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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. Last I've heard (might be outdated), airlines won't even take battery-less battery-powered vehicles. Too much discussion and time cost to be had with this topic. They just flat out refuse. Not even for powered wheelchairs. What I'm saying: check with the airline directly if they will take a battery-less EUC. Unless you get a confirmation in writing, don't expect to fly with a EUC on a plane.
  2. Idea: could it just be the tire squeaking against the rest of the wheel? Easy to see/check. If not: Fundamentally, it's the seller's job to fix such an issue with a brand new wheel. Contact your seller about this. I wouldn't mention the sand to them, you'd have to sandblast the EUC for the sand to compromise it. Driving through sand (or even a simple tumble) shouldn't be an issue. Don't give them an easy excuse to blame you. Unless sand includes plenty of saltwater, then maybe they would have a point. I guess this is an issue with the wheel bearings? The axle area. I can't imagine what else would it be. (Not sure what the latest is on the possible S22 issues, though.)
  3. I enjoyed these videos I found on Youtube. Freeskate (that's thing - tiny rollerblades you simply stand on) guys giving their impressions of EUCs.
  4. Honestly, as soon as someone learns the first two things (being able to ride on the wheel, then being able to brake) I think they are ready for a group event. Does not have to be a super high speed chase. Just some meet-up.
  5. Heyo! I would say the real lesson here is that you need a more powerful wheel! Prepare your wallet Looks like you overpowered the mten3 with a combination of acceleration and speed. Good that you had the protective gear from the start and didn't have to "learn" that from this experience. If you think EUCs are exciting, wait till you ride a "real" wheel and not the mten3. Also, I recommend joining a group ride as soon as possible. There's just nothing better!
  6. If a talented person (seems he is) goes back to where he's best (instead of being promoted to a place that does not work so well)... sounds good to me! I hope that will turn out to be the case. V11Y already announced: click.
  7. No problem! It simply didn't work out I'm not sure if that will ever happen, or nearly as fast as people believe. I think there needs to be another ingredient besides pattern recognition and matching for "intelligence", and I don't believe it is even known what that could be. No, but I'll look it up now.
  8. Haha, now I wonder what the result of that would be. Personally, I would not even mind that. Might help you form your thoughts or learn something or whatnot. Could be cool in some situations. Or not? But the result of an "AI" must be reliably good for that. Right now, it is not. I'm definitely pro AI, but only when the AI can do what they advertise it does.
  9. @earthtwinIn case you wondered why we removed your AI-generated posts. On their own, AI posts are just low-quality and don't really add to this forum
  10. TLDR: Feel free to use AI. Please no low-quality AI-generated posts here, though! - What AI is So called AI (artificial intelligence) is nothing more than a pattern-matching algorithm. It creates plausible text, images, or whatnot from a database of example stuff that it has statistically analyzed. It's literally just a method to "Make something that matches the patterns in this stuff I've shown you!". The spectacular "Generative AI" advancements you see nowadays come from methods where text is (at least) an intermediate step. Turns out a good way to talk to computers is just talking to them like you would to a person. That is because then you can use a huge amount of data to train the computers - everything described by and for people. What AI is not AI does not "know" anything. It is not "intelligent". It cannot "understand" you or "help" you. If you think it can do that, you don't understand what AI is. No blame on you, with all the hype and incompetent press articles about AI. So what is AI good for? AI is great if the degree of accuracy or truth does not truly matter in your result, and "plausible" is perfectly good. For example, AI image generation is fantastic and, to be honest, incredible to see (maybe you have seen what Photoshop's "Generative Fill" can do, or images generated by Midjourney or Stable Diffusion). The key is: there are no "right" or "wrong" images (never mind the occasional 8-fingered hands, but hey, it's still art). Nobody expects to read any "truth" or "facts" or "understanding" from an image, or expects an image to be "intelligent". When AI does not work AI fails if you want actual good information, and when "plausible" isn't enough. If your AI-generated result is to be judged by something like "truth" or "accuracy", you're out of luck. AI cannot create that, other than by pure chance. This is not because AI isn't "good enough yet" or something like this, it is an inherent limitation of its nature. AI is a "More of the same, please!" machine, and that can be very different from "true, reliable, accurate in some specific case". Any trustworthy information would have to come from some other algorithm, pipelined into the AI result, an algorithm that is dedicatedly not "AI". And even then, it's hard to clean up the poisoned pool simply by adding more clean water to it. The best example for this, and the definitely worst thing you can hope to do with AI, is having it answer math questions. Try it, and you know why. Math is the ultimate example where your information is either right or wrong, with no "almost right" or "sounds good" consolation prize. The real example, and the reason why this post was written, is AI-generated text: AI-generated text is bullshit. The results seem impressive at first, but if you actually read the AI-generated text, it is usually a lot of words that say a whole lot of nothing specific (and that's before all the blatant errors and falsehoods, something an AI cannot discern). Please do not use generative AI if it results in low-quality posts on this forum. In the end, quality information is the point of this forum. Feel free to use AI as a base for any post. For example, AI is great for creating a structure or some bullet points. But don't leave it at that. You have to actually check that the text makes sense and isn't low-quality and content-poor (or even false or misleading) and, at best, wastes people's time. If it's not text, but images or something else, using AI should be perfectly unproblematic for the reasons stated above.
  11. Personally, I prefer the Patton. A smaller tire is more fun and less unwieldy. This Patton review convinced me. He mentions how nice it is to have a more lively wheel compared to the regular 20 inch tire wheels (and you already have one of these, the S18).
  12. Hello and welcome to the forum! It's nice that you used an existing topic, but as it was about S22 vs. the Sherman Max, I split this off into its own separate topic. As for the question: the Patton is really really nice, but the S22 Pro isn't exactly bad either! Would you prefer the smaller tire of the Patton (more torque, more maneuverability) or the bigger tire of the S22 (more stability I guess)?
  13. The gyrometer is a small solid state (= no moving parts) computer chip on the board somewhere. More or less the same thing a phone uses to detect its orientation. Just a small chip. Here's a picture of the 16X board. It must be one of those tiny chips with the silver contact legs that are all over the board (no idea which one). It's not separate from the board, and if it fails (very unlikely, I would reckon) you need a new board. I'd ask your seller about this kind of error. In the end, a EUC only has so many parts, so I expect your issue to be a board failure (what else?). Some component on the board fried/failed, gyro or not doesn't matter. You could try a firmware downgrade/upgrade to see if that changes anything, but usually weird behavior issues tend to end up being a failed board.
  14. If he really just crashed on his own (sure a good argument for the bigger tires of EUCs!) and was simply very unlucky (I mean, what horrible luck!), this might have no consequences for PEVs. I don't think people care, and they will just shrug their shoulders, as it does not pertain to them. This doesn't seem "triggering" to me, unlike PEV riders disturbing the holy car status quo simply by existing on the roads and demanding mental effort and consideration and forcing people to deal with something new. Or when PEVs hit some old granny once a year (never mind the daily deadly car crashes).
  15. Did that guy actually just crash on his own? They call it a "collision" (I don't suppose they mean with the ground?). Or is this one of the typical "EUC/bicycle/e-bike/e-scooter/... accident" instead of the true "car kills ..." headlines?
  16. A rating does not make a wheel waterproof. Being waterproof makes a wheel waterproof. And to me it certainly looks like it's waterproof enough for everyday use without worry. And everything is relative. This is a Begode/EB wheel, after all! It's pretty nice for that, and a huge improvement over the Commander Pro. Let's see if an EcoDrift disassembly unearths something negative. Otherwise this might be as nice as it appears now!
  17. Hmm, the Commander Mini looks much better than I expected it to be! Simple and sturdy design, very clean and waterproof electronics compartment, decent lights... what's not to like!
  18. Third dumbest. The dumbest place is, definitely, putting the charge ports right into the wheel well where all the dirt and water sprays right onto them. I forgot which wheel it was (might be post-idiotic selective amnesia because it was just so dumb), but somebody actually did this.
  19. First impressions video by Marty. It seems to be nicely built, and everyone hates the tire, so they can't say much about how the wheel itself rides.
  20. Ask if the latest board is compatible with your Master. That would be enough. And for me enough to live with the danger and expect to get a matching board somewhere if you really ever need one.
  21. Is it the latest board or not? Because if not, they will run out of matching boards fast, I guess. The chance of board failure is tiny, though, but bad luck would mean you lose a lot of money. No good option here. I can't tell you what to do. My sentiment exactly, why I hesitate to spend 3000+ on a Begode. Hundreds more just to be safe is essentially just a hidden price increase, and that price might be too much for me to consider it. I'm not really concerned whether I could get a board for a, say, Patton in 2 years' time, should I need one.
  22. That's an early batch, right? Let's say... hmm... might not be a bad idea. I honestly can't say for sure. Sucks to spend like 250 (or some similar ripoff price) on what is quite likely unnecessary. On the other hand... yea. That situation sucks one way or the other.
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