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If you disregard the openly satanic/anti-christian lyrics, this is actually really good music (Swedish band called Ghost) :P Not that I'm religious, but they could sing about gold fishes and it would still sound good, although usually I pay more attention to lyrics.



Plus, I don't think they're that serious about the whole devil-thing anyway ;)


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:blink:  You...you got this whooooole other dark side to you esaj.  :shock2:  Yeah yeah let's just set aside the openly satanic/anti-Christian lyrics for a moment, and thenn it totally becomes wholesome music to play small children to sleep with at the local daycare.  :huh: 

Suuure...  It does sound pretty catchy I do admit, but for some reason I now want to tattoo the number of the beast on my forehead and paint goat blood over my naked body while riding my Ninebot down the road at midnight yelling "I am one with Satan!  I am one with Satan!" while wearing proper protective gear of course.  Ya can't forget safety!  :innocent1:

Time to play some music backwards...


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You got some skills!  :blink: I've been tempted to pick up a LesPaul or Fender to learn.  I started on a classic guitar, but my fingers got too sore to pursue it much.  I hear the electrics are easier on the hands.  Might not be about metal guitar playing, but this doc was a good watch.


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27 minutes ago, Hunka Hunka Burning Love said:

You got some skills!  :blink: 

:D  No, not really... like said, that song is pretty simple, yet I couldn't get it right :P "Don't quit your day job!" :lol:  Now I think I should have tried something else entirely  :rolleyes:  Fear of the Dark? Sanitarium?  ;P



I've been tempted to pick up a LesPaul or Fender to learn.  I started on a classic guitar, but my fingers got too sore to pursue it much.  I hear the electrics are easier on the hands.  

Can't go wrong with the "big names", probably one of my worst mistakes was picking the cheapest Vietnamese-made shitty Stratocaster-clone as my first guitar. Something like "A good player can play well on a shitty guitar, but a novice can't". Not to say it's really only up to your "equipment", but it helps if the neck's not already warped and the thing actually stays in tune for longer than two minutes :P

The guitar I'm playing is a Japanese-made Jackson PS-3T, it hasn't been made since early 2000's (plus Jackson no longer exists, per se, as Fender bought it a long time ago). It really needs a tune up, the intonation's just plain wrong, there's a lot of fret buzz on the low strings etc... It has a really "thin" neck, which for me is good, as I have small hands, but it might get too "crowded" for someone with larger hands. Most guitars have thicker/wider necks. I'd suggest to go to an instrument shop to try multiple guitars, not just buy based purely on looks or name.

Electrics are easier on the hands than steel-string acoustics, but a nylon-string acoustic is even easier. The "hardest" part (in my opinion) are the "barre" (or is it barrè or something like that) -chords, where you have to push all the strings down on a single fret with one finger (currently, I can't even do it, too long time without practicing, the muscles have atrophied too much) .You're using muscles in your hand that you don't usually use much, it will take some time for them to start to strengthen.  Also, your finger tips will be sore at the start, but will start to harden over time...



Might not be about metal guitar playing, but this doc was a good watch.


I'll try to watch it some time, but make no promises ;) 

Since this thread is about music, here's an up and coming Finnish band called Excalion:


Looks like they finally got a "real" record deal... The pedal I promised to make is actually for their drummer, who plays guitar "just for fun" on his spare time... Although their musical style is not exactly my taste, they are really good in the whole power-metal thing (or whatever the exact genre is, stuff like Stratovarius and Sonata Arctica). Here's an older video from years back, when they had a different singer and lead guitarist:


Since Finland is a small country, their current lead guitarist actually works with my step-brother in another band (my step-brother works as a gig-bassist) for the Finnish ex-ski-jumper Matti Nykänen :D, but that's their "day job" :P




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1 hour ago, esaj said:

In my defense, I've never played this song before today, and I haven't played guitar much for the past 15 years or so :P Typically I pick it up maybe 0-4 times per year, play for half an hour, and then it sits in the stand collecting dust until the next time ;) The sound quality is what it is, the recording's done simply with the mic of the phone.

Crazy # of skills you have! No defense necessary!


59 minutes ago, esaj said:

Looks like they finally got a "real" record deal... The pedal I promised to make is actually for their drummer, who plays guitar "just for fun" on his spare time

Git-R-Done! You could be famous some day for providing the special sound effects that propels them into stardom!

Ok here is a photo on me last year:P performing in my rock band. We actually were pretty good in our day.  We had an opportunity to play backup for The Bob Seger System (his first band) but our band fell apart a few weeks before the concert.


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1 hour ago, esaj said:

:D  No, not really... like said, that song is pretty simple, yet I couldn't get it right :P "Don't quit your day job!" :lol:  Now I think I should have tried something else entirely  :rolleyes:  Fear of the Dark? Sanitarium?  ;P


Can't go wrong with the "big names", probably one of my worst mistakes was picking the cheapest Vietnamese-made shitty Stratocaster-clone as my first guitar. Something like "A good player can play well on a shitty guitar, but a novice can't". Not to say it's really only up to your "equipment", but it helps if the neck's not already warped and the thing actually stays in tune for longer than two minutes :P

The guitar I'm playing is a Japanese-made Jackson PS-3T, it hasn't been made since early 2000's (plus Jackson no longer exists, per se, as Fender bought it a long time ago). It really needs a tune up, the intonation's just plain wrong, there's a lot of fret buzz on the low strings etc... It has a really "thin" neck, which for me is good, as I have small hands, but it might get too "crowded" for someone with larger hands. Most guitars have thicker/wider necks. I'd suggest to go to an instrument shop to try multiple guitars, not just buy based purely on looks or name.

You're much too hard on yourself!  I think like anything else it just takes practice.  A good craftsman doesn't blame his tools but makes the best of what he has to use.  I've taken some nice photos on a Canon S40 camera,  and I've seen amazing photos taken on Canon G2 cameras whereas I've also seen people buy the latest and greatest DSLR's and take so so shots.   Certainly the tools you use can help a lot and make things easier, but a lot of it has to do with skills of the user.  If you watch just the first two minutes of that "It Might Get Loud" video you'll see what I mean... :popcorn:

That Excalion actually doesn't sound too bad.  Sounds like their music could fit right into a Matrix movie...

@Rehab1 whoa I think my mom has that same shirt.  :blink: ;)  You still owe us a music video clip or something!  Get that Super 8 imported to Youtube!

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1 hour ago, Rehab1 said:

Crazy # of skills you have! No defense necessary!

Nope, at my "best" I was maybe a mediocre guitarist... Maybe, a very, very big maybe, if I had continued onwards I could have developed into something, but building your future based on music alone takes a special kind of talent, which I doubt I ever had, plus I never took any lessons (mostly for financial reasons) and never learned music theory, so probably I would have become quite a "starving artist" had I continued down that route :P The kind to who people give a few coins on the street just so he doesn't play anymore :D   For a while, I dropped out of school and pretty much just played 8-10 hours a day, which in hindsight, wasn't one of my best times ;) 


Git-R-Done! You could be famous some day for providing the special sound effects that propels them into stardom!

There's a slight problem in that; the guy I'm making the pedal for doesn't play guitar in that band :P  Plus I doubt I can make anything better than commercial options, but it's just out of my own interest into building such things, I don't think he actually even expects me to actually make one ;)  The first prototype I built had some problems (first the tone-setting didn't work correctly, and fixing that, I managed to screw up something on the delay/reverb-circuitry :P). It's relatively easy without the delay-stuff, but I still haven't decided whether I'm going to drop that... I should just get back on the saddle, I've now had several weeks of hiatus from electronics, as my concentration just doesn't "work" that well after quitting my medication, but we'll see...



Ok here is a photo on me last year:P performing in my rock band. We actually were pretty good in our day.  We had an opportunity to play backup for The Bob Seger System (his first band) but our band fell apart a few weeks before the concert.

Cool, you played the keyboard! Is that an actual Hammond? And Bob Seger, omg, actually, I'm not that familiar with the real Bob Seger, but back when I got my first guitar in '99, I practiced a lot of Metallica -songs (what a cliché, eh? :P), among them the songs from the Garage Inc. -cover album. One of the very first ones I tried to learn was Metallica's version of Turn the page (original by Bob Seger):





1 hour ago, Hunka Hunka Burning Love said:

You're much too hard on yourself!  I think like anything else it just takes practice.  A good craftsman doesn't blame his tools but makes the best of what he has to use.  I've taken some nice photos on a Canon S40 camera,  and I've seen amazing photos taken on Canon G2 cameras whereas I've also seen people buy the latest and greatest DSLR's and take so so shots.   Certainly the tools you use can help a lot and make things easier, but a lot of it has to do with skills of the user.  If you watch just the first two minutes of that "It Might Get Loud" video you'll see what I mean... :popcorn:

True that, but I'd still claim it's easier to learn on a proper instrument ;)  But, probably a lot of really good players have started on very shitty equipment, so it's not like it's totally preventing anything. Even if I had continued learning, I doubt I could have really made a living by playing, although I might have become really good at "mimicking" other artists, and wrote a lot of lyrics in the past, I just don't have that musical talent for creating actual music :P 



That Excalion actually doesn't sound too bad.  Sounds like their music could fit right into a Matrix movie...


Those guys are (at least technically) really good, hope they'll get to the point where they can get by just with their artistic talents. Although, the drummer for example has a Ph. D in computer science, so it's not like at least he has no other choices  ;)

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34 minutes ago, esaj said:

Cool, you played the keyboard! Is that an actual Hammond? And Bob Seger, omg, actually, I'm not that familiar with the real Bob Seger, but back when I got my first guitar in '99, I practiced a lot of Metallica -songs (what a cliché, eh? :P), among them the songs from the Garage Inc. -cover album. One of the very first ones I tried to learn was Metallica's version of Turn the page (original by Bob Seger):

Yes Hammond B3. The Leslie is hidden somewhere. I purchased it with my very  first bank loan. If you were brought up around Metallica do you remember To Live Crew? Here is Mr Seger:



34 minutes ago, esaj said:

I just don't have that musical talent

That sounds similar to Mariah Carey:laughbounce2:

I just caught the 'Mom Shirt' comment. Funny!  They will be back in style in 2920.

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I think we've all had darker days and have been to that bad place before.  Life's never easy is it?  I've read about people winning the lotto and end up losing their millions and families due to bad decisions.  They wish they had never won in the first place.

It seems like sometimes life piles a bunch of :pooping: on you, but you just have to pick yourself up and keep going.  It's a difficult concept to remember that happiness is something only we can create in our own minds.  It is only how our brains and consciousness react to external situations that make us feel the way we are, and often we can be our own worst enemies, can't we?

I think I need some meds as I'm in my rambling mode again... :sleep1:

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12 hours ago, Rehab1 said:

Yes Hammond B3. The Leslie is hidden somewhere. I bought with my very  first bank loan.

Nice, you still have it? Those old & original keyboards are probably worth a small fortune nowadays, like 50's/60's Les Paul -guitars and such. They just don't make 'em like that anymore...



If you were brought up around Metallica do you remember To Live Crew?

Doesn't ring a bell. Most of my early musical influences came from the bands my older sister listened to, like Bon Jovi, Metallica, Iron Maiden, Skid Row (one of my all time favorites, although the lead singer was apparently a real douche bag in real life :D) and such, ie. the "big names" of metal/hard rock of the 80's and 90's. Back in pre-school, when we had a play-"Record Panel", other kids brought the usual kids music, I brought Alice Cooper's "Poison"  :roflmao: 

When it comes to music in general, while I like certain "really technical" stuff, most of it just becomes a "dick measurement competition", ie. when you go overboard with the technicality of the playing. Yeah, it's cool you can play 10000 notes per bar, but after certain point it doesn't sound like "music" anymore... Someone like Slash (from Guns'n'Roses, Slash's Snakepit and whatever) is not the most technical player around, but the feel and emotion in his playing is something that you can't replace just with technically amazing playing. Sometimes,  "less is more"

Never liked Yngwie Malmsteen, btw :D 




That sounds similar to Mariah Carey:laughbounce2:

Not familiar with Carey's career either, great singer, but apparently she doesn't write her own songs? ;)


12 hours ago, steve454 said:

Amber Lynn, right?  One of my all time favorites.  

If you meant the Metallica-video, it's Ginger Lynn:  http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000259/bio


Seriously, if i could even play the guitar one tenth as good as that, I would be ecstatic.  Something I always dreamed of but can never do.

My playing "skill" (:D) is nothing extraordinary, mostly of learning to play is just repeating the same thing over and over... :P  Probably anyone can do it, given enough rehearse. But actually making (ie. composing) music is another thing, that requires the actual "talent".


12 hours ago, Hunka Hunka Burning Love said:

I think we've all had darker days and have been to that bad place before.  Life's never easy is it?  I've read about people winning the lotto and end up losing their millions and families due to bad decisions.  They wish they had never won in the first place.

It seems like sometimes life piles a bunch of :pooping: on you, but you just have to pick yourself up and keep going.  It's a difficult concept to remember that happiness is something only we can create in our own minds.  It is only how our brains and consciousness react to external situations that make us feel the way we are, and often we can be our own worst enemies, can't we?

True, you can always look back and wish you did/didn't do this and that back then etc. I wouldn't mind winning the lottery, and while I need to "make ends do", my problems aren't really material anymore. One of my friends said I've hit the "mid-life crisis" way too early, as I keep looking back to "good old times" far too often (that really actually even weren't that good :D)



I think I need some meds as I'm in my rambling mode again... :sleep1:

My problem with my meds was that while they do sort of work and "balance" me out, there are some side-effects I've actually never really noticed that good before, like impulsivity and totally unnecessary aggravation at times (starting arguments over basically nothing and such), that cause whole other problems on their own...

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Hmm those side effects sound a lot like what I experience all the time... could explain those three servers blocking my hallway which I need to figure out what to do with... :unsure:  OCD is also a slight issue I seem to have.  Ever notice almost all my posts are edited?  :innocent1:

I bought a ton of busted cameras from eBay and repaired most of them (simple disassembly, reconnecting loose ribbon cables, changing out lens assemblies) with the intent of selling them off again, but I never did.  I think I sold one for $40.  I have a nice collection of them now collecting dust.  Not sure why I was obsessed there for a bit, but I'll just call it a past hobby now.  :whistling:

These EUCs seem to be a persisting obsession.  Oh well I just try to find little things that make me happy.  I try not to expect too much more.

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40 minutes ago, Rehab1 said:

Has anyone heard of 2 Live Crew? A very controversial group in the 80- 90s! The following personal story relates to them. I will try to be brief.

A very close friend of mine and his wife had just adopted a 15 year old boy named Brian. The day after the adoption was final his son went out with a group of friends joy riding in a stolen car. The car hit a pole. The driver was decapitated and his son was in a coma. 

One month passed without Brian regaining consciousness.  Call it an epiphany of sorts but one evening I was watching a news story about a young boy that suddenly regained consciousness after his best friend, the family dog, licked him on the face at the hospital.

My wheels started  turning. What did my friend's son cherish in life? It turned out he loved listening to both Metallica and 2 Live Crew. So I set my sights on reaching out to both of these musical groups through their representatives to ask if they would provide something meaningful to Brian that might shock the boy out of his deep sleep.

Metallica never responded to my quest but within a week of me reaching out a package arrived from 2 Live Crew! Inside were 2 Live Crew promotional hats, t-shirts, wrist bands, etc. But the most important item found inside the box was a studio recording that 2 Live Crew had produced! No music or rap, just a personal message to my friend's son asking him to "wake up"! 

Luke of 2LC began talking first: "Brian, Brian, wake up buddy! This is Luke from 2 Live Crew"! He went on repeating the phrase and just talking to Brian. The other group members followed with their heartfelt messages!

Yes Brian did regain consciousness at the hospital a few days after listening to the recording. No one is certain if the outreach by 2 Live Crew had anything to do with his recovery but it did open my eyes to this controversial  group: "Never cast judgement on others you have no knowledge about!" 

Whether it had anything to do with him regaining consciousness, it's still a good thing that the group did respond! While I like Metallicas music, well... prior to Load & Reload, which aren't that bad albums either, but definitely something different (and since then, it's been downhill :P Although I have to admit I haven't even listened to the newest album), to me, the "real" Metallica is Kill 'em all - "The black album" (self-titled "Metallica", "Snake album" or whatever). In my opinion, they should have pushed the more "alternative"/progressive way of ...And Justice for All even further in the later albums.

Just last night, for the first time ever, I watched "Some kind of Monster" (the documentary), as I couldn't get sleep and it had just appeared on the Finnish Netflix. And... these guys are just unbelievable :D Half of the documentary, I was like... what... the... fuck. Ok, I won't go further on it, but somehow I expected... "more" from the "biggest metal band ever" or something. Sure, they're just human beings, but still... well, I shouldn't judge, they've achieved a lot in life, and done a lot of good things. :P

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I've heard of Two Live Crew.  Did your story ever hit the news?  Now that's much more newsworthy than a wheelchair for a fish!

Rehabing children, bringing people back from the dead, if there was any person I know who is most eligible for modern Sainthood :innocent1:, I think it would be you!

It's funny how some obscure stimuli can trigger the brain to regain consciousness. I don't think it was purely coincidence.

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9 hours ago, esaj said:

Just last night, for the first time ever, I watched "Some kind of Monster" (the documentary), as I couldn't get sleep and it had just appeared on the Finnish Netflix. And... these guys are just unbelievable :D Half of the documentary, I was like... what... the... fuck. Ok, I won't go further on it, but somehow I expected... "more" from the "biggest metal band ever" or something. Sure, they're just human beings, but still... well, I shouldn't judge, they've achieved a lot in life, and done a lot of good things. :P

I need to pull up the documentary and see exactly what you are referring to.


9 hours ago, Hunka Hunka Burning Love said:

 Did your story ever hit the news?  Now that's much more newsworthy than a wheelchair for a fish!

No it was a very private moment. I should download the tape on YouTube using a private link so you can hear it. The messages were recorded on a cassette tape. I need to research the conversion method going from analog to digital.

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Oh how I loved the song: Face down a** up, thats the way we like to ******** :D

but I never thought something that good would ever happen because of them, much respect! I will undust that CD and listdn to some of those songs again tonight!

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