with expectancy for tomorrow to go for another round.

It totally made me feel more confident, capable, determined and strong. 

But most of all... Free! And I was only wobbling for 5 meters. I can only imagine when I can ride for a few miles!!! 

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7 hours ago, Paulo Mesquita said:

It was an extraordinary boost of confidence with only 30 minutes of effort sweat and pain. I'm sitting on the couch right now, totally beat, but waiting with expectancy for tomorrow to go for another round.

It totally made me feel more confident, capable, determined and strong. 

But most of all... Free! And I was only wobbling for 5 meters. I can only imagine when I can ride for a few miles!!! 

For me, it had been so long since I had learned something new that the fall I had on day one where I scraped up more forearm was refreshing, and inspiring, rather than a setback.

The strength and confidence will continue to grow until eventually you're riding way faster, and with more confidence, than you ever thought possible.

Take your time though. I didn't train every day and often had a couple recovery days in between (an old dude thing) but still progressed very quickly. I now cruise in traffic, on local bike trails etc at 30 km/h and above and feel safe doing so. One of the more enjoyable things is the ability to slow right down and to nimbly navigate through people walking without being as imposing as those on bikes. Then, zooooommmmm, once I'm free of the foot traffic I'm sailing again!!

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I should add, try to think about maintaining an upright posture as soon as you're able i.e. once you get past wobbling and start to roll.

There is value in leaning forward as an advanced rider when accelerating hard but all the way up to that point you should be focused on an upright and vertical posture, leaving the wheel to do the work of accelerating and slowing down rather than trying to influence this by bending over in at the waist or mid back. It's a small tilt forward of your entire body on the vertical plane from an upright position that will move you forward, everything else is wasted energy.

Edited by UniMe
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7 hours ago, UniMe said:

I should add, try to think about maintaining an upright posture as soon as you're able i.e. once you get past wobbling and start to roll.

There is value in leaning forward as an advanced rider when accelerating hard but all the way up to that point you should be focused on an upright and vertical posture, leaving the wheel to do the work of accelerating and slowing down rather than trying to influence this by bending over in at the waist or mid back. It's a small tilt forward of your entire body on the vertical plane from an upright position that will move you forward, everything else is wasted energy.

yes my friend, that is the plan...now I just need the confidence :-)

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9 hours ago, ShanesPlanet said:

....30 mins a day, 2 weeks TOPS and the leg bruises, calf pain and all those wierd noises from places you didnt know existed in the human body... just a memory....

I plan to do that. In about half an hour from now I'll be on the saddle again.... and then later in the afternoon once more.

...The only thing i see is that you are doing everything right but doubting yourself. Knees bent, eyes forward, slow pace, determination and patience. 

I know that it's all about confidence. Sometimes I went onto the EUC that it felt natural and was able to go a few meters. On others it just felt something was wrong right from the 1st second...and I fell off. One thing I've noticed: my walk on the ground is like I'm 20 years younger!!! It must be the muscle memory kicking in along with the strength.


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I can swear for you...   "hurts like a BITCH!!!"B). Kinda reminds you that you're still alive tho, doesnt it? Just think, since you are having so much fun, you're becomign physically conditioned and hardly even notice. I bet if you had worked this hard at something you didnt enjoy, you'd be bitching about soreness by now.   You dont need no stinkin wall! Get away from that crutch and GO FOR IT! The difference between 12 meters and 1200 meters, is mostly in your mind. I bet you do fine until your focus shifts and you start to second guess wtf is happening. FInd an open parking lot or basketball court. Without any references or things to worry avoid, I bet youd ride/ride/ride before you even realized how far you've gone w/o falling. Speed is your friend, just like when riding a bicycle. Grats on the progress! The real question is... do you feel younger or older? After lots of exercise the previous day, I always feeel older. Isnt odd how this isnt the case with the euc. Seriously, you look damn stable on that short vid. Your problem is you havent room to take advantage and just keep fukn rollin! Find some open spaces, start out right in the damn middle. No obstacles or crutches ftw! Havent you noticved how you gotta piss SO MUCH WORSE, when you are almost to the bathroom? Its all in your mind and not in your ability. Quit thinking so much, get some room and fly little birdy fly!!!

Edited by ShanesPlanet
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On 1/29/2021 at 7:39 PM, ShanesPlanet said:

Quit thinking so much, get some room and fly little birdy fly!!!

Hahaha... You're quite inspiring, my friend. Actually, it's raining out, but I was planning on going to a stretch of asphalt on my condo with about 50 meters. So I had to limit myself to the 12mt pateo. But your right, once I do a good run, the pateo starts to feel short. 

One good thing about it is that I've been training to break quite well and then get off fast while griping the KS handle... Right before crashing and smashing on off the 12 plant pots my wife has in the pateo... 😁😁😁

Breaking sãs very easy for me to learn and today I stood a lot more straight up. 

On one of the 12mt rides I went up to the warp speed of 10, 7 km/h 🤣🤣🤣🤣... Totally hallucinating and radical... Hussein Bolt style!!! 😂😂😂😂


Edited by Paulo Mesquita
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time for the grassy field and to start going for distance! at 10km/h the wheel will start to stabilize, I had my beeper set at 17kph for a long time. At 17 I can still run forward off the wheel if I need to step off. Once it clicks you'll start doing 50 meter runs, or more, very soon.  

When you hit the grass I would suggest discontinuing trying to grab the wheel, it's more important that you learn to step off and save yourself. As you get going a bit faster reaching down to save the wheel will all but guarantee you will lose your balance and fall to the ground. I always grab it for a controlled stop but when learning on the field I stepped off and let the wheel crash on it's own dozens of times. The KS wheels are tougher than you might thing, especially if you already have a cover for it and are riding on grass.

Edited by UniMe
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40 minutes ago, UniMe said:

let the wheel crash on it's own

absolutely. Don't try to grab it, it'll be fine. Especially with the Roll.nz. I promise. The bottom of your pedals will get scraped up pretty good but if the cosmetics bother you, replacement pedals are fairly cheap once you're not dropping the wheel as often. @ShanesPlanet would say "knock the new off of it"!

When I was getting up the courage to leave the parking lot I had to go between some bollards to a slight downhill. Probably took a dozen times of "get going, go straight, aim, wheel is heading toward the bollard, panic, jump off abandon wheel and run it out, wheel crashes, sometimes end over end down the little slope on the pavement, a couple of times into the bollard, pick up wheel, trolly to the parking lot, repeat". Didn't bother the wheel at all. Or the cover surprisingly!

Edited by Tawpie
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23 minutes ago, Tawpie said:

absolutely. Don't try to grab it, it'll be fine. Especially with the cover. I promise. The bottom of your pedals will get scraped up pretty good but if the cosmetics bother you, replacement pedals are fairly cheap once you're not dropping the wheel as often. @ShanesPlanet would say "knock the new off of it"!

THIS! If you are above walking speed, dont try to grab the wheel, unless its to save an unsuspecting bystander. Of course when you stop and bobble as all us newbies do, grab it. But if you bail and have to run it out, don't concern yourself with a grab. I did that ONCE as a car approached and my wheel aimed for a deep ditch. I jumped off at what i thought was walking speed (oh yeah, youll totally underestimate your speed soon enough) and was actually running. I did grab the wheel, but sprained my shoulder just a wee bit. It could have been worse. Even the baby mten gets more of a "swat the hell away from me you dancing bastard" than a grab at walking speed sometimes. Hell, I step off and get away fromt the mten and let it fall, usually.  Its just too much hassle to bend over (yeah, im lazy like that). IN grass, its a no brainer, especially with a rollNZ cover. As for 'knocking the new off it" so you can enjoy it. Yeah, easier said than done. I'm still waiting to christen me ole sherman with a hella dent or at least a scuff even. Im half assed ansy to get it over with, but I'm also a maintenance freak and hate seeing damages... Meh, we didnt buy em to look at so, that tilts the scales. Save yourself and set the wheel free! Riding in grass is fun, just keep those knees very bent, as you wont spot bumps easily. Higher speed=no grass..... not so much a newbie practice idea. Slow speed is not bad. Whatever it takes to give you the cajones to keep trying/going... do THAT! Trust me, it wont be long before you dont worry about jumping off it much at all. I KNOW I'm gna eat shit someday (prolly soon), but its no longer just a routine thing. A responsible rider could go 1000's of miles and never have to bail at speed. Scraped pedals and lack of chicken strips are a right of passage. Nothing some cheap krylon cant fix either. I quit bothering... scrapes on pedals are boss!

Edited by ShanesPlanet
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11 hours ago, UniMe said:

...time for the grassy field...

I'm going to give it a try but the grass here is quite wild and irregular. Don't know yet how it will go because it's also been raining.

...discontinuing trying to grab the wheel, it's more important that you learn to step off and save yourself. ......

I definitely intend to let go off the handle and just step off. I just did that in the pateo because the wrath of my wife, if broke her plant pots...would be a lot worse!!! Something like falling of a cliff riding an EUC!!!!


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10 hours ago, ShanesPlanet said:

... if you are above walking speed, dont try to grab the wheel.....

... Its just too much hassle to bend over

....Scraped pedals and lack of chicken strips are a right of passage. 

 Shane, I don't intend AT ALL to grab the wheel at a higher speed. I was just able to grab it most of the times in the pateo, due to the low speed and due to the fact that at these speeds, at most times,  I actually am able to brake easily dismount and grab the handle...without smashing the wife's plant pots (very important personal safety measure).

Bending over to grab the handle has actually been a bit painful but in the sense that my lower back muscles aren't used to that ( a bit like the Rollerblade/ice hockey position) so there are a few, but welcome new back muscle pains.

As for scraped pedals, they already have their baptism. So do some of the condo's freshly painted walls :D:D:D

I don't know if some of you have done gym spinning classes. Well, my body feel like the same muscle pains and tiredness then when... many years ago in my 40's I did spinning classes. I'm totally bushed!

But once I finish writing these lines, I''ll be back on the beast in about half an hour!!!

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Day #3!

Still weird weather. Still very tired from yesterday's 45 minute session. But couldn't wait...so before lunch I went out again. The results:

1) tried the grass track in the condo. Forget it. Its so irregular in growth, bumpy and full unlevelled patches I couldn't go more the 1mt. My grass just sucks!!!

2) Still not warmed up (and yesterday's extra effort was having a strong influence on my muscle fatigue) I went back to the pateo to warm up with some of the basic exercises. It got better to a point where I was able to do a 12mt stretch with a 13km/h top speed and didn't crash.

3) feeling more confident and muscle warmed up I went to the long asphalt road outside at the rear of the condo  (still private property and next to the bad grass I tried before) after a few attempts and one hard fall on the gravel pebbles that left me laughing while laying on my back (no harm done...the protective gear did its job), ...I was able to do a 40mt stretch (almost 4x my usual 12mts in the pateo)...and braked and dismounted successfully at the end.

4) after 33 minutes of extreme tiredness I went back home, ungeared, had a tasty Pita Shwarma with garlic sauce and a bowl of chocolate icecream...as a reward :rolleyes:


- When I mount the EUC i still can't manage with that little wall touch. When I try I usually don't set the second foot (right one) properly and compromises my entire riding position, ending usually in a fall or very short ride. GOT TO FOCUS ON CORRECTING THIS!!!

- my failed rides are getting less short :-). GOOD SIGN

- One of the control problems I have when mounting is that I don't pressure the inner side om my right leg as strongly as the left ( and guiding leg) against the EUC. This creates an immediate starting unbalance that tends the wheel to go left immediately at start. As proof of this, the inner side of my left shin hurts a lot more right now than its right twin sister. GOT TO FOCUS ON CORRECTING THIS!!!

- I notice that my most comfortable, controllable and confident position for the boots on the pedals, is when the heel matches the rear end of the pedal: IS THIS OK?... @ShanesPlanet and other experienced teachers here? 

So I did a 40mt stretch a 13km/h max speed and a nasty fall on on the asphalt gravel. Great for a 3rd day!!! Can't wait for tomorrow!!!!


Edited by Paulo Mesquita
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my $.02.  Bend the knee of the leg thats on the euc, while you stand and mount. Bend the euc leg  inwards a little more than you'd think and prehaps the leverage against that leg will help you stay cenetered as you mount. Don't get to worried, mounting is one of those thigns that if you get it at all, its good. Over time, it will just become second nature.... i hope :)  Yeah, if the grass is bad, its just plain bad. Pavement for you it is!! I typically have my feet where the balls are nearer the front. However, you will adjust them as you ride, depending on the situation. DOnt worry, for now , adjusting while riding will be a bit much. Youll learn to leverage a leg against the wheel while micro adjusting the other foot. SOmetimes a little pretend hop to reduce your foot planted wieght could help. But for now... put those feet wherever it feels best. Some riders ride towards the back, some towards the middle and some off the front. During a long mountain downhill ride, youl learn to move the feet a little more back, but for now, just focus on getting them both on the damn thing!  Congrats on teh sore muscles. Looking forwards to hearing even more progress.

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3 hours ago, ShanesPlanet said:

...Bend the knee of the leg thats on the euc, while you stand and mount. Bend the euc leg  inwards a little more than you'd think and prehaps the leverage against that leg will help you stay cenetered as you mount.  I do that a lot since the 1st attempt (saw a great YT video on it) and sometimes I don't even need more that a finger on the wall when mounting due to on that attempt having got the perfect knee bent angle to compensate the "arrival" of the second foot.

...Don't get to worried, mounting is one of those things that if you get it at all, its good. I'll get it for sure...I'm quite OCD with certain things, and learning something new is one of them...Just as an example, I'm a hardcore Assassins Creed gamer on the PS (now the PS5...I actually was the 1st person in Europe in buying the 1st PS the week it came out in Japan...I finished the 1st Tomb raider and no one had even hear of Lara Croft), I've played all the AC's games and one thing that I'm totally OCD...is getting all the hidden treasures, finding all the enemies, fighting all the battles and collecting all the artefacts. I literally wipe out all the Assassin Creed games of all the goodies and easter eggs. Another example: when I was 49 and was unemployed for the 1st time. I learned in 3 year to become an amateur astronomer and astrophotographer and also became the world's biggest dealer in used astronomy gear all over the world....So you can imagine how obsessed I am in learning to ride the beast...:D

...the grass is bad, its just plain bad. Pavement for you it is!!

...Yep, that was my conclusion. However, I'm still thinking on finding a bigger open space (skate ring, basketball court etc to improve turning and speed. The problem is that with the  Covid highest restrictions in Portugal I can be fined if I don't comply with the strict rules. Have to be careful!!! 

...SOmetimes a little pretend hop to reduce your foot planted weight could help.

....I do that frequently since day one. it was instinctive to adjust the right foot better.

...During a long mountain downhill ride,

I assume that it's for better braking due to the steep incline?

...sore muscles. 

They are VERY SORE!!!!


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Well done, it seems you're problem solving and figuring most things out on your own.

Regarding the initial mount, lots of people (including me) use a 'skateboard launch'. Basically, you leave your dominant foot on the wheel and the foot on the ground pushes you forward like you're riding a skateboard. A couple pushes with the foot on the ground will get you moving forward fast enough that enough stability generates in the wheel that you can then just 'hop on' with the other foot. 2 or three pushes isn't uncommon, with some practice it gets down to just one push off - this is actually my preferred launch at this point and I use it all the time.

Recovery is also important... don't worry, you won't forget what you have already learned. Having a fresh body and time for the various bumps and bruises to heal will help you go harder and may help you learn faster in terms the overall time it takes you on the wheel to gain skills.

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