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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. Positive reactions. Or just stunned looks. Of course some want to know how it works if they get to stop me. There's a thread like this already here, but I cant find it atm.Lots of good stories there, and overwhelmingly positive.
  2. Like Marty said, this already happened. "Gotway Moonwalk". E.g. here: https://www.speedyfeet.co.uk/products/gotway-moon-walk-electric-skateboard Not sure how good and successful it was, probably not to much? You can't even find it on Speedyfeet without googling But unlike other eboards, it has no remote, but foot sensors (I believe) like the Onewheel, so at least it's unique. There are videos on it too, and some discussion here, if you search for "Gotway moonwalk". Gotway America is (cleverly) using Tishawn for marketing their store, so they sponsor him, that's why they're mentioned prominently in his videos.
  3. Good point! 800W/67.2V = 11.9A which is too much for 1P. And these motors are only 800 nominal and like 1200+ max which is impossible then. 500W/67.2V = 7.44A nominal, which is much better. That explains it.
  4. "Regelung" = unsinnige Verbote und Einschränkungen. Sollen sie sich ruhig Zeit lassen.
  5. Not my video. Some nice riding skillz by chooch, also he really seems to like the 16S.
  6. Do you think the 14M is Russia/Asia-specific (maybe requested by Ecodrift, like @Jason McNeil asked for the V5F and 14S) or will be released everywhere? Maybe it won't even come to the West?
  7. That was unexpected! Not sure what to think of this. But 20km/h and 1P is basically unusable unless it's for kids and you don't like them particularly much Or maybe light Asians with no speed concerns? Unless the price is really good, I guess it's neat that another option exists, but to me it's a typical case of "why not pay ~200-300 more for a much, much better wheel" (doubled battery) that plagues the lower tier models. Aka (U.S. prices): 14M 500??? or more (don't think it will be less) - 20km/h, 174Wh 1P (that's a borderline safety hazard) edit: he says 25000 rubels which would be about $450, but not sure if Russian and Western prices are similar 14D $770 - 28km/h, 420Wh 2P 14S ca. $1000 - 30km/h, 840Wh 4P I don't know at what price I'd actually go for the 14M. But it would probably lower than they will (and can) make it. Good to see that manufacturers get that a lower priced entry model is important (basically a modern Ninebot replacement), but it also shows how hard it is to make a decent lower-priced EUC with a competitive ratio of price/what-you-get. At least there's a cheaper, modern wheel now (vs. older generation models you had to go for before the 14M, like Ninebots). Might be enough for plenty people?
  8. Willste freiwillig oder unfreiwillig das brandneue Tesla loswerden? Naja, mein Beileid...
  9. Not my video. By @Aka jf but if he won't post it here, I will Exactly what it says in the title.
  10. Haha, nice. Also, an American house with a basement! Rare!
  11. A tire flat is not an instant faceplant like a electronics cut-out, fried cables, or whatever. Which really is the thing that we need redundancy against- these dreaded insta death scenarios.
  12. Not my videos. Just posting them because neither guys seem to post here. Tesla range test in Florida. Funny how he has all the body armor but no helmet. How to teach someone else to ride.
  13. Wow you have a sharp eye! Didn't even see that one of them is silver, not both white. I just blame my old ass monitor. But technically, the left one could be an S also? Any proof against it?
  14. How do you see the difference between 16B and 16S?
  15. I don't see the problem if you just bend it back. What should happen? If it does not get stuck in the shell or so, I can't imagine what could go wrong. Worst case, you have buy a new motor. No reason to go from King Song safety to Gotway sketchness. Unless you want an excuse for another wheel. edit: Damn, Marty! 10 seconds earlier than I was
  16. It's a unique, futuristic design that can stand on its own. But the glossy black really ruins the look. Needs mate black or some carbon pattern or such a thing, but not old-msuper style glossy black.
  17. Moin. Sehr passender Avatar... "No brakes?"
  18. They updated the msuper V3 with the Tesla motor (thicker axle = thicker motor cables, 1900W instead of 1500W) and some other smaller Tesla improvements - firmware (presumably), added fans (at least that's what they do on the updated ACM) etc. Pretty sure that's what you can expect msuper-wise for the time being. There's a rumored Gotway 20 incher coming soon-ish, though. Yea, I'm hoping so, but also more or less preparing to be disappointed. We're talking about clueless EUC manufacturers, after all, they will fuck it up somehow Yea, there comes the disappointment. Though, solid cabling + solid board (not to small mosfets etc.) that can withhold constant, long stresses should be enough. Redundancy would be nice, but isn't really needed if the non-redundant electronics are good enough. KS "S- level" (14D, 14S, 16S, 18S) or better should be good enough.
  19. Matte would be better than glossy. Sorry to reurgitate the discussion, but this would be the perfect wheel (assuming it works as advertised, specifically designed for torque) if the battery was bigger. Really looking forward to see it in action (and priced).
  20. The white sneakers are the first thing I saw, but looks like they already have been mentioned White shoe Marty is best Marty anyways. Black was a mistake.
  21. Yea, wrist guards are one level above all other safety gear in matters of how important they are!
  22. Wow, Marty, you're on a roll (no pun intended... or tbh totally intended) with all these videos! The Tesla no longer does the Gotway Dance, right? Otherwise I would be worried about everyone's shins in a potential loss of balance (like when you had to step down two times) in the really dense crowds. Just imagine it with the ACM... I also like how often you go to the same spots. Now you're not just showing the sights and sounds, you're also part of the human beach inventory and sights and sounds yourself Maybe some local people already said "Oh, this guy again" to themselves when you sped by once more Cool to see the famous California incline from the EUC perspective. They rebuilt that road/ramp recently, if I remember correctly.
  23. Mir ist die jetzige Situation lieber als irgendwelche absurden Geschwindigkeitslimits (20km/h oder 25km/h oder son Mist) oder Motorpowerlimits (1000W) oder sonstige dumme Vorschriften (Helmpflicht, Versicherungspflicht, man darf nicht auf Fahrradwegen fahren, usw.), die dann tatsächlich durchsetzbar wären. Eine vernünftige Regelung erwarte ich nicht. EU macht Scheiss (PLEV), und von Deutschland (Politiker = Autolobbyisten, vgl. e-bikes) kann man auch nix erwarten. Lieber gar keine (letztendlich) gültige Regelung. So muss man zwar mit Ärger/Aufwand rechnen, aber zumindest kann man theoretisch alles tun und fahren was man so möchte. Möge es lang so bleiben. Soviel zu meiner "realistischen" Einschätzung was geht und was nicht. Traurig... Man ist glatt versucht, es zu probieren Aber die Regelungslücke sollten wir möglichst lange für uns behalten. Sonst würd ich evtl. an nem guten (bzw. schlechten, je nachdem wie man es sieht) Tag aus Trotz so lange ums Polizeipräsidium kurven, bis ne Reaktion kommt (und bei mir gibts kein eingestelltes Verfahren, aber glaube du weisst was ich meine) ----- So, bevor der Thread wieder nur 99,999% Rechtslagendiskussion ist, hör ich jetzt damit auf Wenns Wetter nur nicht so Mist wäre (Schneeregen, bedeckt, windig) hier... ich wüsst was ich tu. Hab gestern noch um 10 Uhr Abends meinem Bruder und Neffen (dem nur teils, etwas zu jung für das schwere ACM) das wheelen beigebracht. Ging eigentlich ziemlich schnell und problemlos. Aber dann hat es heftig zu schneien angefangen, und eisig kalt wars vorher auch schon. Ach ja, Preis ist der #1 Grund der gegen EUCs spricht. Sie fandens echt cool, aber wenn man dann sagt "naja, so ab 1000€ gehts wirklich los mit etwas besseren wheels"... Hab schon überlegt ob ich denen ein einfacheres wheel ans Herz lege... Ninebot One C+ gibts für 500€. Aber nur 240Wh.
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