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Brendan "nog3" Halliday

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    Brisbane, Australia
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    Begode T4, Kingsong 16X, Ninebot One S2

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  1. My local dealer covered me for a replacement, but yeah there was definitely one wrong pack. Now I get the full joy of a 50E saggy wheel.
  2. You do realise his name is Shane Chen, not Eric Chen right? Guy's had all of his inventions copied and now he can't even get attributed correctly.
  3. In the middle of putting my batch 1 t4 into metal battery boxes and I've noticed the front is 50E cells, rear is 40T. I'm not insane and that's wrong, right?
  4. I'd be curious to see if that's got a coulomb counter in it so we can do capacity testing.
  5. I commute on my T4 every weekday to/from work approx 26km. It's a V1 with the original CST1773 tyre on it, which I love since I used to use it on my 16x.
  6. Sorry, looks like I copied from google photos again, I forget that this forum just uses the URL and not the image I've updated the original post and here's a picture of what my surgical site scar looked like 1 yr after. I'm not sure why, but in the humeral fracture support group I'm in it seems like the majority of cases in the US are forced to use a sarmiento brace or sling and hope for the best. I know that there's definitely an impost of time and costs due to the medical system but I can't really speak to the efficacy of that approach. There's also a prevalence of using staples vs surgical glue which leads to gnarlier looking scars. As for negatives, like you said it's a bit difficicult with spiral fractures - I was fortunate that mine wasn't spiral and was just a separation of the greater tuberosity (I landed arms outstretched and my shoulder dislocated before hitting the ground). I was also fortunate enough that our public medical system here is heavily subsidised and not profit motivated and I happen to live near (and used to work in the same hospital as) some of the most experienced and talented orthopaedic surgeons in Australia. Below is my actual fracture xray (spoilered because) Patience will be the hardest thing to have right now, but that soft callus will not form well if there's too much movement. If it helps you understand better, get the doctors to show you where the soft callus is forming and how it's going at becoming hard. Best of luck, and happy to answer any more questions you have
  7. Unfortunately that does look like the kickstand fouled up your tyre and that's why you were thrown. I have seen loose kickstands from time to time caused by the owners dropping on one side and warping the inner shell just enough that the friction isn't strong enough to hold the kickstand properly. There are modifications that help mitigate the chances of this happening, but it's always been a bone of contention for me with customers I had installed knobby tyres for on the V11 that I would remove the kickstand as part of this install to completely remove the risk of them being injured by my work. In any case - condolences on your injury, hope you are healing well.
  8. Welcome to the proximal comminuted humerus fracture club, there's quite a few of us. I've spoilered the hardware in my right shoulder because for some people it will be upsetting. It sounds to me like you might have hit a patch of oil, an unexpected tram line or something else that lost you traction. Oddly enough, that's what also happened to me (carved into a mossy/muddy patch of footpath) at 10kmh but I fell forwards and not backwards. It's certainly worth revisiting everything that happened to you, learning from it and taking steps to make sure it doesn't repeat - but at the same time hyper vigilance can be worse at making it happen again. Find a balance and work from there. I've been riding ever since I recovered from the injury in November 2020 and the only crashes or injuries I've had have been from impatience - either my own or cagers. I hope your recovery is going well, and you've gotten really good at one handed pushups
  9. I checked, I'm on V3. GW1612103. It was one of the first batch from my understanding (original motor code was same day as Chance's original unit).
  10. Quick question, does anyone know the current filename of the t4 firmware? I've not updated mine in a while and apparently the new version of the firmware has lower battery voltage limits. I've got a v1 t4 for reference, I suspect the answer is the 'v2' file, but just checking before I have to unbrick.
  11. I get on average 60-80km on a charge, depending on average speed and hilliness of the ride. I've not done a full range test.
  12. Just need some longer slider bushes/sleeves and a new coil shock and I'll be happy for a while. The LEDs use an SP110e controller.
  13. For full context, a PMD was defined as being able to do a max of 25km/h up until 1 November 2022. Since then, there's been no defined speed limit on the vehicle definition - just the speeds at which they should be used (and those limits change based on location). For the most part, even though the default is 12 unless otherwise signed on infrastructure where we might encounter pedestrians these speed restrictions are rarely enforced.
  14. This is just shipping waterproofing for the bearings in the motor. It was stuck onto the motor cover and the centre of the hub on mine and would have prevented it spinning so I removed it.
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