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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. Would be great if you gave us a video of you riding one like a EUC. I won't be responsible for possible injury or damage though?
  2. You have these already? Have you tried riding one like a tiny EUC? Sideways like a tiny Onewheel?
  3. Yea they are wrong. At least if this is about a EUC.
  4. That is a perfectly normal range for a 960Wh battery. Unless you believed the absurd marketing (up to 62 miles = 100km!), there is no reason to complain. Here's my formula for estimating a wheel's range: you can use 100% to 20% battery (20% is like 0% under load, and at 20% the wheels slow down extremely and will throw you off soon, so that's where the fun stops), and you use 15-16Wh per km (probably closer to 16 for your 85kg) if you go about 30km/h. So for the V10F: 960Wh*0.8/16Wh/km = 48km (51.2 for 15Wh/km). For comparison: my ACM 1300Wh: 1300Wh*0.8/(15-16)Wh/km = 64-69km, which is exactly what I get. Of course the Wh/km depends a lot on speed (and other stuff) but your range is exactly what one would expect.
  5. It's real!Please have a big battery, please have a big battery.
  6. Damn, Hollywood Marty meets SF, and with all the shiny new wheels!! I'm not envious at all right now! Not at all!!!
  7. 500 for 240Wh (In effect, what are you going to do with the old battery?) Well, for someone who can't spend more than 500 it makes sense. But pretty much a waste of money otherwise, unless you really want to get the most out of the V8-specific form factor for some reason. Would people buy a "V8+"? Surely. Would many upgrade? No idea.
  8. Genau. So wie jedes Elektrofahrrad, das über 25 kann oder auch ohne treten auch nur 1km/h selber fährt eben. Wieso bin ich denn so pessimistisch und erwarte nix? Erfahrung. Die weigern sich ja sogar für Fahrräder, das mal vernünftiger zu regeln!
  9. How is it supposed to fit in the wheel and still have a reasonably simple shape? I don't think sacryficing the trolley handle would find many fans, people like the V8 for its lightweight portability. Why not finally use 3500mAh cells, for 820Wh instead of 720? Ok that might be unrealistic, but maybe. But it's not a bad idea, this "V8+, only available from ewheels.com". For people who find the V10 physically too big. Maybe more as a new buy instead of upgrading (some nontrivial assembly required and having a unused 480Wh battery lying around).
  10. Was bringt eine Zulassung, wenn die bestenfalls, bestenfalls 25km/h max erlaubt (und natürlich Helmpflicht, Führerscheinpflicht, Zwangsversicherung, max 1000W Motor, nicht auf Fahrradwegen fahren, am besten noch regelmäßig zum TÜV, und was man sich so in D noch so ausdenkt)?
  11. Yep, with login it works. Strange, because you wouldn't expect a "not found" page then, but whatever
  12. Time to rename back to Kingsong69? That was your old name, right? As people sometimes thought you're official, seems like it is the right name now I hope you'll get at least a free wheel or two for your troubles. Also, the link in the 1st post to your FB still doesn't work, might want to edit that.
  13. Link leads to a "not found" page. -- Wow, congratulations @US69! Now if you can get KS to actually give you real info and listen to you... Good luck! Wishlist: Higher pedals!!!!! Bigger batteries!!!!! Just look at what Gotway battery sizes sell the most and that some dealers only sell the biggest variants to convince them. Front and back lights ten times as bright as we have now.
  14. The msuper might be too big, but the idea of trying this with my ACM (a low wheel) keeps spinning in my head. 35km/h, 65 km range Onewheel...?
  15. Sure. The Onewheel has the foot pressure sensor though, so you better make sure your attachment always pushes on it. Otherwise, surprise stops may be possible I wonder how the guy got on the mten-Onewheel. Maybe, as it only starts balancing when it's mostly level (right?), he can get on it just like you would on a Onewheel. And he'd have to switch it off and on again for every start so he can step on while it's tilted. Just shows how much further EUCs are in terms of what you get for the money. This thing is probably half the price of the Onewheel, but has tremendously more range and a higher top speed. And it's only the mten3, someone do this with an msuper X or so I always wondered how a EUC by the Onewheel company would look, though.
  16. For a roller, you would technically need an insurance/license plate (which I think you may not be able to get, depending on the device) and a driver's license. Law is pretty clear there. So the fine might be bigger and you could theoretically have to go to court if you don't accept whatever €€€ demand they make, and argue there. Whether or not you get caught is another question, if you're on some bike path, what police car is going to stop you (and how)? Bicycle cops might be another thing, but I think they are just in the city center. Note: for an electric unicycle you (probably, nobody tested this) do NOT need an insurance/license plate (loophole for one-wheeled + self-balancing devices), but they may complain if you have no license.
  17. You can roughly say, power needed for lifting is proportional to the overall weight. So if 30 degrees (Shouldn't that be %? 30 degrees is a MASSIVE 57% slope!!) works for 75kg (~95kg overall if you say 20kg for the wheel), then 120kg rider (140kg overall) means you can only do 95/140 = 0.68 times that slope. For 30% that would be 20% (a third less) with 120kg rider for identical power consumption (power consumption is a limiting constant). We're talking about continuous power consumption. Also maybe the slope they advertise is a "the wheel can do it for a second" thing only ( certainly if they really mean 30 degrees). So only short term peak incline (= short term peak power consumption) is meant, which is nearly worthless information. See KingSong's 18L 2 meter ramp video, that tells us absolutely nothing noteworthy other than the wheel isn't super weak. If the bend is outwards (looks like it), you can use a bench vice to bend it back. See this thread and the one linked in there: The motor does only keep the balance, propulsion just results indirectly from that. There's no separate movement and balancing power budget. Only a motor budget. All a wheel does is accelerate the motor in the direction of a tilt until that tilt is gone. It's the defining thing of self-balancing vehicles that you can't separate movement and balance (aka "Why can't a wheel brake on its own?"). There is one source of power consumption, and that is the motor. That's why it gets hot (it's lossy). And because the electronics powering the motor are lossy as well, they get hot too. But they don't "use" much power themselves other than the heat losses. The tilt sensor probably needs like 0.001W of power. It's probably the same thing found in every phone. @Stan Onymous You can't add slopes like that. Otherwise leaning forward 10% on a 10% downward slope (aka -10%) would mean you're in a steady, balanced, unchanging state similar to 0% lean on flat ground. Which obviously isn't what is going to happen Gravity doesn't change direction, so 10% lean on flat ground is 10% lean on a 20% hill, just the power needed to reduce that 10% lean with the same "vigor" (what's the right word?) is different. You might as well ride on flat ground covered with industrial glue or tar or something sticky and resisting like that, and you might get the same power consumption like on that 20% hill. -- I guess it makes sense to ask "How much resistance does the ground I'm riding offer at the moment?", and the source of that resistance might be an incline, a sudden pothole, low tire pressure or heavy rider or anything else increasing the rolling resistance, etc. And the motor has to counter that all the time.
  18. We both got the initial white panel "special edition". Just had to move my batteries 3 months later I'm back to the original tire. The knobby one was loud and somehow I suspect it was to blame for my bent rim (not sure). Also it is so thin/flabby and didn't hold up too well (started being damaged along the seams) compared to the stock tire. Also on asphalt, I'd guess the knobs are mostly gone after 1000km, but dirt should be better. I may try it again next winter for snow.
  19. Die Alternative ist, dass es dich auf die Fresse legt Der Tiltback müsste ja nicht unbedingt so plötzlich sein, aber vermutlich liegts daran, wie stark man grad am Limit knabbert - leicht schneller fahren als es will wird wohl eher sanft, aber bei voll ins Limit beschleunigen als schwere Person muss das Ding natürlich schnell und stark reagieren. Die neuesten wheels haben anscheinend alle einen netten, sanften Tiltback - Gotway, Kingsong, Inmotion. Am besten ist natürlich ein starkes wheel, dann kommt man gar nicht in die Situation, sondern hat immer viel (Sicherheits-!)Reserven. Denk dran, wenn du in der Situation, in der es gerade Tiltback machen muss, ein schönes Schlagloch erwischt, legts dich wahrscheinlich hin. Ein stärkeres Wheel ist da viel sicherer. Und dann hat es auch keinen Grund für einen fiesen, plötzlichen Tiltback. Will sagen: das Problem ist im Prinzip, dass das Ninebot zu schwach ist für die Geschwindigkeit, die du magst.
  20. Haha, nice "Captain Marty, Superhero" style pictures Got it end of January 2017. I'm not sure if there is any range loss already. It was simply my gut feeling of how far I should come that expected a few more beepless kilometers. But it was a windy day and I was riding fast and mercilessly and on rough paths (ACM is just rock solid). So probably there is no range loss.
  21. Thanks, I've had that too, but the surprise here was the big difference. Guess that's just how it is. I'm just worried my baby is getting old
  22. Did a tour today, some fun new exploring but along known waypoints. 100% down to 7% battery, barely made it home. After being off for 20 mins, I checked the wheel and it showed 19%. Any idea if that means anything? Starting to think my batteries are beginning to degrade after 5000km, but maybe I'm imagining things. Range was fine though... or was it? Anyways... This is a place literally called "nice view", which is a church and beer garden on top of a hill. Here you can see a part of the view and a part of the church. Would look even better if my phone made better photos. Everywhere was pretty much dead empty. Some lone cyclists occasionally. I couldn't have made pictures of Hunka-approved motifs if I tried, because everything was so empty. World Cup Perfect summer weather for the first time in a while, a Saturday afternoon, and everyone's inside. Shame. At the foot of the hilltop, looking back. The way forward.
  23. This is what's so great about big battery/long distance wheels! Pick an ambitious destination where you're not exactly sure if and how it will work out, and then just go for it! Explore, enjoy, make distance, see how it works! Great trip Bob! So naturally the entire way back was in the dark? And that was a looooong fireworks display.
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