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Jeffrey Scott Will

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Jeffrey Scott Will last won the day on November 7 2018

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    San Diego, CA
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    InMotion V10F, V8, GotWay Monster, Solowheel Xtreme

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  1. They filmed me trying to teach him, but he wouldn't step foot on it. I knew we wouldn't get anything camera ready out of him without previous practice, which is why I tried so hard to give him some lessons in the weeks leading up to this. His schedule ended up throwing a wrench in those plans, but I'm still happy with how it all turned out.
  2. OK this is a good one. We filmed an episode of T-Pain's new show "T-Pain's School Of Business" on FUSE TV a few months ago, and we just got to see how it turned out. He originally wanted to try / learn Glide 3 (I even drove to him to give him a personal lesson) but he ran out of time. Maybe next time.. Regardless, we are excited how it turned out. You never know how they will edit when it comes to reality style TV! https://www.fuse.tv/shows/t-pain-s-school-of-business/s1e2
  3. The "waiting on China" part was in reference to the odd behavior you noticed in the app. We know there have been some new bugs introduced in the latest update, so at the time you were messaging us we were under the impression these new bugs were causing the inconsistencies you noticed. Now we know that app bugs weren't the cause - we were responding with the information we had at the time, and as the situation became more clear (partly from the information you gave us, yes) we realized exactly what happened. There is no deception or rewriting history going on here. You made the issue public, so we need to make sure to let everyone know we are dealing with it and to explain our side of the story. It's entirely possible we can get you new parts for any part of the wheel that you feel has been compromised, but you need to be patient and allow us time to deal with with your issue as well as take care of our other customers needs. I know it sucks to have to wait for these repairs and then to have another issue on top of it, but we are doing our very best with the situation when we have so much going on. As I stated before, we already figured out exactly what happened and where the wheels ended up, and it's being dealt with. @Harold Farrenkopf These began shipping yesterday, and we continue to box and ship them today and tomorrow as well. Keep your eye out on your email for a tracking number if you didn't get one already. Also working on a video with more detailed walk-through. Should be up tomorrow at some point. Thanks @JerryR Honestly, I completely understand @novazeus frustration, but I'm glad you feel taken care of. Yes, we are small. Sometimes people forget that we are only the US team, not the factory. The weather-sealing should have been done in the factory, but we have had to deal with it ourselves. Our new team members that we added just for this project are extremely competent (and frankly, over-qualified) but mistakes can happen. We will deal with them and make it right for the customer if/when they happen. That's what we can promise.
  4. Hey all As you can see with what @novazeus has shared, we had a mix up with his wheel. As soon as we figured out what happened, we were able to research to determine how it happened. It was an isolated incident, and we are working with novazeus to sort this out. It's entirely understandable to be concerned, but we hope everyone can understand we are taking this project very seriously and have had to completely revamp our work space and team to make this happen. We are doing everything we can to minimize human error as much as possible, and we are learning from this mistake to make sure it won't happen again. Novazeus, we will continue to work this out with you - stay tuned. P.S. The response from us you posted from yesterday was before we knew about the mix up. No deception intended, promise.
  5. Those instructions are only for the silicone sealant for the inner case. Our latest instructions are the ones I already posted that include the additional plastic battery case, and the DIY kits we are sending to our customers include it: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Meq5YVzhvslDQN_gCdZrMDad8O3SmcQLuhHWuxf89q4/edit?usp=sharing
  6. We got those photos from the factory, but I'm going to make an additional video showing the fix in greater detail so we can share it with all the DIYers.
  7. They're overqualified in terms of repair and engineering experience. But of course this specific repair and disassembly / reassembly will be new to pretty much anyone, so we will be taking extra care and double / triple checking work along the way to make sure we aren't introducing any new problems along the way.
  8. Thank you!! I have to say, it's been pretty stressful trying to sort this all out. And yes, it's a major feat for us to deal with because we don't want to take this issue lightly. We are actually hiring two additional experienced repair technicians just to help us get through these weathersealing upgrades ASAP. Thanks for understanding. I feel so bad for everyone who has been waiting for their pre-orders who now has to wait even longer, but we are not comfortable shipping brand new wheels to customers without these additional sealing enhancements.
  9. V10 Weather-Sealing Update! Our customers will receive an email with instructions on how to proceed with getting their V10 or V10F upgraded to proper weather-sealing, but in the meantime, I wanted to share publicly some more detailed instructions we prepared that shows how the DIY fix can be applied at home for those who want to apply the fix ASAP: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Meq5YVzhvslDQN_gCdZrMDad8O3SmcQLuhHWuxf89q4/edit Customers, please be on the look out for another email soon.
  10. I don't know enough about that situation to comment on the cause, so I don't want to speculate. I can say it wasn't one of our (InMotion USA) customers and it's the only case I know of. But this is one of the reasons we are taking the fix very seriously and are making sure everyone gets sealed up. Best thing to do is not ride your V10 in wet conditions until you get properly sealed.
  11. Unfortunately, I can't really say why any particular seller runs their business that way. As a proud member of the InMotion family, I want everyone around the world to get the same experience, but there is little I can do about it. I will say times like this are extremely stressful on a small team. I wish we could be more active here on the forums ourselves, but as I've said before, our focus is on our customers first and foremost. So we are always going to deal with them directly and sort out any issues or shipments before going into the forums to catch up on the conversations there. This is not to downplay the importance of online communities... this exact forum got me started down this road!
  12. Just to get the record straight: the battery case was developed and produced by InMotion. The initial idea put forth by InMotion was to first supply the silicone sealant fix. However, InMotion USA and eWheels have been talking since the incident about what to do for all of our customers. We all agreed we wanted to take it a step further and since the battery case is now available, we will include it as part of the fix we are rolling out. Stay tuned for more details on DIY kits along with more detailed instructions. Of course customers are still welcome to send wheels to us for the fix.
  13. Who did you buy from? InMotion USA doesn't have sales records of other distributors. eWheels is reaching out to their customers as well, but they also would not have access to other distributors customer information and sales records. InMotion China shares updates about all of these issues with their sellers, so they should be informing their customers.
  14. As I mentioned before, we have been in direct contact with all of our customers regarding the weather-sealing issue, but I have an update just so everyone knows what's going on at the moment. We aren't interested in burying any stories - our only concern is fixing the problem for our customers: V10 / V10F Weatherproofing Update We have some updates for you in regards to addressing the weatherproofing vulnerability of V10 and V10F that we have been sharing with our customers. A couple days ago we shared that we had a fix prepared that would allow for customers to choose application of a silicone weather-sealing fix by either a DIY kit or by sending in their wheel to us in San Diego for an in-house fix. Both options are at no charge to the customer. New Battery Case In the following days, InMotion USA and eWheels have been working together to make sure we have the most robust solution possible for all of our customers. What we've decided to do is offer an additional level of protection around the battery pack itself in the form of poly-carbonate casing. This will be offered at the same time of the in-house fix or DIY kit. This is also, of course, free of charge. As you might imagine, this battery case does add some deeper disassembly for those of you choose DIY. So keep an eye out for emails from us / eWheels sharing more detailed instructions about the DIY process next week. You'll still have a chance to make up your mind which route you'd like to go once we share the instructions. We will receive the parts early next week, and DIY Kits will be shipped out right away. Repairs done in San Diego will begin right away as soon as we have the parts, so we will begin reaching out to customers next week with pre-paid shipping labels for those who choose to send in their wheel for repair. To cut down on repair turn-around time for you, we will send out shipping labels in stages: earliest V10 customers are in the front of the line. International Customers We know there has been some confusion for V10 customers outside the US. InMotion USA is open to answer any questions as best we can, but in regards to obtaining a weather-proofing fix, you'll need to reach out to your seller. If you have any questions, please reach out to us directly so we can help you as quickly as possible. As always, thank you for your understanding, and please know we are working hard to resolve this for all of you ASAP.
  15. Hey all. Sorry if it seems we've been radio silent! Speaking for our team here in the US, we've actually been very busy communicating directly with every single one of our customers. We have a responsibility to them first and foremost. While we would love to be more active here, we have to prioritize dealing with our customers privately when they reach out to us. It's not always possible for us to keep up with ongoing conversations here in the forum unfortunately. Please understand that our team here doesn't have access to sales records and customer info from other distributors of our products. Your seller should be communicating with you about the weatherproofing issue as InMotion China releases information. However, my quick scan of responses here tells me far too many of you are in the dark, so clearly the InMotion organization as a whole needs to do a better job at getting the info out there so that information is as easy to find as possible. @Nils who is your seller? Have they not been able to give you any answers? You are always welcome to just ask our US team as well. We may not be able to sell you a wheel, but we can certainly try to answer questions! Hopefully I can assure you no one is withholding information - we gave ourselves a two week deadline to update the affected V10 owners about the fix for the weatherproofing vulnerability from the date of the advisory we sent out, and now we are ready to share some plans with you. Actually, we just sent out an email to all of our customers who bought directly from InMotion USA, but I'll share the plan here publicly as well. Again, I can't say how your local distributor will handle it if you are outside of the US, but anyone stateside can come to us for this weatherproof fix no matter who / where you purchased your V10 or V10F. For example, eWheels customers are welcome to reach out to us directly. Weatherproofing Fix (plan for US customers) The solution involves adding a protective silicone sealant to the inside of the case, which means there is some disassembly required. We realize not everyone is comfortable or familiar with this process, so we will be offering a choice for those affected: DIY, or send your v10 to us for the fix. Both options are totally free. 1. Do It Yourself We ship you the instructions and necessary parts (sealant and guide to lay down sealant along seam) This is the faster option for those who want to get their wheel weather sealed ASAP Warranty is not affected by self-repair, but please let us know if you have any trouble or need any help along the way 2. Send It In For Repair We provide you with shipping label so you can ship your V10 to our HQ in San Diego Our service team takes care of the whole process for you We ship your V10 back to you as soon as we finish sealing your wheel We have reached out to all of our customers via email, so please do refer to that for further instruction. If you are in the US and already have a V10 or V10F, your wheel is affected. I'm sorry we haven't been able to keep up with the forums as much as we'd like. We will try to do better! But I want to make sure everyone knows you'll have a MUCH easier time getting help / answers if you reach out to us directly instead of waiting for answers here in the future.
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