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  1. FWIW the D30 material is the same material used in the Demon Flexmeters that many of us are wearing.
  2. Can't you just turn the wheel perpendicular to the slope before lifting it?
  3. That resolution to not give in to new wheel temptation is already gone and new wheels haven't even been released yet!
  4. So I've been debating but wanted some input from all the Z10 riders. I actually am fairly happy with the wheels I have but was wondering. Which wheel do you think would handle massive potholes and cracked/warped roads the best - the Z10 or the MSX? You know in case I have to ride my wheel in the apocalypse. Or in downtown SF Seriously though the roads I ride on close to me are in horrible shape and I occasionally hit one I didn't see that sends me flying on my MCM5. It doesn't happen often but it is currently the biggest existential danger I face when riding as a regular mode of transportation. I'm considering a larger wheel that has a better chance of absorbing a bump or pothole I didn't spot in time. I'm going to take some pictures one of these days, but some of the manhole covers I've seen downtown are sunken into the asphalt like 4-5" and there are a lot of giant bumps and just sunken in spots that are hard to spot because they are deep and sudden but relatively small in diameter (but big enough to swallow the contact patch on a 14" wheel easily.
  5. Saturday was great fun with @Marty Backe and the SF crew! We decided to run all the wheels onto the beach with the Z10 to see if it could prove its superiority with the fat tire. This was what we ended up with...
  6. My Mten3 tire (probably tube?) has a leak that slime doesn't fix. It sort of holds pressure overnight but when I tried to ride it, it was effectively flat after about 1 mile after which I had to carry it the rest of the way. I don't have a lot of tools or place to work here (in a tiny studio apartment atm). What are my best options for fixing it?
  7. I just wanted to chime in here in wishing for a swift and full recovery @Rehab1. I actually got a speed wobble on my Mten3 today. I've been riding it a lot more on account of my KS16s rim issues. While I did get the rim somewhat straightened and I have ridden it at least 20 miles at full speed over varied terrain so I know it is usable - it feels like I'm riding a Gotway - it could decide to quit at any time. j/k. sorta. Anyway since I've been riding the Mten3 quite a bit I have also started riding it in the street at high speeds for short distances. Today I got a pretty severe speed wobble while going maybe 18-19 mph. I didn't hit any noticeable bumps and the area I was on was fairly flat and level. I just started to wobble like crazy. Fortunately, I managed to get it under control but I suppose it could easily have thrown me too. It just reminded me of this thread so I thought I'd put this here since it seems to be the de facto 'speed wobble' thread. Unfortunately I don't know what caused it so this isn't very constructive except to say it happened to me too without hitting anything. So I do believe it is possible.
  8. Good distinction, I apologize for insulting the homeless by lumping them in with bums. I had not thought of this distinction before but it does make sense.
  9. I was riding my unicycle into downtown for lunch today and passed an older looking guy with a pretty large backpack on a bicycle. He sort of looked homeless/crazy which is kind of common here in SF... The instant I passed him he was shouting and cursing at me and literally chasing me down the street and sounding like he wanted to get in a fight. I was too far away to clearly hear everything he was shouting after a few seconds but he chased me for about a block and I turned left onto the sidewalk on Market st right as the light turned and he was too far behind to follow because of all the oncoming traffic. Here are the things I heard him say - "You lazy son of a bitch, learn to deal with a city!" "Lazy fucker ..." "You better run!" (when he couldn't follow me onto the sidewalk) I actually think he might have been crazy enough to physically assault me if I had to stop at a light next to him. He was practically foaming at the mouth. Has anyone else had something like this happen and if so how did you handle it? I know a girl was assaulted in Oakland I think last week and knocked off her unicycle and had it stolen. https://www.eastbaytimes.com/2018/01/24/robbers-take-oakland-womans-electric-unicycle/ It is kind of sad that for whatever reason some people are very aggressive towards anything that isn't whatever they prefer using. Anyone else have crazy people stories to share?
  10. Good thing I have two pairs! There are issues in some parts of the construction (I wear mine daily) where some of the elastic straps are not sewn in very well and they start unraveling over time. They still work but definitely things to improve on. Plus the skid plate on the palm still has some detachment issues under heavy use even after the redesign. That being said I would almost certainly have seriously injured myself at least once if I didn't have them so I hope they do improve them and make them available again soon.
  11. I might be tempted to get a Z10 so I can round out my wheel stable. I already have a kingsong and gotway wheel, I am missing a ninebot to round out my collection. I would then have one from each of the current major modern manufacturers.
  12. I realized I forgot to move a few items out of the fridge so I went back and grabbed the stuff from the freezer and rode back with it. I also went to return the key and forgot one of the keys so I had to go back to get the key and then back... so a lot of trips.
  13. There are some really huge potholes on McAllister going down the hill. It was dark so I decided to stick to the sidewalk since I wasn't positive I had memorized where all the giant potholes were. It turned out there was a raised section of sidewalk pushed up by a tree root at least a few inches that I couldn't see very well due to all the leaves on the ground. I didn't realize it until the last moment and tried to jump it. I think I might have done better by trying to emergency stop which may have lead me to roll over it ungracefully but without damaging my rim. I'm actually not positive if it was golden gate or mcallister with the sidewalk ambush though as I took both throughout the night (I was moving so I went back and forth a couple times).
  14. I'm probably going to try to straighten it myself. If that doesn't work - time to decide between an ACM2 and Tesla! This is forcing me to ride my mten3 more anyway which has been a little neglected. The accident that caused the damage was avoidable too. I was going down a hill pretty fast and saw this giant raised crack in the road. I've been practicing hopping over bumps and cracks and tried to jump it rather than slow down. I didn't get enough elevation and clipped the top of it at high speed and went flying. Even so, I almost controlled the landing but ended up in a controlled faceplant (class 2 according to the other thread...). Thank god for the flexmeter wristguards. I fully used my hands to brace my fall trusting the wristguards to work. Wrists are completely uninjured despite bearing the brunt of the fall. Also, I didn't notice the sound/feeling right away after that incident so it actually could have been from one of my jumps later. I hop off curbs all the time so maybe it warped the rim a little and then me hopping off curbs a few times bent it out further until it looked like the picture above (there is another smaller bend on the opposite side of the wheel right under the valve. In any case I'll try fixing it tomorrow, thanks for the advice!
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