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EUC comparison website

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Nice! I like the quick links at the bottom like "What's the fastest", very useful.

This brings to mind's @AtlasP's excellent overview spreadsheet. You can find a ton of data there.

Direct link: https://onedrive.live.com/view.aspx?resid=5C7F7C96B9CB240D!453580&ithint=file%2cxlsx&authkey=!AH72KLYXambSLHc

Edited by meepmeepmayer
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When I was considering making it, I thought of making a comparator, that would do side-by-side for up to n models you could select, for example 16x vs nikola 84v 1600wh vs nikola 100v 1800wh for example.

Similar to eWheels' comparison charts, but dynamic/data-driven



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@Blueblade Curious, what did you write this in? It's written in PHP and MySQL. It's definitely not specific to EUC's but more of a generic tool to show any database on the web. I have quite a few projects on the go at any time and yesterday felt like having another go at this one. I just created a few tables and then told it how to display the data.

"I thought of making a comparator" - in this one you just click on the EUC's you're interested in and then hit the compare button. I intend to get rid of data that's common across all the items you're comparing as that would make it easier to see the differences. I would also like to add a more complex search function so you could perhaps search for EUC's that will take a given rider weight and cost less than so many $$$ or perhaps the rand and speed are within certain criteria.

AtlasP's excellent overview spreadsheet - may I use some of the data from your spreadsheet? Obviously anyone can insert data for an EUC using my tool but I guess it helps if I add a few more.

@meepmeepmayer I like the quick links at the bottom like "What's the fastest", very useful - it doesn't take me long to add these things. I was think of adding others to show best off road EUC but trying to do it pro grammatically ie larger wheels good, more power good but more weight bad. If anyone has any thoughts then I'll happily add reports such as the best commuter or best long distance machine. I'd prefer not to mention machines by name but rather let the program guess by looking at the data.

If anyone wants to add new EUC's then please feel free, just hit insert, enter the data and press confirm. If you're not sure what to put in then there's often hover text over the field name to help. I would be interested in what people think of the system and what would make it better. I've actually got a couple of pages worth of features I'd like to add but it would be nice to hear what people actually think. If you don't like it then I have no problem with that but please say why so I can improve the thing.


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4 minutes ago, mike_bike_kite said:

@Blueblade Curious, what did you write this in? It's written in PHP and MySQL.

"I thought of making a comparator" - in this one you just click on the EUC's you're interested in and then hit the compare button. I intend to get rid of data that's common across all the items you're comparing as that would make it easier to see the differences. I would also like to add a more complex search function so you could perhaps search for EUC's that will take a given rider weight and cost less than so many $$$ or perhaps the rand and speed are within certain criteria.

If anyone wants to add new EUC's then please feel free, just hit insert, enter the data and press confirm. If you're not sure what to put in then there's often hover text over the field name to help. I would be interested in what people think of the system and what would make it better. I've actually got a couple of pages worth of features I'd like to add but it would be nice to hear what people actually think. If you don't like it then I have no problem with that but please say why so I can improve the thing.


Nice, i was looking with a phone, so all it had was a bullet list of stats with none of the features you describe.  Full screen view, much different experience :-) nice!

I haven't coded in php before, pretty much only know a little asp.net/ms sql, which was how I was going to take a stab at it.

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On 11/15/2019 at 3:48 PM, mike_bike_kite said:

AtlasP's excellent overview spreadsheet - may I use some of the data from your spreadsheet? Obviously anyone can insert data for an EUC using my tool but I guess it helps if I add a few more.

@mike_bike_kite I really appreciate you asking and must confess I strongly prefer that you wouldn't.

All of my data has been manually sourced over countless hours from a combination of eWheels.com (who I prominently link right back to), manufacturer sites & documentation, and scouring forums/image searches for pictures of disassembled parts and stock chargers with specs printed on them. (To be clear, I don't use self-reported data from random forum posts or anything like that, only actual picture/video proof.) Conversely my spreadsheet currently contains no data pulled from any other or competing table/database/wiki project. I would strongly encourage you to follow similar principles for data acquisition.

All told I must have spent well over 50 hours working on it (honestly this number is likely even much higher but which people probably wouldn't believe if I said so) which I'm still always updating/tweaking/redoing parts of (in fact I was doing so /the very second/ I got the ping of my name being mentioned here :-p --as just in the last week I have made and been working on finishing a major overhaul). And I think it's a testament to my efforts and the unique value I have created (from methodology to presentation), that even with all the other online comparison tables/databases/wikis that exist (both those around a lot longer than mine and several that have cropped up since), increasingly mine is one that people are linking/referencing more and more in places like this (like @meepmeepmayer did here).

Ultimately I'm happy to answer questions about and discuss specs or the absolute mess that is the current state of both manufacturer documentation and most reseller listings. But I would prefer you not just copy/reuse my data set or any significant portion of it.

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Well, @mike_bike_kite, I am happy if you want to reuse the data from this spreadsheet:


After all, the truth should be spread as far and wide as possible :D

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  • 11 months later...

I like and think it's a great idea :)

It's is easy to use and offers all the basic specifications to allow wheel comparisons.

My only slight worry is the 'update data' option - I haven't used it, but is it open to anyone to update without someone checking the info to be correct? I think if updates aren't approved in some way then there is the potential for people to update with wrong information.

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I agree on the worry aspect but it's provided as a community database meaning people can update the info or add new wheels as they appear. I do take backups of the data so I can always go back to previous data. Nice things to add would be:

  • Users needing to provide an email address and password before being allowed to update the data.
  • I could also design it so I could role back changes by a particular user if it proves they make too many "mistakes". 
  • Having a better search function so you could look for all 3" wheels under say $2000.
  • I also wanted to store images locally to make everything faster and less chance images getting lost on the web.
  • A better design of the front page would also be nice so you might have a set of tiled images of different wheels or the improved search or other text and images.
  • What ever I do would have to be generic though as the system is designed to work with any database.
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  • 2 weeks later...

My point being

 Please don't see that as a condemnation. I fear your reaction was a negative response. Chillax.

I am in ore or your contribution because it has value.

 Many thanks.

My issue is in the minutiae.  Do you believe that an RS19" is scientifically less in speed than a smaller wheel of a lower release date?

The people are given to update. I think this therefore allows a level of of incongruity not akin to the original specifications.

Now, it may just be, that wheels prior of smaller diameter can produce a great acceleration... but... overall top speed.. Im not so sure. Ive owned a nikola plus and it never reached toip speed to me. ( Im biased, it was the wheel to deliver my worst and ultimate hospitalised  "hurt".

Forgive me my bias. but I am wiling to learn is all.

All the best...

Im a nice person, that doesn't get it right, all the time.

We may have a lot more in common than you think..



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I actually welcome a bit of criticism as it lets me know what to improve so feel free comment on anything - preferably on the web page rather than me - I'm well past the age where I'm going to change (or care) :)

I'm guessing you're talking about the fastest wheels report? That just lists the wheels with the fastest speeds as declared by the manufacturer. The data for the wheels is just entered by people so sometimes wheels are missing. I couldn't see the RS in there but feel free to insert it (it only takes a minute).


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  • 5 months later...

I've fixed any obvious omissions in the system. I'll also put in the details for the Kingsong S20 and Veteran Commander when they become available. If anyone has any ideas on different reports then just say. The prices change constantly so it's difficult to keep up but please say if you notice any data that's wrong.


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  • 6 months later...
On 11/15/2019 at 9:06 PM, mike_bike_kite said:

A while back I wrote a bit of software to display data on the web. I was bored today and had a shot at making it work with EUC data. I've only put in a few EUC's so far but anyone can add or change data  if they want. It's quite easy to change stuff around so say if anything else needs adding/changing or if different sorts of reports would be interesting. Any feedback on the tool in general would be welcome as it's one of my back burner projects.

EUC info


Can you share a csv of all the euc data for my new project, i'm building a faq for euc's.

Or even the db, i can ready all db files. Thank you

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6 hours ago, Lefteris said:

Can you share a csv of all the euc data for my new project, i'm building a faq for euc's.

Or even the db, i can ready all db files. Thank you

If it's a specific narrow view of the data then I'll get it for you or, if you want a specific report, than I'll happily build that report into the system. However, if you just want all the data, then I'll leave you to do your own scraping :)

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