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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. @YoshiSkySun Nice scenes there! Looks like you either go full power ranger, or no gear at all. Also, nice ACM seated skills, but whenever I see seated riding, I think "one Gotway issue from not being able to walk again". At least with normal riding, your hands hit first. But seated, no chance for the knees. Have you ever opened the ACM and looked how tiny thin those motor cables are? Getting scared every time I open the thing...
  2. Link works. Tracking seems pretty good, too (maybe no surprise at this short distance). If you put the drone a bit further away, we can see more of the surroundings. That matte black 16S looks nice.
  3. Great to see you use the new possibilities opening up to you with the Monster's range!
  4. Wow, cool, an i5 as a first wheel is new here, I believe. Looking forward to see what you think going the extreme choice (weight > anything else). The good thing about this is, should you get another EUC later, it will be quite a different ride and type of wheel, so you have good variety. (To be fair, the same would have applied to the mten3 I guess, though even more it does apply to the i5.) Also, the i5's shell is easily scratched and chipped, so I recommend padding it up more or less completely (this includes the underside of the pedals) so you don't scratch it up too much on the first few outside rides (where realistically 99% of any damage happens when learning). It's too pretty and nice for just bumping it to smithereens. Even if you just use cardboard+duct tape for the dangerous first few hours on pavement.
  5. Also have a look at the Ninebot One S2. It's cheap, slow (even slower than the i5) but maybe this interests you. Just for sake of completeness.
  6. @brianle The weight of all mten3 variants should be the same. They just use different cell capacities for each (judging from the ewheels mten3 page), but the number of cells is the same, so the weights will be nearly identical. (This is a good excuse to go for the highest capacity should you choose the mten3) What's your weight? If you're too heavy (like 100kg), the i5 might be borderline too weak.
  7. On the one hand, I think the i5 form factor and weight is superior for what you want. You forget it's a EUC when you carry it. Super pleasant. But the mten3 battery size and motor power/speed is just so much better. @Marty Backe Can you tell how the mten3 fares offroad? Comparable to what the i5 does in Ian's test? @brianle Ignore the beeping, he is going down hills with a full battery, every wheel would beep then. Also he weighs it, under 8kg I think. Here's another video (German but English subtitles).
  8. Not my video. Car guy makes another EUC video. Seems @Jason McNeil sending him wheels (14D this time) is working reliably.
  9. Grip vs. moving your foot, I'd choose the grip. That's the point after all. You can also alternate between lifting the front and back parts of the foot to get it repositioned without having to be able to ride one-legged (I can't, e.g.). Or just step off and on quickly, that's usually the best way Concerning grip, I have one of these foot reflex zone massager mats, and I'm thinking about cutting it up (or rather a cheap replacement) and putting that on my pedals. With winter and offroad riding, possibly with hiking boots (snow/dirt gets stuck in sole profiles) you easily can get very slipperly snow/ice spots on top of the pedals (from compressing snow into ice on the pedals), and any grip tape won't do it then (also any water instakills the standard Gotway griptape and creates slippery, sandless spots. Not sure how well brand tape would fare there, but apparently better). This should work, shouldn't it?
  10. Nice virtual vacation photo tours, guys. Always good to have some description coming with the pictures. No, I haven't. Is there something like this in there? Maybe the association came from "8 delights" (or whatever it is called) Chinese food. Or it's just that "The House of the Seven Gables" has a certain lyrical ring to it, and there are similar "Chinese" names, like the movie "House of Flying Daggers". Probably that's it.
  11. "The House of Seven Gables" sounds like a legendary, mysterious Chinese mountain monastery Liking how you place the wheel in the picture! That blue really shines.
  12. Schiller - German ambient/electronic artist(s) with godlike skills. Never got the success they deserved. These two are from 1999!! (I believe) Not sure when this is from. These two are a bit newer. Also working a lot with other artists (though usually "pure" Schiller is best), e.g. this. Arguably the most known song.
  13. Also, can you show how exactly you fix the camera this way?
  14. It's neat! No foreground is often a bit boring, and selfie stick + wheel in view is a bit low for some situations. But the best is always someone else wheeling in front of the camera.
  15. @Marty Backe Nice follow-up. Apparently you don't even walk from the car to the door at your job now How come the pads behind the pedals are the most damaged? Wouldn't either the pedals cover them, or the folded down pedals hit whatever-it-is first instead of the pads hitting it? Also, have you tried your other Gotway pedals on the mten3? (If you need another video idea)
  16. Not my video. Just found this. In an environment like this, I think I'd just use the road. Really shows how there's no actually usable, comprehensive bike infrastructure (not just there, everywhere, even in so called bike friendly places). The most practical parts are the alleyways - dependably no one in your way.
  17. Can we talk about the mten3 here? Or mten3-related things, at least? (Also, someone start a tubeless vs tubed tire thread.) -- To spell it out, because this really seems to be more ambiguous than I ever thought it could be: "Hey asshole, stop doing this!" is supposed to be what the 'angry' wheel 'says' via beeps to the rider who just dropped it and made it scratch itself up/spin in the dirt. That is all. No other meaning. This [apparently ambiguous] joke was also supposed to convey, since this is the first non-answer to the question that came to my mind, there really is no good answer - no good, sound reason for these beeps. [New idea: maybe you could argue, the beeps warn the rider that the gyro stopped balancing, so the rider won't try to step on and subsequently fall] This in no way was ever seriously meant as a complaint about the rider (any possible rider) being an asshole. Nobody is being called bullshit upon or whatever. Nothing like this. You drop the wheel, the wheel complains whinily. Also I certainly don't agree with @LanghamP's above comment, and did never interpret @Psices reply in that way. It was clear he just thought I insulted him, and the reply makes sense then. If that was supposed to be a joke, then I'm not getting it. If not, maybe @LanghamP has another one of his days, best ignore him then
  18. @EUCMania Many thanks for the translation. Sounds like a perfect wheel except for the battery sizes and price!
  19. Yep, the "Gotway dance" spinning certainly can't be missed. One possibility (like I mentioned in the bad post) is that it's some kind of standard feature of their hardware, so they just use it because it's there and everyone else does.
  20. Eeeeeehm, I'm sorry, this really is a big misunderstanding. I certainly didn't want to insult you!!! (Why would I, it's a really good question, and even if it weren't, insults wouldn't be justified either way.) Yes, that was the idea. Hence the [German] quotation marks ("...") for a 'quote' from the wheel - which would also have been more comprehensible if you had known my Gotway wheel always tries to kill my shin while it's at it, or respectively, I instinctively try to stop it from spinning too crazy with my foot and then the shin has to pay the price, doesn't feel like the wheel is too friendly with you then). Really sorry if I put it so you thought I'd insult you! In hindsight, I can see why it can be interpreted differently. The point of this "wheel quote" was to point out that (as you correctly said) there really isn't a good, sound reason for the beeping when a wheel falls on the side. Maybe driver education (aka the wheel is complaining and potentially embarassing you, so you learn, which I meant to convey), and sometimes it might help to warn people of a wheel tumbling towards them or a sudden unexpected traffic obstacle (like when you fall on a crosswalk and don't want followers to run you over or stumble over the wheel). But it's certainly not a must have feature (or people might prefer no beeps, like you). Didn't know that the Kingsong wheels don't beep, I thought at least they and the Gotways do. Sorry again if I put it in a way that after all lead you to such a long, very not-amused reply. Definitely was not the intention to have you feel insulted in any way! Or put you off this forum (please don't leave/post less than otherwise). Or anything! edit: Not sure if the i5 needs to be restarted, or just takes some time upright until it starts balancing again. You can try. My ACM does this, beeps, no longer balances, until you move it back and forth for a moment, then it works again. No switching off-and-on-again needed. But probably the wait time is a problem in itself, too.
  21. "Hey asshole, stop doing this!" Since I don't know a real answer, and all wheels seem to be doing that, I suspect it's some feature of the standard hardware the manufacturers all use, so they just went along with it. No. Not yet available. Thank God. Hopefully the price will be high so I'm not tempted any longer.
  22. Wow, indeed! Pacifica seems to be a quite nice looking place (though a standard nothing-should.happen-here cookie cutter suburb - but certainly in a nice location). Also seen here, in this old not my video. (Not sure if it's actually the same "Pacifica".)
  23. To be fair, pretty sure the fine-levelling is a deliberate behavior of the "chip" (it's 100% the same every time for my wheel). Either to cover for a weakness/limitation that might otherwise be exposed, or just because it's better than not doing it for some technical reason.
  24. Quick, check your helmet whether it still says "Gotway" or says "Solowheel" now!
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