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Looking for the best wheel

David S

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Hello everyone, I've owned a solowheel classic for a couple years now and want to buy a new 2nd wheel that is the best possible. It seems my options are between the solowheel xtreme, gotway msuper 2, 3?, and a kingsong 18.

The xtreme is by far my favorite design, and my favorite company, however their price is so much higher for a smaller battery its hard for me to consider buying it. A smaller range isn't a complete deal breaker for me but I would really like a higher top speed(15mph+). The only superior spec it has on paper is the 1800w motor, but i feel it cant properly utilize this with such a low top speed.

The smaller Kingsong wheels look ok to me, but i don't like the look of the tall version for the 18 inch wheels. Also i read they seem to be the most reliable at speeds without unexpected shutdowns. This is obviously very important for safety if you were to use the speeds.

The gotway msuper2 seeems to be the best choice right now for higher speeds, but I am very concerned about the unexpected shutdowns. Also it seems the 3 may be coming out soon.

It seems a strange time to try to buy a top of the line EU, Solowheel is no longer listed on amazon or any other of their competitors. I emailed gotway and they told me they can't have a distributor in the US because of a solowheel patent, which is why i guess no EU's are available any longer on amazon. I am wondering if i should just continue waiting to see if a better product will come along soon?


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The Solowheel Xtreme is not a more powerful motor.

The 1800W they list is max/peak power. Both Gotway MSuper2 & KingSong KS-18A do 3000W max/peak power.

Solowheel doesn't list nominal or continuous average power, probably for marketing/sales reasons. When you ride a Solowheel, it is not giving out 1800W of power at a constant average rate; this is only the highest momentary peak.

In actuality, the wheel is averaging anywhere from 25-40% of that 1800W during your ride. But since Gotway & KingSong do advertise their wheels with nominal power, the 1000W Gotway MSuper2 is truly averaging 1000W during your ride, and the 1200W KingSong KS-18A (Chinese version) is truly averaging 1200W.


It sounds like you aren't really into the KingSong, so why buy a wheel you don't love?

Safety is a concern, but be careful when people complain about unexpected "random" shutdowns in this forum (wheel fully loses power), mistaking them for overleaning cutouts (wheel remains powered on, but the wheel stops holding you upright).

All wheels will cutout if you overlean (accelerating too fast, surging the current past the BMS threshold). And neither Gotway nor KingSong have overwhelming evidence of "random shutdowns".

So the question is, do you need tiltback warning (which Gotway does not do reliably yet), or are you okay with just audible beep warnings at top speed to prevent you from exceeding the high speed cutout threshold?

If you're fine with the just the beep alarms, personally, I would wait for the Gotway MSuper3, as the quality overall will probably be better than the MSuper2, which is already a more-than-year old design dating back to the 1st MSuper.

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5 hours ago, David S said:

The smaller Kingsong wheels look ok to me, but i don't like the look of the tall version for the 18 inch wheels. Also i read they seem to be the most reliable at speeds without unexpected shutdowns. This is obviously very important for safety if you were to use the speeds.

Why not buy the KS-16 which is very pleasing to the eye and is very powerful?

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5 hours ago, David S said:

Hello everyone, I've owned a solowheel classic for a couple years now and want to buy a new 2nd wheel that is the best possible. It seems my options are between the solowheel xtreme, gotway msuper 2, 3?, and a kingsong 18.

The xtreme is by far my favorite design, and my favorite company, however their price is so much higher for a smaller battery its hard for me to consider buying it. A smaller range isn't a complete deal breaker for me but I would really like a higher top speed(15mph+). The only superior spec it has on paper is the 1800w motor, but i feel it cant properly utilize this with such a low top speed.

The smaller Kingsong wheels look ok to me, but i don't like the look of the tall version for the 18 inch wheels. Also i read they seem to be the most reliable at speeds without unexpected shutdowns. This is obviously very important for safety if you were to use the speeds.

The gotway msuper2 seeems to be the best choice right now for higher speeds, but I am very concerned about the unexpected shutdowns. Also it seems the 3 may be coming out soon.

It seems a strange time to try to buy a top of the line EU, Solowheel is no longer listed on amazon or any other of their competitors. I emailed gotway and they told me they can't have a distributor in the US because of a solowheel patent, which is why i guess no EU's are available any longer on amazon. I am wondering if i should just continue waiting to see if a better product will come along soon?


Priority one as a first step (even before considering prices) I think should be deciding on wheel size. It really can be a culture shock going up to 18 or down to 14.....and it might be a change in manoeuvrebility/stability/weight that you just don't/(do) like.

Decide that, then look at the options in your price range for that diameter

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Thanks HouseofJobs, I didn't know solowheel listed peak while others listed average. As much as I like the Xtreme I don't think i can justify buying it when it cost more and it doesn't appear to be a superior product in any way, I would be fine spending that much if it was.

Looks like my best option now is to wait for the msuper3.

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Having tested about 6 different brands now but never solowheel or gotway to be clear, I find the KS14b and c to be just fine.

The 14b with removable battery is lighter at 11.5 k but motor still 500 w nominal and 2,000 max, no doubt if I was rich I would buy one now.

I feel the quality for the price is good with this EUC.

Other than the annoying freestyle over heat issue (which will be addressed soon) I love my 14c.

Have not got to ride any 16 inch KS yet.

Every time I ride a less expensive wheel they just feel less safe and cheap.



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2 minutes ago, UKJ said:

Having tested about 6 different brands now but never solowheel or gotway to be clear, I find the KS14b and c to be just fine.

The 14b with removable battery is lighter at 11.5 k but motor still 500 w nominal and 2,000 max, no doubt if I was rich I would buy one now.

I feel the quality for the price is good with this EUC.

Other than the annoying freestyle over heat issue (which will be addressed soon) I love my 14c.

Have not got to ride any 16 inch KS yet.

Every time I ride a less expensive wheel they just feel less safe and cheap.



The OP is looking for the best wheel. ;)

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Thanks everyone for the very helpful feedback. I decided to go with the ks16 840wh. It seemed to fit what i was looking for, high speeds, big battery capacity, good design, and reliable and well built. I also really like how the trolley handle is built in and doesnt take away from the looks while still being functional.

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Hi David- sorry I'm late to the party, but as an owner of the xtreme and the ks16 840wh, I think you made a great choice. I've tried all the major wheels and the KS ride mode strikes a good balance with very stuff pedals, but with some of the play beneath your feet to allow you to throw the wheel in front and behind you a bit - like solowheel but less severe and without the pedals tilting. KS16 definitely feels more powerful, but has anyone confirmed if 1800w is really peak or nominal? I don't think they have- seems like a lot of speculation. so while I doubt it's the nominal figure like some of you, it's no slouch- it doesn't feel totally weak compared to ks16, and doesn't feel slow either. Technically yes it has a slower top speed, but I'm just saying it doesn't feel too slow to me because I ride in congested urban areas all the time. But when I open her up in the open the speed feels just right. And the thing has no issue with hills and never throws a fit at the steepest I throw at it. Also it's a lot more comfy than the KS16. There's a lot to be said for ergonomics and is by far the most comfy ride I've ever tried.

That being said, if I had to choose between the two, I'd go with ks16 for the range and power- and the very useful built in headlight and trolley. But I'm very happy with both since they're so different and compliment each other well

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Jeffrey, What made you decide to get the xtreme? As I said above I'm a big fan of solowheel and was reluctant to go to a different company but i just couldn't find a way to justify buying it with its higher price and lower specs. Even if it was just a 340wh battery with a 15mph top speed I would have prob choose it. I don't mind spending more as long as the product is actually better than the others, but i couldn't find anything to indicate that other than statements from solowheel themselves. Hopefully in the future they will either increase their specs a bit or bring the price down.

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@Jeffrey Scott Will Re-read their page. If you can't find the text, as they've conveniently left out the word "max" from the spec sheet, the excerpt below.

I would imagine a small operation like Inventist is having a hard time covering the legal costs of the lawsuit filed against them by the larger Ninebot/Segway, so I wouldn't count on a new product from them any time soon.



The brand new Solowheel motor is made from the world's leading N45 magnet and 270 stator material. Its operating power is increased by 50% in comparison to the previous generation, achieving a maximum output of 1800W. In addition to being powerful, the motor is designed to be quiet and energy-efficient.

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@houseofjob Thanks for posting link.

While trying to not be critical I must ask these questions.

18" with only 196 w/hr

Tire tread for off road

12 mile charge on the level

16 k/hr speed

no head light

asym shell design

What am I missing in trying to understand their thoughts?


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11 hours ago, houseofjob said:

I would imagine a small operation like Inventist is having a hard time covering the legal costs of the lawsuit filed against them by the larger Ninebot/Segway, so I wouldn't count on a new product from them any time soon.

Do you have any more details or source on that?

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@UKJ ?? I am not advocating for or against the SoloWheel, just stating the facts. The SoloWheel Xtreme dates back to late 2014, almost a dinosaur in EUC years.


@HEC I put the word "imagine" because I am speculating based on the ongoing litigation. Litigation over time costs money; money that smaller companies typically do not have.

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4 minutes ago, houseofjob said:


@HEC I put the word "imagine" because I am speculating based on the ongoing litigation. Litigation over time costs money; money that smaller companies typically do not have.

Thanks for the link - I was actually referring to the litigation itself ;)

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Allow me to post a few corrections to statements made here- the Xtreme first came out summer 2015, a little less than a year ago, not 2014. The top speed is 22kph, 24kph with waiver release upgrade... I don't know where people are getting 16kph. Is that was inventist's site says or something? They don't do the best at updating it. 

There are some legal things going on, but also a lot of positive developments that I can't detail. New products are coming, and there is a lot going on behind the scenes right now.

I realize that many haven't tried the xtreme because it's more rare due to the price, but I would encourage people to give it a good couple test drives before forming your opinions instead of reading the specs. Otherwise you don't really know what you're talking about. I just got a KS16 840wh and it makes me love my xtreme no less!  They're both amazing machines that are really good at different things. I will enjoy riding both regularly. The xtreme has the most comfortable and joyful riding experience of any wheel I've ever tried. 

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Okay, I stand corrected on 2014 (was going on the SoloWheel Xtreme Google page benchmark), but if this is a 2015 machine, then the specs are even poorer, considering what products launched beside it (think Gotway, KingSong).

I don't doubt the ride quality, but considering the fact that you do own a KS-16A, isn't it a tough sell for the beginners & cash-strapped folks to spend all that money on an under-speced EUC that will be their only wheel? If you had to have only one wheel, would it really be the SoloWheel Xtreme? Wasn't that the question being asked on this thread, to pick just one?

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17 hours ago, houseofjob said:

If you had to have only one wheel, would it really be the SoloWheel Xtreme?

Well - it really depends on multiply factors - individual for each perspective buyer (not necessarily in order of importance) - like:

1. Can you afford (a.k.a. are you NOT strapped for cash)?

2. Do you prefer the design / look?

3. Do you prefer / trust / want to support the brand?

4. What are your usage / commuting requirements? Will the "slicker" / smaller / lighter wheel cover your daily commute routine with enough spare to cover for occasional extra ride?

5. Are you concern about safety / health?

So if you can say yes to most / all of above, why not?

P.S. I don't want to imply that Xtreme is the best looking wheel out there (as it depends on your personal taste / preferences) though I personally find it pretty cool and slick nor that it's the safest one out there but once again I personally trust the Inventist that they've done their job.

Not everyone is looking for the fastest or long range wheels and I for one can say that Xtreme is currently fulfilling all my EUC requirements and although it is pricey I still feel it has it's value. And for someone else it will certainly seems waste of money and space based on completely different set of criteria ...

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1 minute ago, houseofjob said:

@HEC Fair enough. The key question here is, is the Xtreme currently the only wheel you own?

It's my primary though second wheel in addition to having first original Solowheel. If I'd be buying a new / first wheel now though I'd most likely go for Xtreme.

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@HEC Completely fair & respectable opinion. 

FWIW though, as soon as recommendations are requested for a wheel with top speed & performance (most are, including this original thread), not to mention price consideration (again, the original considerations of this thread) I can't see how the SoloWheel Xtreme can even be a part of the conversation.

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For me the biggest factor taking the xtreme out of my consideration was the slower top speed. I would love it to have a bigger battery with a higher range too, but its not as important to me. Having a real world 10 mile range would fit for about 90%+ of my use, but i would love to be able to get places faster on it. I e-mailed inventist asking if they could unlock it to a slightly higher top speed if i bought from them and they said they didn't do that.

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Well - it does 22 kph (the "rated" 16 kph on Inventist web site is a bit misleading) so it's pretty close to what you've wanted ... Also - depending on your weight you might get more distance out of it as well. I'm towards the higher weight due to my height and occasional extra stuff I carry so indeed it decreases the range for me but it fits my requirements even then without problems. The riding comfort greatly outweighs the minor (to me) disadvantages like not-so-high speed. Also motor feels really powerful despite the unclear specification in regards of it's real continuous power.

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On May 24, 2016 at 1:22 PM, houseofjob said:

Okay, I stand corrected on 2014 (was going on the SoloWheel Xtreme Google page benchmark), but if this is a 2015 machine, then the specs are even poorer, considering what products launched beside it (think Gotway, KingSong).

I don't doubt the ride quality, but considering the fact that you do own a KS-16A, isn't it a tough sell for the beginners & cash-strapped folks to spend all that money on an under-speced EUC that will be their only wheel? If you had to have only one wheel, would it really be the SoloWheel Xtreme? Wasn't that the question being asked on this thread, to pick just one?

If I HAD to choose? Yea, because I don't need massive range for 99% of my use, I would absolutely pick the xtreme. The comfort and ride quality all comes together from body design to firmware and makes a great riding experience unlike anything else. But because I'm a total nut about it it's also great to own the less comfy but punchier "sports car" too- both are amazing.

I'm not recommending the xtreme for everyone, I'm just defending it because so many like to pass judgement based on specs alone. I did the same thing before I tried it. Changed my tune pretty quickly! Sorry if I took us off topic a bit. 

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