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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. A2 for sure. Much more modern and powerful (= more fun). Unless that one A2 of Marty's that failed turns out to be not-a-fluke, I see no reason to worry about it. Is price your consideration, or is it about the smaller tire size for you? Nah. Weak and old (and too expensive for what it is nowadays). If anything, a Tesla (T3) is what I would get for an actually-16-inch "16 inch" wheel (same tire size as the V8 series).
  2. Oh boy, this thread... (Just posting this so nobody thinks its existence means any kind of agreement or endorsement. Certainly not from me! Not that I read any of it.)
  3. Oh, Marty even needs surgery! As Roger didn't find any obvious issue, I think it must be one of: Firmware issue Electronics fluke or subtle electronics damage Some EM-interference, and the wheel itself was good, just not shielded
  4. Begode sent him an A2 for testing with a street tire, because he did dislike the knobby tire so much. From the pictures, it's this wheel. They should probably have tested it before sending him a (bad!) wheel.
  5. Your link does not work (for me - not logged in to FB), but this one does: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ElectricUnicycle/posts/6382564878508088/ Poor Marty. I'm wondering what was the cause of the cutout.
  6. The OP's location is "Ohio". I changed the topic title to include that.
  7. They increased the price of the Patton here in Europe! Used to be 3199, now it's 3299 at the same dealers. Not cool Maybe demand is high? Or they just did it because they could.
  8. Yep, jokes are not the same as saying something that is just plain dumb and pointless and adds nothing to the discussion and helps nobody. It just puts people off contributing here, who wants to deal with an environment like that? We (mods) certainly don't want that for the forum (or any other place). Please stay on the topic of electric unicycles, and also behave nicely and constructively. As @Rollin-on-1so aptly says: you guys can do better!
  9. You can also try importing a new motor from China, from sites like AliExpress, if you can still find one there. In principle, any good machine shop should be able to replace the axle itself in your existing motor. Just be very careful not to damage the brittle thin hall sensor cables coming out of the motor along with the three power cables. Whether such a repair is cost-effective I don't know. Getting a new motor is probably the easier option.
  10. edit: Looking at the video, this seems like a real operation with soldering and stuff contact your seller and ask them what to do! I'm not sure if the video is about a different fuse and there's an easily accessible one?? If your seller won't help (it really is their job to help, don't let them get away!!), as I see you are in SF, there's the alienrides.com affiliated https://pev.works/ repair service, if nothing else works they can surely help you. Feel free to make a "How to replace the fuse on a V8F?" topic here, if only to learn more. But your seller really is the first point of contact who is supposed to fix thing like this. - Original post: Maybe you even have some fuses in the original box, I think there should be some there. They're just tiny parts, all you need is to find out where they go, remove the old burnt one, and plug in the new one. Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=inmotion+v8+fuse+replacement First result (about the V8, not the V8F, but I assume that doesn't matter here):
  11. Now that would be the best option. Replace, and done!
  12. Might be bad board or battery, more likely the board. I wouldn't try to charge again if the wheel rejects the charger right away. Do you still have some warranty? For such a new wheel, errors like this should be the seller's job to remedy.
  13. You can from now on It costs them time and money to argue with passengers what is allowed and what not. Also, mistakes or cheating/lying (how does the airline know you really removed your batteries?) can happen there, and a fire onboard would be the worst case consequence of such a mistake/cheating. It makes sense that airlines will just blanket ban any electric vehicles, with or without battery. Unless you have the opposite in writing from a specific flight/airline, that is what you should expect to be the default from any airline. You can't bring a EUC on a passenger plane unless proven otherwise. I'm afraid that's how it is currently.
  14. DAMN $2800 on ewheels, that's quite the competitive price for 2400Wh + 134V + suspension + decent build quality. I wonder what it will cost in €. Patton is $3100 at ewheels and 3200€ here. The Mini might end up being below 3000€ here in Euroland as well.
  15. Is that actually a thing? Not something I was ever concerned about. But I don't know how warm the batteries get either. Is it because chargers are faster nowadays?
  16. All good. Having a video in here and also having its own topic can be helpful (e.g. when people search for specific things) and poses no spam-like problem. Also, it's always good when people make EUC videos, and are naturally proud to share them👍
  17. For discussion, there's an identical topic in the video forum. Let's keep everything in one place
  18. No problem! You can also make a post in French and English, if you like. Maybe you want to keep the original along with the translation, if you wrote the original in French, so French speakers have it easier. That's fine. Just some English translation should be somewhere, as this is the common language for this forum
  19. Please post in English here. Google Translate:
  20. Good info about the V5F BMS can be found here:
  21. Great information! I put it into its own topic so people can find it more easily (via search). Thanks!
  22. Might just be a bad charger, or a bad battery. Hard to say. How new is the wheel? Any chance for seller/warranty support? In doubt, asking the seller first is usually a good idea, especially if the wheel is new. - You can upload small videos directly to this forum, see here (same process as for images). For bigger videos, there's Youtube.
  23. That's nice! Who needs a loud, whining charger! Much better.
  24. Looks like each of the four packs is 12s2p (50.4V), and they serialize two packs on the power distribution board to get 100.8V.
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