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    Bonney Lake, WA
  • EUC
    Solowheel Glide 3

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  1. This thing looks and sounds awesome, love the rugged frame and tire. Now only if they can figure out some suspension for this thing, and maybe it would be the ultimate offroad wheel ever!
  2. Yes, Preston's vids sold me on a glide 3 too! And totally agree, hard pressed to find a funner thing to spend ~$900 on!
  3. Funny enough, a coworker/friend of mine crashed on a EUC, sustaining a wrist injury. When inquiring what happened, he told me he crashed on an electric unicycle. I was like, "on a what???" He explained it was a powered unicycle and i thought that wow that sounds incredibly dangerous! Then I got to googling and stumbled across V8/Glide 3 videos mostly from those 2 guys from Minnesota, and thought, wow those things look awesome, so I got to asking him more about them, and he mentioned it was one of the favorite purchases he made. The more I heard/found/read/watched, the more I wanted one. But also WEAR WRIST GUARDS AND A HELMET! Then I got that glide 3 and, yes, it was awesome and I am hooked!
  4. I would go out of my way to buy from eWheels vs anywhere else, at least being a USA resident myself. I have only seen positive things said about @Jason McNeil and his site/service on this forum. My purchase experience has been positive with eWheels/Jason as well.
  5. Yes it is! Months later and i still can't freemount or ride more than a few hundred yards!
  6. Really bummed they went under! Seemed to hold a lot of promise, then suddenly gone, like Cannondale dirt bikes!
  7. So I still have a long way to go. I can ride about 200 yards, then my legs start to get weak and i get wobbly and dismount just before i feel I will UPD if I don't (still very tense, tiring out quickly). I still can't free-mount. I have been riding off my patio into the lawn, too to get more uneven terrain practice. I do much better if its slightly downhill...uphills, i lose momentum up even slight slopes, and dips or roots always take me out! I'm not giving up though, I know I just have to get to the point of riding more relaxed/efficiently, but feels like I am hitting a bit of a plateau.
  8. Yeah I am not sure how well it would work. I do turn the manual one by pointing my knees in the direction I want to go, but it is more jerky- more abrupt twists right as the outside foot starts to pedal forward vs smoothly turning on a EUC, but I am also very inexperienced at the manual one still.
  9. Thanks! I can ride my pedal one now, but just barel-, pavement has to be perfect and I need a wall or something to start. I have dreams of muni'ing and giraffing next though once I get the basics down better!
  10. You know, you were *exactly* who I was thinking of when I made the comment about folks that ride standing on top of their wheel! 😁 Wow, 3 months, I haven't been brave enough to try it, but I had it in my mind it probably wouldn't be that difficult to learn. I am sure I'm wrong! I will definitely post back with results if/when I actually make/try it...
  11. Yeah, i'm not talking small pedals, but a toothed metal grate kind of pedal like those on dirt bikes, that is EUC-sized. Solid footing when wet or muddy, that doesn't wear or clog like sandpaper, and that mud and dirt just falls through. Would just have to be mindful of designing it such that it wouldn't destroy shoe soles and or pose a significant injury risk during crashes.
  12. I'd like to see a purpose-built offroad model! Suspension, knobby tire, rugged to take lots of falls, waterproof, footpeg-style pedals , and powerful- eating up roots, rocks, and launching over jumps if you want.-- a one wheeled dirt bike if you will. Maybe KTM can do it some day...
  13. So I have this wacky idea I have been thinking about, especially after recently getting into (learning) to ride a pedal unicycle. I have also had a long time desire to learn to weld, and recently got a new 220A mig/wire/stick welder to do it with. So my idea is to make a frame resembling a manual unicycle frame including adjustable seatpost with saddle up top, but that in place of the pedals and wheel, the frame (forks) would be wide enough to fit over an EUC and pin to the EUC pedal mounts after removing the EUC pedals. I was thinking of instead welding foot platforms higher up on the fork legs, perhaps at about the height of the top the EUC (similar height to those folks who ride standing on top of their EUC). Not sure if it would work, but it could possibly be a fun project to build and to learn to ride on. A taller inverted pendulum is easier to balance in theory, and this would also provide the option for seated riding. Anyone else ever try making something like this?
  14. I'm hoping they figure out how to make a 1 wheeled motocrosser- powerful like an Alta with suspension and a true knobby, able to send you sailing through the air over a double jump 😁
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