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ACM16 first impressions


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So yesterday I finally received by two battery packs for my empty ACM16 Gotway shell that I've been staring at for weeks. Well, I've had a chance to ride this bad boy for a bit and I have some impressions. 


  • App
    • The app for iOS that's available in the app store just sucks. There is no way to disable the tilt back, so you have a 45 km/h high speed unicycle that tilts back at 24 km/h. Pretty useless if you ask me. Also, there is no way to control the lights from the iOS app. The only thing you CAN do is to change the ride mode and turn off the warning beeps. Pretty bad. 
    • However, the experimental android app is much more useful. I was able to set a tiltback setting to 45 km/h, turn the lights off/on/flashing, and adjust ride modes and beeps. The app isn't perfect, but all I really needed it to do was to set a higher tilt back. 
  • Ride
    • The ride is interesting in "hard" mode, or madden mode I think it might be called. The ride isn't as stiff as an MSUPER2, but much more stiff than the KS14C. Acceleration is quite nice, and I do not have the "stuttering" when braking like some people have claimed. My salesguy said that my unit was updated before it left China, so that's good. 
    • The unit is strong. I weigh 158lbs but can easily go up the ramps at my skate park. It feels even more powerful than the MSUPER2 which I didn't think was really possible. I'm happy with the power for sure. 
  • Comfort
    • I've said this before, but I'll say it again- nothing that I have ridden is as comfortable as the MSUPER2. This wheel is no exception. Having a housing that goes up to your knee (and after adding padding to it) is very hard to beat for longer treks. The padding on the ACM16 is high quality and there is nothing wrong with it; it's just not as comfortable as the MSUPER2. 
    • The pedals are small. They have a nice rubber ribbing, but they are definitely too small. So far the only pedals that I really like are the oversized ones on the MSUPER2. I wish we could get bigger pedals for the other models out there. Pedal size seems to be the number 1 factor in my foot comfort over long rides (15+ miles). 
    • The tire that is shipped with the unit has a lot of grip, like a mountain bike tire, so the wheel isn't super smooth on the road like the LHOTZ is. The tire performs very well on the grass however. 
  • Price
    • I paid $1550 delivered from China from the Green and Fashion traveling shop. I found the price to be reasonable, but let me say that the gentlemen I worked with was VERY helpful and responsive. I have zero reservations in recommending anyone to buy from that shop. He did have to ship the battery and wheel separately due to really annoying US import customs, but the entire process took just under a month which is very reasonable in my opinion. In fact, the wheel itself got to me, from China, in an astonishing 72 hours. 
  • Overall
    • So what do I think overall? Am I as impressed with this unit as I was with the MSUPER2? No. But that doesn't mean that this isn't a good unit. The added features such as the head lamp and rotating colorful LEDs on the back are nice, but ultimately small cosmetic changes that don't really matter. Where the MSUPER2 feels like a tank, this unit feels much more like an expensive toy. I really like the actual look of the unit as it's clean and simple, unlike a ninebot. The matte finish doesn't really show dirt or anything, and I haven't fallen off my EUC in a very long time, so I expect for this one to remain in great shape for a while. The 850wh battery is definitely nice, and all 3 of my wheels have an 850wh. I don't think I would/could go with a lesser battery; the freedom to go for miles is liberating. 
    • How about this unit vs the KingSong 16" you might be asking? Well, they were roughly the same price, but the Gotway has a much more powerful motor and a much higher top speed. In reality you will be able to go 35~ km/h, not 45 like the app suggests, but that's still the fastest EUC on the market. I also liked not having an active cooling fan-I worry that it will fail after a short time. Gotway upgraded the heatsink on the ACM16 and I will be able to let everyone know soon how it handles the heat in Arizona summers. I'm hopeful though. My KS14C overheats way too easily. 


Let me know if you have any questions!

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On 25.5.2016 at 6:09 PM, adhermes said:
  • Price
    • I paid $1550 delivered from China from the Green and Fashion traveling shop.


Let me know if you have any questions!

@adhermes Thanks for your review.

Could you please provide a link to the shop? Thanks.

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Update #1:

So after a couple days with this thing, and getting it all tuned right with the android app and tire pressure, I have some more thoughts. THIS UNIT IS FAST! Like, really, really fast. I haven't been able to get it to engage the 45 km/h tilt back yet because I don't want to have to put all my body armor on, but I am going to do that tonight. The power is incredible and I never felt unstable at all. 

The pedals really do suck though. They are just like KingSong pedals, so pretty much garbage. I'm a firm believer that these EUCs need big pedals like the MSUPER2. @Linnea Lin Gotway can I buy bigger pedals anywhere for this ACM16? 

I also haven't been able to figure out how to play music through the unit. I connect to bluetooth but I don't see a separate bluetooth connection for the speakers, so as of right now that feature is useless (to me). 

And here's one of the biggest problems! The headlight. On the KingSong units, the headlight turns on when it gets dark. So far my ACM has not behaved this way. The ONLY way to turn the headlight on is through the android development app. I have an old Galaxy S4 that I keep around just for things like this, but it's annoying to have to carry around an old phone just to turn the lights on or off. They really need to implement a darkness activated feature like the king song. 


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25 minutes ago, adhermes said:

Update #1:

So after a couple days with this thing, and getting it all tuned right with the android app and tire pressure, I have some more thoughts. THIS UNIT IS FAST! Like, really, really fast. I haven't been able to get it to engage the 45 km/h tilt back yet because I don't want to have to put all my body armor on, but I am going to do that tonight. The power is incredible and I never felt unstable at all. 

The pedals really do suck though. They are just like KingSong pedals, so pretty much garbage. I'm a firm believer that these EUCs need big pedals like the MSUPER2. @Linnea Lin Gotway can I buy bigger pedals anywhere for this ACM16? 

I also haven't been able to figure out how to play music through the unit. I connect to bluetooth but I don't see a separate bluetooth connection for the speakers, so as of right now that feature is useless (to me). 

And here's one of the biggest problems! The headlight. On the KingSong units, the headlight turns on when it gets dark. So far my ACM has not behaved this way. The ONLY way to turn the headlight on is through the android development app. I have an old Galaxy S4 that I keep around just for things like this, but it's annoying to have to carry around an old phone just to turn the lights on or off. They really need to implement a darkness activated feature like the king song. 


Hi @adhermes, I believe, there is a fairly sobering reason for your inability to connect to the speakers: as far as I know, the ACM has none :o.

For turning the lights on: try short press on the power button. I think, Linnea demonstrated that to me, but I'm not absolutely sure.

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1 hour ago, adhermes said:

 I haven't been able to get it to engage the 45 km/h tilt back yet because I don't want to have to put all my body armor on, but I am going to do that tonight.

Be careful! That is only doable at 100% battery. If you attempt that at 80% battery, you will eat concrete. Gotway is known to list their cutoff speed as the max speed, and their app speed is 10% below the real speed (for marketing purposes), and even goes 15% below real speed for heavier riders.

The cutoff speed decreases as the battery decreases. Meaning at 50% battery the cuttoff will be well below that 45kph tiltback!

Do a "Lift Test" at different battery percentages to find the different cutoff speeds (which will actually be the cutoff during riding for lightweight riders).

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Thanks for the review adhermes! So you were able to enable a higher tilt back speed? Did you have to use a beta android app to do so?

I'm getting an ACM and would like to be able to tune it. The only app I found so far is the one listed here, is this the right one? http://www.kebye.com/content/?182.html


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Any update on your ACM? 


I have one ordered but have to wait for it to arrive from Gotway to my reseller then come to me. 

I plan on setting the tilt back to kick in at 20mph (32kmh?) as I feel that's the fastest I would want to go and even then I won't hit that speed very often with some of the places I ride. With the tilt back set so low I am hoping I should never hit that cutoff speed with lower battery.

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Hello Every one ! :) 
I bought my ACM 16 - 820Wh battery. 

I actually am a 105 Kg (232 Lbs) guy ! 
This is a great machin... Setting the the tilt back to 39 Km/h I could go to 40,5 Km/h tested on my GPS which is pretty accurate... 
So I can say this machine is FAAAAAAST :):) 

But... Bad news... I had A first problem with the mother board a first time... They changed to the new mother board saying that this will fix the issue... 

I rolled 2 times without any problem... and then... AGAIN problem ! my ACM just shut down and couldn't be switched on ! 

Let me explain. 

1) First time it broke down was at very very slow speed... slow walking speed even... the acm got into a tiny pothole the ground was wet and when pushing on my toes to get out of it, the acm just went wrong... I could switch it on again but the acm was only stuttering back and forth without being able to adjust its position...
=> The shop repaired it quick buy putting the new motherboard and upgraded it to the new firmware... They said that one transistor was totally grilled... :o

things was great until a few days ago. I took my acm to do a little "hike" in Paris 

2) Second time it broke up... After a long trip of about 32 - 35 Km that brought me to 30% battery level... my acm was telling me to go easy on my accelerations buy doing 3 slow bips... I had a meeting so I put it to charge for an hour... 
After 1 hour charge, the IOS app was saying 60% of the full charge... I did about 6 Km and while going VERY VERY SLOW again (to avoid some girl that was standing on my way on her phone) my wheel hit a side walk obstacle of much less than 1cm the type of obstacle you normally don't even feel :huh: with that wheel... 
And the ACM broke down... IT SUDDENLY SHUT DOWN and IMPOSSIBLE to switch it on again... 
I thought it was the battery but I had a bad feeling about it because the wheel wouldn't turn... the wheel was off and blocked and would not rotate... Only a jerky serrated way when forcing... 

I brought the wheel back to the shop and they are studying the problem, but I think my weight is the problem... :( :'( 

I look everywhere on internet for anyone that would have had the same experience but I think I'm the only 105 Kg ACM user :(:( 

If any one hear anything that could help... thanks for telling me :) 

I'll keep you guies updated :) 

Cheers everyone

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Dont know if your weight is the reason why it broke. If you rode slowly 105 kg shouldnt be a problem. I am 100kg myself. But weight does have a big i pact on how euc will behave and it will have a higher chance of having issues

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13 hours ago, Cyrus Smith said:

Hello Every one ! :) 
I bought my ACM 16 - 820Wh battery. 

I actually am a 105 Kg (232 Lbs) guy ! 
This is a great machin... Setting the the tilt back to 39 Km/h I could go to 40,5 Km/h tested on my GPS which is pretty accurate... 
So I can say this machine is FAAAAAAST :):) 

But... Bad news... I had A first problem with the mother board a first time... They changed to the new mother board saying that this will fix the issue... 

I rolled 2 times without any problem... and then... AGAIN problem ! my ACM just shut down and couldn't be switched on ! 

Let me explain. 

1) First time it broke down was at very very slow speed... slow walking speed even... the acm got into a tiny pothole the ground was wet and when pushing on my toes to get out of it, the acm just went wrong... I could switch it on again but the acm was only stuttering back and forth without being able to adjust its position...
=> The shop repaired it quick buy putting the new motherboard and upgraded it to the new firmware... They said that one transistor was totally grilled... :o

things was great until a few days ago. I took my acm to do a little "hike" in Paris 

2) Second time it broke up... After a long trip of about 32 - 35 Km that brought me to 30% battery level... my acm was telling me to go easy on my accelerations buy doing 3 slow bips... I had a meeting so I put it to charge for an hour... 
After 1 hour charge, the IOS app was saying 60% of the full charge... I did about 6 Km and while going VERY VERY SLOW again (to avoid some girl that was standing on my way on her phone) my wheel hit a side walk obstacle of much less than 1cm the type of obstacle you normally don't even feel :huh: with that wheel... 
And the ACM broke down... IT SUDDENLY SHUT DOWN and IMPOSSIBLE to switch it on again... 
I thought it was the battery but I had a bad feeling about it because the wheel wouldn't turn... the wheel was off and blocked and would not rotate... Only a jerky serrated way when forcing... 

I brought the wheel back to the shop and they are studying the problem, but I think my weight is the problem... :( :'( 

I look everywhere on internet for anyone that would have had the same experience but I think I'm the only 105 Kg ACM user :(:( 

If any one hear anything that could help... thanks for telling me :) 

I'll keep you guies updated :) 

Cheers everyone

New motherboard or a replacement board with the latest firmware and bigger heatsink?

I thought about buying an ACM (replacement for my daughters 9b1 and as a smaller wheel for me). Maybe I just need to wait for a V2. 

The new firmware was supposed to work good and refined.

Speaking in general: This business is to fast with new products and releases. I'm missing a development framework with processes and testbooks/ -cases. 

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13 hours ago, Cyrus Smith said:

Hello Every one ! :) 
I bought my ACM 16 - 820Wh battery. 

I actually am a 105 Kg (232 Lbs) guy ! 
This is a great machin... Setting the the tilt back to 39 Km/h I could go to 40,5 Km/h tested on my GPS which is pretty accurate... 
So I can say this machine is FAAAAAAST :):) 

But... Bad news... I had A first problem with the mother board a first time... They changed to the new mother board saying that this will fix the issue... 

I rolled 2 times without any problem... and then... AGAIN problem ! my ACM just shut down and couldn't be switched on ! 

Let me explain. 

1) First time it broke down was at very very slow speed... slow walking speed even... the acm got into a tiny pothole the ground was wet and when pushing on my toes to get out of it, the acm just went wrong... I could switch it on again but the acm was only stuttering back and forth without being able to adjust its position...
=> The shop repaired it quick buy putting the new motherboard and upgraded it to the new firmware... They said that one transistor was totally grilled... :o

things was great until a few days ago. I took my acm to do a little "hike" in Paris 

2) Second time it broke up... After a long trip of about 32 - 35 Km that brought me to 30% battery level... my acm was telling me to go easy on my accelerations buy doing 3 slow bips... I had a meeting so I put it to charge for an hour... 
After 1 hour charge, the IOS app was saying 60% of the full charge... I did about 6 Km and while going VERY VERY SLOW again (to avoid some girl that was standing on my way on her phone) my wheel hit a side walk obstacle of much less than 1cm the type of obstacle you normally don't even feel :huh: with that wheel... 
And the ACM broke down... IT SUDDENLY SHUT DOWN and IMPOSSIBLE to switch it on again... 
I thought it was the battery but I had a bad feeling about it because the wheel wouldn't turn... the wheel was off and blocked and would not rotate... Only a jerky serrated way when forcing... 

I brought the wheel back to the shop and they are studying the problem, but I think my weight is the problem... :( :'( 

I look everywhere on internet for anyone that would have had the same experience but I think I'm the only 105 Kg ACM user :(:( 

If any one hear anything that could help... thanks for telling me :) 

I'll keep you guies updated :) 

Cheers everyone

I weight about the same as you and I have problems on hills.

A small pot hole with our weigh can make the motor draw lots of current.

It is good to know the limits of your.

For us heavy riders at current time we have to sacrifice speed for torque, since it will be a very long time since we are able to get 2k watt or even better 3k watt motors with control boards that can handle that amount of power, it will eventually happen.

I would recommend to monitor the temperature and the current that the board uses.

Even a tiny bump can cause huge draw of current, I did a bump simulation I weight 105 to 110kg, the bump was 6 cm high, starting speed 0, and every unicycle I owned failed.

Knowing that is very important to know roughly what size bumps the unicycle can handle safely, and you be surprised, but it is only about 3 to 4 cm with our weights, and that depends also on the wheel size.

Monitor the current when going over bumps or potholes and keep us updated, all informationi that we get is very valuable.


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As i am 100 kg also...i Know what You Are speaking of....

Specialy on Slow moving pottholes or Bumps Can throw me of The Wheel....when on higher Speeds i Can easily Overcome them....

the Wheel tries with all its Power to get over the hole/bump, draws a serious amount of amperage....and then fails..

the only difference to my Ks14/16 where i both experienced that a Lot.... There motherboard did Not get Fried....

so for me it Seams: the KS have One more Safety in their Firmware Not to Overpower their Transistors/elkos or whatever......but that Is just a "believe" o mine.....but the situations You told us i have nearly exactly the Same...and i also Read this from another guy Who got his Pedal scratched on a boardwalkside...and the power of the GW Throwed him of and his Board Fried...

so please don't throw Stones...it's just a believe  of me....or like Oliver Said: Models thrown to early to market..::

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my Solution will be this:

save some Money and buy The strongest, safest, watthour Beast in 18" that Is on The market....a ks18 1200w or The Coming msuper3....

more ease to Go over holes and Bumps with a 18 " Wheel...

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5 minutes ago, KingSong69 said:


my Solution will be this:

save some Money and buy The strongest, safest, watthour Beast in 18" that Is on The market....a ks18 1200w or The Coming msuper3....

more ease to Go over holes and Bumps with a 18 " Wheel...

That's true. I had the problem with my old IPS. Got stick in water channels on urban roads/ in the forest. Wheel to small, water not powerful enough, heavy rider (I'm currently 100+).

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The KS18 is 1200W when the GW ACM16 is 1500W... The problem is in the strength of the motherboard components... 
+ I used the ACM 16 prototype (with old mother board and old firmware) for a week and the Msuper2 too and they did not fail me for the moment... 

Gotway seem to know what is the problem and are making a new mother board that wan handle the power and the heat... 
I'll keep you posted when I'll get mine back :) 

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11 hours ago, Cyrus Smith said:

The KS18 is 1200W when the GW ACM16 is 1500W... The problem is in the strength of the motherboard components... 
+ I used the ACM 16 prototype (with old mother board and old firmware) for a week and the Msuper2 too and they did not fail me for the moment... 

Gotway seem to know what is the problem and are making a new mother board that wan handle the power and the heat... 
I'll keep you posted when I'll get mine back :) 

Another motherboard revision? :(

If this is true then it may be why mine hasn't been dispatched yet. I hope so as it would be fantastic to have the latest control board fixes.


I have had confirmation mine has been held so as to receive the latest version!  So happy. :D Thank you Jane & Gotway

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Question for you other ACM owners. When you get to low battery, does your ACM tilt your pedals back automatically and slow you down? How does your wheel act with low battery? 



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23 hours ago, Chrispy said:

Question for you other ACM owners. When you get to low battery, does your ACM tilt your pedals back automatically and slow you down? How does your wheel act with low battery? 



I haven't received mine yet (arriving tomorrow!) but from what I have read and understand the pedals are meant to tilt back and the wheel slow you down when the battery gets to a certain level. 

My Ninebot One E+ does this too. The slowdown is useful to help you get that extra mile or two home though I can't see me having any problems with the ACM with a range of 30-40 miles :lol:

Ok. I've received it now and been out for my first ride. Unfortunately I only used about 30% so still can't comment on the low battery actions. I think I did just over 9 miles this evening with 1 mile being a long uphill ride at a pretty decent speed which I wouldn't usually do.

After work tomorrow I'm going to take my longer scenic route (5.5 miles instead of 2 miles) which will take me up another long steady hill, around a nearby lake and along the canal. I have set my tiltback to around 20mph (33kmh) and will have a chance to see what that speed feels like :)

Unfortunately this still won't bring my battery down enough to test the low battery effects. I'll come back again if I get to that point.

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