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Spinal protection?


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Last week while floating along at walking speed my cheap Airwheel X3 threw me off backwards (instant tilt-back?). I am a newbie but I have been able to ride back and forth through the neighborhood for a few days without falling except for the occasional bail-out where I always landed on my feet. I have been riding a lot in the "beep region" but never at tilt-back speed but I guess my 83kg was just too much for that wheel. My body hit the ground in a L-fashion with an erect, vertical back and my legs flat on the asphalt. Judging by the welts on my hands, they probably took some of the blow but it was mostly my spine that got hurt and I still have some mid-back pain although it will probably heal well in a few weeks.

The irony of it is that, having read up on (and experienced) the X3 limitations, I had already ordered a new wheel (Inmotion V8 from WheelGo) which I will be picking up today at the post office. From what I hear, the probability of such an incident happening on a newer construction should be near zero. However, a grain of doubt has now been planted in my mind and I conjure up all sorts of worst-case scenarios: Could perhaps this specimen out of X thousand be a faulty one? Skidding on wet leaves, hit by bikes, cars, etc. It's my spine I am worried about. Apart from my head it's the one thing I would hate to mess up.

To get some peace of mind and to regain my rider's confidence (gotta get back on that horse) I thought I would go find some back protection to use while recuperating but I can't seem to find anything that offers axial protection for the spine. Does anyone have any experience with this or will I have to resort to wearing a pillow on my butt?

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Great! Thanks, @HunkaHunkaBurningLove! The name of the first item seems appropriate. I can see it useful also for my MTB and roller skiing so I going to order a pair right away.

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10 hours ago, Snurre said:

My body hit the ground in a L-fashion with an erect, vertical back and my legs flat on the asphalt. Judging by the welts on my hands, they probably took some of the blow but it was mostly my spine that got hurt and I still have some mid-back pain although it will probably heal well in a few weeks.

@HunkaHunkaBurningLove sent you some great links of equipment that will provide protection in the future. My worry is that if your pain does not subside soon, based on the example you provided of your fall, you could have sustained a compression fracture of your spine. Any tingling in your legs? If your pain persists or you have any neurological symptoms I would advise that you see an orthopedist immediately for a spine X-ray!

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Check out what you find under the product names "spine armor", "spine protector" or "back protector", those are usually meant for motorcycle riders, but I've been contemplating getting one myself. Don't know about the various manufacturers and models, but this sounds what you're looking for. A few examples:






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I (try to) wear most of the time a backpack in which I have replaced the original water reserve with a same sized motorcycle dorsale protection...



And I (try to) put nothing hard in the backpack, like a battery charger...!

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The links show great spinal protectors, which should help prevent some nasty injuries (and reminded me to search for my old back protector i used while motorcycling), but for the accident descriped by @Snurre


22 hours ago, Snurre said:

... My body hit the ground in a L-fashion with an erect, vertical back and my legs flat on the asphalt. Judging by the welts on my hands, they probably took some of the blow but it was mostly my spine that got hurt and I still have some mid-back pain although it will probably heal well in a few weeks.


12 hours ago, Rehab1 said:

...you could have sustained a compression fracture of your spine...

imho only train to fall (in some other way) or a big pillow/airback helps to prevent a "spinal compression"... ;(

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I am not saying this is the case but any impact injuries directed to the low lumbar spinal region involving the transfer of high amounts of energy resulting from falls, motor vehicle accidents or in your case a hard landing on your buttocks can cause compression fractures. Many compression FXs go untreated and the patient goes on with life just thinking it is just back pain. The anterior portion weight bearing spinal structures are frequently compromised in such injuries. Any cushioning of your buttocks in the future may help to prevent  injuries but do consider the amount of force that was biomechanically directed to the lower portion of your spine when you fell off your wheel. So my rules is:  If in doubt- check it out!


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Thanks guys for your advice and concern - I am absorbing, learning and buying protection!


18 hours ago, Rehab1 said:

... do consider the amount of force that was biomechanically directed to the lower portion of your spine when you fell off your wheel. So my rules is:  If in doubt- check it out!

Yes, @Rehab1 I now made an appointment for a checkup and perhaps X-ray  but I am not extremely worried since the damage is in the stiffer thoracic region and the pain no longer impedes movement save for some lifting above the waist. But until my protection gets here I will have to settle with just polishing my new V8. :unsure:

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