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Exploration of the Zavidovo - Konakovo - Dubna route | 100 km of unforgettable experiences
Join our thrilling electric unicycle trip! Expect breathtaking landscapes and wonderful company. This true adventure will provide you with numerous vivid impressions and positive emotions.



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On 7/5/2024 at 9:03 AM, Forwardnbak said:


Sorry to hear about your injury.  No wheel is better than its tire.  Off road like that you need a real knobby. 

Like this Shinko 525 I have on my S22.  

Or if you're on a 12" rim, the Geomax MX53 is good too!


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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, The Brahan Seer said:

This is an interesting predicament, makes me think that taking a rope on some trails might be worth doing...

Oh god - I've had nightmares about ending up like that. And not helped by that film I saw the other day either !

But surely once the wheel has stopped and is on its side, even quite precariously, gotta be worth unhooking the tether to get out yourself, no ?

I appreciate the guy looks hurt, but what I'd be trying to do was transfer the tether from me to the nearest tree or solid root !


Edited by Cerbera
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Posted (edited)
Just now, Punxatawneyjoe said:

This is yet another reason why it's not a great idea to tether yourself to your EUC.

OR the BEST reason, in that it has saved his wheel from tumbling all the way to the bottom of the gorge and probably killing itself on the way down ? And now he has something to ride home on... if he feels up to it of course !

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Just now, Cerbera said:

OR the BEST reason

And if it had successfully dragged him down with it? Thank god a hiker was nearby to help otherwise it doesn't seem like he would have lasted much longer without it. A wheel is not worth your life, I've seen them tumble down the paved road at 50mph without ruining it, in the woods it probably wouldn't have had a scratch on it.

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Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, Punxatawneyjoe said:

And if it had successfully dragged him down with it?

I think that is unlikely. I've seen video of this sort of situation a few times, and although the riders do usually end up in precarious or 'un-ideal' positions, I haven't seen a single one go all the way down a slope. Either him or the wheel are gonna catch on something on the way down. The great thing about forest cliffs is that they are usually covered in vegetation to grab on the way down, and then hold on to while you carefully manoeuvre.

TBH, I don't think I would let myself get into that situation. I would have chickened out of riding that section for example, which looked way too narrow / sketchy (to me) for a big heavy wheel.

Edited by Cerbera
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The E20 Opens the World of EUCs to the People!

{edit+} Some perspective:  

With over 7000 miles and 5 years riding the E20 requires an adaptation like any wheel does.  What's odd about the E20 isn't so hard... going through it...

1. Step on/off - like the exercise some NOOBs use.  On this double-wheel it works the same.  The trick is to tip the E20 onto the closer wheel and step-on-mount (stationary at 1st is fine).   Without tilting onto the closer wheel, the E20 is very difficult to mount and no regular wheels mount like that.  But with the tilt, the motion is the same as the rest.

2. Very very slow - has the double wheels making it ridable for NOOBs.  For advanced riders it leaves you wondering what happens as speed increases but that's ok.  

3. Medium (7-8 mph ish) speed - the wheel does small turns like a small wheel.  But big turns that tip it to one side act like a real wheel.  Also I noticed looping around a dead end that steering it was like steering the EB GT Pro at 40 mph sweeping turns.  The transitions from both tires contacting to just one and back is a little strange at 1st but easily adaptable.  I would relate it to "riding the cracks" while adapting to a wheel that's rather top-heavy or twitchy (eg: V11 or Extrem).

4. Fast (12'ish) - it safely beeped at me without cutting out.  At full speed the steering is just like an ordinary wheel.  

5. I gave a lesson to 2 skateboarders with one-wheel experience (one young, the other a 70 YO).  The young guy got the E20 on his 1st 5 yards, did a few parking lot laps and upgraded to mTen3 and then Falcon (within an hour).  The 70YO guy got going on the E20 within about 5 minutes and took about 20 minutes to get comfortable with it in the parking lot.  He wasn't ready to try the falcon or mTen3, but at the rate he was going he could have... and for him I do recommend E20 as his 1st EUC.  The younger guy I recommended the Falcon.  



Edited by Elliott Reitz
+ perspective
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I really enjoy this charger from PIDZOOM.

this is just a little first look I couldn’t roll much to push my batteries yet because of my broken arm and pain meds. All my wheels were pretty full so I’ll need to empty them and do a full charge to test how long it takes to run them up to full. 
Only pushing 10amp in the Lynx and V14 


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23 minutes ago, Forwardnbak said:

I really enjoy this charger from PIDZOOM.

this is just a little first look I couldn’t roll much to push my batteries yet because of my broken arm and pain meds. All my wheels were pretty full so I’ll need to empty them and do a full charge to test how long it takes to run them up to full. 
Only pushing 10amp in the Lynx and V14 


broken arm?

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6 minutes ago, varamontelo said:

F&B fell a few days ago, he explained this to us in a post above.

oh, didnt notice that something was being baroken 😉

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8 hours ago, Robse said:

oh, didnt notice that something was being baroken 😉

Yea I slipped on slimy wet wood and took it hard :/ 

It does make it tough, I also suffer young arthritis and my other shoulder is due for surgery at some point. I’m kinda two arms down atm. 

I told ER that I just fell chasing the kids. I don’t think it’s good to push E injury stats up in our country while they are still being approved places. I know some news papers lately try to hype up the ESCOOTER injuries to try to speak against them 

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1 hour ago, Forwardnbak said:

Yea I slipped on slimy wet wood and took it hard :/ 

It does make it tough, I also suffer young arthritis and my other shoulder is due for surgery at some point. I’m kinda two arms down atm. 

I told ER that I just fell chasing the kids. I don’t think it’s good to push E injury stats up in our country while they are still being approved places. I know some news papers lately try to hype up the ESCOOTER injuries to try to speak against them 

Not all heroes wear capes

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Well thankfully I didn't join the injured with my failure to steer my EB GT Pro at 60 mph (beginning of this vid).  After that, I see later the wheel beeps at 66 mph (indicated speed (i think GPS is more like 55)).   So when can I buy a 100 mph capable wheel?  I don't want to push this one any faster if its beeping (I will re-check alarm settings, and yea BTW it indicated 38% safety margin so I prolly can do 70 w/o going under 10%.  Having the phone in my hand where i can see my speed makes a big difference considering max-speed headroom in that without it I wouldn't know the difference from 65(cruise) to 75(cutout).  I was actually surprised I was going 65 when seeing it on this ride.  


Edited by Elliott Reitz
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