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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. Oh no! Consider the batteries toast. I would never try using them again, as they might catch fire any moment the water shorts them but no longer cools them. I'd remove them from the wheel as soon as possible (in that place, if possible). If you're lucky, the rest of the wheel is still ok. You could try rinsing it with fresh water (after battery removal) and then letting it dry thoroughly. Question is, what do you do then? Probably not cost-effective to get new batteries, and you don't even know that the rest of the wheel is still good (and trustworthy?). I think you have to get over it... meaning you can explore the exciting world of new, shiny, suspension powerhouse EUCs like the Patton etc.
  2. I think Adventure = trails/offroad/stunts. Matches what we know about the wheel so far.
  3. First result from Mr. Google: https://store.inmotionworld.com/products/inmotion-v8s Not sure if there's actually anything different about it, or they just call it 2023 so it sounds more modern.
  4. Yeah, we don't need an announcement for a teaser. We need just the complete wheel announcement.
  5. Nice! I was halfway through writing a warning topic (at your request) and then saw this. Well, now we have two warning topics
  6. The LG M50T (not M50LT) type battery cells are bad and have led to some serious battery fires in the past, including (presumably) a burnt out shipping container of distributor ewheels. These fires can happen suddenly without any discernible reason. The LG M50T battery cells have been briefly used in some Begode electric unicycles a few years ago, before they switched to LG M50LT or Samsung battery cells (these are all safe). As there were some recent fires with M50T wheels, it is clear that this situation is not over as long as the affected wheels are still around. What you should do If you have an affected Begode wheel or plan to buy a used one of the affected models, check that the batteries are of a safe type. If you have a wheel with LG M50T batteries, at the very least you should always store it it a place where a sudden fierce battery fire would do no serious harm. This excludes anywhere in a house or garage, let alone an apartment! Don't be irresponsible to you, the people around you, and everyone's property. Honestly, the best idea is to simply discard the affected battery packs (remove from the wheel and bring them to battery recycling/safe disposal). You can then get new safe packs, or (more likely at this point) write off the wheel. Do not underestimate the likelihood or danger of a battery fire with these battery packs! If you bought from ewheels, they had a recall and will send out safe replacement battery packs, just email them and ask. As there was an official recall, this may apply to any US seller. Affected wheels may be Begode MSuper Pro (MSP) - this wheel released at a dangerous time and you should really check that your batteries are not the dangerous ones Begode RS - early batches of the RS also might have M50T battery packs Begode Nikola (100V only) - don't worry about your Nikola just yet, but some also were produced in the dangerous time where M50T batteries have been used How to check your electric unicycle You can check your electric unicycle by opening one of the plastic side panels (should require only a regular Phillips screwdriver) and checking the sticker on the battery packs (the blue-foiled bricks - maybe the sticker is on the back side, but it's there). Quick and easy to do! If the battery type is LG M50T, you have a problem and should act. If the battery type is any other, like LG M50LT or Samsung 50E, then you are good and have nothing to worry about. If you have any other wheel model not named, especially a recent one, you have nothing to worry about. More information This topic is just to state the warning, please feel free to discuss this issue and ask questions in any of the linked topics below, or any other place you like. A more detailed summary, including time frames, can be found here: Recent fire: Another recent fire, in a general fire thread: Old topic about the ewheels recall:
  7. Not entirely sure what you ask. As you charge a battery, its voltage increases. The charge state is the voltage, which can be anything from "empty" (something like 96 Volt here) to full (134.4V here for the Master). So the quoted 133.5V means the battery is nearly full, but not entirely full. You're a small bit below 134.4V. So at that point, the charger should keep charging until it gets to the full voltage. (Note that electric unicycle voltage measurements are not very precise, so the displayed voltage isn't too exact. Going a little above the 134.4V can also happen, that's no problem.)
  8. @VanturionNo need to be rude/blame someone who just had a battery fire. Not all of the M50T wheels have caught on fire, after all, and not everyone can just throw a $2000 investment away, and some people have other things to worry about than just thinking about their old electric unicycles all of their time. I can make a sticky warning if people think it would help. I know affected wheels are the RS, MSP, and Nikola. Are the Monster Pro and EX.N safe, or might they be affected, too? Does someone know for sure?
  9. That's from the spinning when it was on its side. Maybe the bumpy surface somehow caused this? Do you have the latest firmware on your V12?
  10. How is this even possible with the good battery cells? Did they screw up the BMS somehow (like the S20)?
  11. I split this off the Adventure topic, so you can fight to your hearts content here
  12. Intriguing idea! It would probably look 50% great, 50% weird, and would be 99% unusable/unergonomic
  13. If only these dumb Begode side pads wouldn't make it look like an ugly, cheap transformer toy. (Same for the EX30 - great wheel but ugh.)
  14. Yep. But I have low hopes for that. Even the S19 is like $2800. What KS could do: 100V 1800Wh (4p battery) like the S19, just with a smaller tire. Maybe 126V 3p battery (1665Wh), which would probably be high discharge cells then ($$$). 100V 3p (1332Wh), probably with high discharge cells (or it would be underpowered like the S18), not sure if that saves money in comparison to the regular 1800Wh None of those seem like they would be significantly cheaper. KS could go 84V 1500Wh. An option I see that might be cheaper. I guess they could sell it as a city commuter like the V11. 3 years after the V11 released. Not sure how good of an idea that is. 84V 1110Wh (3p) - exactly like the S18. An S18 with a smaller tire... 3 years later. Not sure how good of an idea that is. I suspect prices would need to fall across the board for a lower price S16 to be a thing. - I think it will be an S19 with a smaller tire for maybe 2600-2700. That would explain why they built a 100V board after the 126V S22. Intended for more than one wheel. Wildcard speculation: it is actual 16 inches (what we would call 14 inch), basically a suspension A2. That would be something new.
  15. That's what we thought, and then they announced the S19 How reliable is the confirmation? Anything but the comment by Jack? KS don't tend to release a lot of wheels. (I wouldn't mind if they upped their game though.)
  16. This looks really nicely built. Better than the toy-like appearance and plastic side pads make you think. I question if side pads need to be 1.5kg each, that's 3kg just for side pads!
  17. EUCs can in principle be interfered with by (strong) electromagnetic fields. For example, people reported cut-outs when electric locomotives went directly by. This is the next step in build quality: proper (assured) electromagnetic shielding for the board. While there may be some metal board boxes, I don't think external interference is something the manufacturers think about. KS, for example, had some issues years ago where the motor itself interfered with the electronics, so internal interference is at least known to them. Now I doubt the very weak Bluetooth signal could do anything to the control electronics or the all-important tilt sensor to cause a cut-out. But who knows, maybe it's possible. But yea, boards should sit in a perfectly sealed metal box, both for water ingress and interference reasons.
  18. I meant the general layout of parts, like described in the post above mine. Either a slider or a shock will sit right in the center of each side of the motor, with the pedals attached to it. It's the obvious way to start, where else would you put that (quite necessary) part? Then the batteries naturally go to each side of that. Then the board goes on top, where there's still space. Then any (optional) linkage has only one logical place to go. And that's pretty much the layout of all suspension wheels.
  19. Yep, that's how it is. Here's a good explanation of the Chinese namings. The company name formats are pretty rigid, and some (possibly wonky) translations into English tend to be the name known to us outside of China.
  20. Yep! It's hard to configure a suspension wheel any other way than what we see now. That does not mean the design is "a copy" of some other wheel. My feeling is the Adventure is an older design, started before the Sherman-S and Patton showed you don't need a linkage to have a great suspension. Maybe Inmotion just wanted to try a linkage (after forgoing it with the V11 and V13), but I imagine it was the time before the V13 was released and when Begode came out with linkage wheels left and right that IM decided on this linkage.
  21. If he left due to some disagreement (pure speculation, could be for any other reason), maybe he will start his own EUC company with blackjack and hookers. Unlikely but one can dream.
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