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    Mini Pro, One Wheel, Mten3, V10 and S18

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  1. MDMason

    2023 V8S

    I ended up purchasing one from Amazon. It only charged to 87% indicating 81 volts. I liked the Matte black, almost rubbery finish and it didn’t appear to have the side mood lighting but I wasn’t going to take a chance on the batteries. I attempted to contact Inmotion with two separate inquiries but didn’t received a response. I immediately returned it to Amazon.
  2. MDMason

    2023 V8S

    Does anyone think this is a scam? They are also for sale on Amazon
  3. MDMason

    2023 V8S

    Link provided https://store.inmotionworld.com/products/inmotion-v8s
  4. MDMason

    2023 V8S

    Inmotion world is advertising an updated 2023 V8S for $999.00. It appears to have a matte finish. Does anyone have any insights into this?
  5. Is it harmful to the wheel to pick it up and allow it to spin freely until it shuts off? I have done this several times by accident but I know others do it on purpose to establish the top speed of the wheel before it shuts off.
  6. I sent this message to a seller: Would love to have a Z10 but they have been out of production for quite a while. What assurance do I have that the battery is still fully functioning? I received this response: We ordered this batch from factory in Dec, 2021, it is all in good function. Should I risk it?
  7. I would love to have a new one for nostalgia purposes. Does anyone have any recommendations? Ebay has them supposedly "New" but since they have been out of production for quite a while it appears that it would be a risky purchase. Has anyone purchased one recently?
  8. Thanks for all your input. I was hoping to hear from someone who has ridden both and could provide a comparison view point. Another issue is going from a suspension wheel to a non suspension one. The terrain I generally ride on is packed dirt and gravel. Riding my V10 after riding my S18 is like going from a BMW to a pickup truck.
  9. I have a V12 and S20 on order. I’m considering canceling the order on the V12 due to reported quality control issues and lack of torque. I currently have a S18 and have a difficult time acquiring any speed above 8 mph on a moderate incline. I’m 225 lbs and need more torque. Does anyone have a S18 that has ridden the V12. Any merit to my deductions?
  10. Thanks Shane! I’m one of your subscribers.
  11. GoGeorgeGo thanks for your insight. Has anyone else rode both the Sherman and S18 that could provide insights into what I can expect if I fail in my resistance and get the Sherman. I don’t want to spend that much money and realize I prefer my S18.
  12. Thanks for the feedback. I’m 65 years of age and 220 lbs. I’m seeking comfort and stability not speed or range. My typical ride is around 20 miles.
  13. Which EUC provides the most stable and comfortable ride experience? I went from a V10 to a S18 and the improvement was dramatic. Would the above sought after qualities be equally dramatic going from the S18 to the Sherman? The riding community that has experienced the Sherman would suggest it would. I would be interested in the feedback from those who have ridden both.
  14. That would make sense and also explain why riding the MTen is easier because the speed required to maximise the gyro effect is at a much lower threshold due to it's 10 inch wheel. I think what Shane suggested is also valid. I need to spend more time on the MTen and develop my skillset before moving to a larger wheel. At 64 years of age I am very careful to not risk falling off because I don't bounce any more, I break.
  15. I'm 5'8 and 220 lbs. I purchased a Mten 3 as a first wheel. After a slow but progressive learning curve I can operate it with nervous confidence. Speeds have not exceeded 5-8 mph. I recently decided to purchase a larger wheel due to the instability I was experiencing with the Mten. My thoughts were that since I have the basics down I would progress faster with a larger wheel. I decided to purchase a V10 because of it's 2K motor and reputation of being a very stable wheel. After a week with the V10 I think I have made a very bad decision. I can go maybe 3 feet before losing control. All the weight feels like its at the very top of the wheel and any degree of off center causes it to fall over. Due to its weight I am not able to recover. The torque feels absent compared to the Mten The Mten is unstable but carry's its weight low and corrections are very easy. Any suggestions would be welcome. Is there a larger wheel that has the same characteristics of the Mten? (weight low and high torque)
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