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  1. Anybody was able to successfully challenge fine of 98.5€ "§ 3 I, § 48 FZV; § 24 StVG; 175 BKat und nach Rechtskraft des Bussgeldbescheides 1 Punkt im Fahreignungsregister (FAER)" Does it makes sense to challenge it (the court would be involved)?
  2. Thanks meepmeepmayer I'm polish living in Erlangen (near Nuremberg), don't speak german. If you can please PM me the opinion (and if you don't mind the telephone number so we can have a quick chat tomorrow). When I was stopped they said that I was travelling with electric unicycle on public road which is illegal, maybe they mentioned insurance (they asked if I have I replied yes general liability insurance which states "A1-6.7.1 Versichert ist die gesetzliche Haftpflicht des Versicherungsnehmers aus der Ausübung von Sport – auch aus dem Besitz und Gebrauch von Fahrrädern (inkl. privater Teilnahme an Radrennen sowie dem Training hierzu) und sonstigen nicht selbst fahrenden Landfahrzeugen (z. B. Skateboards, Inlineskates, Rollschuhe)." So it seems should be working, but hard to be certain, for sure it is not pure EUC insurance). They wrote my driving license as well ID data. They told me I have a right for releasing statement and lawyer. I said I wanted to make statement, they asked me to bring EUC papers and come Friday at 16. So any advice is appreciated...
  3. I just got stopped by police in Germany, they told me it is illegal and even criminal offence. They did not take unit. I am to give official statement tomorrow any ideas what should I state?
  4. The button is not a problem here. If you have other wheel, handle is not so much needed. If it is the only one, go and buy it.
  5. I use Nikola pedals, had to move magnets...
  6. I was able to go forest uphill on mten3 that is super hard on MTB. Though it generates high heat and eats battery like crazy So quite capable wheel
  7. Read my post again, if you ride MSX at 50% battery and accelerate hard uphill, the battery will drop to 10% and will turn one the third alarm. But on the other hand I think the wheels in general don't consider torque, but it would more similar to overlean...
  8. This is normal and why I think the Gotway alarms is smart. Basically the heavy current draw will sag voltage (will be shown as bat % drop). In gotway speed alarm depends on battery, so at any given combination rider/ condition/ battery the sag will be different and it will always give fair warning - any more at this conditions and faceplant....
  9. How come slime is more effort? It is the same process. Also stan is intended for tubeless. Slime has tube and tubeless (STR) version, tubeless is more potent. P.S> Factory mten3 has some sealant inside, not sure what kind, but it seems that it was too much after I added mine. It smelled heavy of cigarettes
  10. From most test I saw, that stan/ orange etc. may be a better seal but longevity wise is 3-6 months in bike. So thank you I will stay with long lived slime...
  11. And how is acceleration compared to mcm and mten3?
  12. Let's go by example 84V mean 20 cells in series So one string has capacity of 50Ah Now the final capacity depends how many of those are in parallel. So if 1A is safe charging level for one series, then for 10 series (500Ah) safe limit would be 10A...
  13. Would not be suprised that charge doctor put some balancing circuits and if not the most likely point of failure would be charge doctor...
  14. Because all EUC manufactures are very low in electronics (look at multiple post). E.g. Live charge in ports of EUC instead of using diod to limit current in other direction, etc... How many people ride like idiots with straight legs? It may be fine for few people, until some imbalance either brick charger or most likely burn something on your board... P.S> Have you even heard of ground loops? And have any idea of polarity in electric sockets...
  15. BMS maybe a BS reason, but connecting two chargers is not a good idea. Unless they are perfect sources (balance), plus you are introducing ground loop. From Quora Balancing power output is always a unknown path to problems. This is the same as having a power supply with two or more power transistors running in parallel, you need to balance the power and current through them. If you are talking about a DC 12V adapter or so, dealing with 1 or 2A of current each, I would suggest to not correct their wires exactly in parallel. Just use a low resistance resistor in series with each one before you connect the wires together. I would say 0.1 (zero point one) ohm, 1 Watt resistor in each adapter output, then correct the other side of the resistors together (parallel), it would be a better setup then just “parallel” the outputs. The resistors will create a kind of reference of each output for itself, instead of the voltage of one interfere with the control feedback of the other. It works better. Being low value (0.1) it will not interfere with the output voltage.
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