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Inmotions new CEO is bringing the compagny down?

Finn Bjerke

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Having seen this video I have serious doubts about Inmotions future and the quality of their wheels, I have V11 and V13 - great wheels but a little strange too.  Id love to hear your opinion about this video, is Inmotion going to hell? 


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OK I would love to have a focused debate on this topic - I dislike the chaotic megathreads in this forum.  Please Debate Inmotion new CEO in this thread is my suggestion.  

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Or some admin who has nothing to do - could bring all that "mega tread" over here. :D At least the parts where CEO was talked about or mentioned.. (CEO talk should not be in V14 tread in first place...)


Also on topic - Even before CEO change their wheels weren't the best.. At least software wise. EVERY single "V" WHEEL has had and still have some PROBLEMS!

Starting with V11+++ and anything that has came out after.. So they don't need any help from new CEO they where already doing fine. Digging their grave.

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Interesting - I have V11 and V13 lotsa kilometres on both - V11 had firmnware problems for 1 day and bearings problems they tried to fix. Apart from that its a great wheel and affordable. V13 is a joke but I enjoy riding it extremely fast on the local roads here and it helps me in many situations, I have decided not to have a car so I have sherman S V11 V13 and S22.  Charming but I believe Inmotion makes better quality than Kingsong and Veteran.   Begode is a bloody laff methinks.  So I disagree with you Inmotion are not digging there own grave.  

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Doesn't help that they still "price" their wheels like their are better compared to competition.. That time has passed.

Yes Inmotion wheels were once more quality. But that quality has been gone past few releases. Meaning they have became the same as others. No point praising one company over other anymore.

Forget company name.. Look at product. You can only praise each separate release. Because every single one has winners and flops.

V12 still have problems after years. V14 now also.. M.S.G me when they have fixed V14 (or if they ever fix it). Because looking at V12 it doesn't bring me big confidence in them.


With new CEO maybe they will stop making shit? :D 

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Yes begode was the worst company. Worst wheels in quality. But these past few release have changed their spotlight quite a bit.

I personally can say i hated their wheels - because insides where like "rats nest".. But that time has long been over. 2 years ago i didn't even consider a begode wheel for myself. But seeing what they have releases past year or so.. My mind is changing.

I can easily say begode company is the only one who is "growing" rest are standing in place. (At least the one who has improved over time the most..) You can hate the company all you want. Just don't hate the wheels. At least the ones that are actually good.. :D And i'm a KS owner and easily can say the same about them - they also aren't growing/improving much..

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Well I still consider Kingsong and Begode a bunch of retards - I have s22 nice suspension when it was upgraded with "inner bearings" an idea that came to them from Eastern Europe ...  Too many errors on Begode wont go near em.  Reviews on Begode extreme to me is pretty clear its overpriced garbage.   The topic here is CEO coming from phonebusiness will he fuck up Inmotion ?  

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19 minutes ago, Frolic0415 said:

Not even close to half the failings of Begode, so not sure why Inmotion is "in crisis".

I assume you're referring to the battery fires. While I completely agree with your sentiment - those were horrible occurrences - both IM and KS had these fires happen as well, using the exact same battery type. Begode simply had more fires because they have always been a performance EUC brand and the battery fires happened (usually) from overexertion on these subpar batteries.

In this case, however, I think you may be comparing apples to oranges. The failings of IM are a bit more wide-ranging than battery fires and build quality issues (which I am not minimizing, btw...). For the most part, EUC safety issues should be a thing of the past. I believe we should be regularly hpushing these companies to improve whenever necessary, for the purpose of advancing the safe growth of the PEV industry.

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1 minute ago, WheelGoodTime said:

I assume you're referring to the battery fires

No, he was probably referring to the bad control boards on arrival, bad bearings after a few hundred miles, deformed weak suspension sliders that stick,backyard silicone waterproofing or none at all in some cases,frequent cut outs,completely inoperable suspension upon arrival(extreme),loose/inoperable trolley handles, lack of tilt back or any other safety features for a long time. And yes, battery fires . They hold the record and 2nd place is not even close.

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2 minutes ago, Punxatawneyjoe said:

No, he was probably referring to the bad control boards on arrival, bad bearings after a few hundred miles, deformed weak suspension sliders that stick,backyard silicone waterproofing or none at all in some cases,frequent cut outs,completely inoperable suspension upon arrival(extreme),loose/inoperable trolley handles, lack of tilt back or any other safety features for a long time. And yes, battery fires . They hold the record and 2nd place is not even close.

Yeah, they were definitely really poor quality back in the day with a horrible track record. Thank goodness for (harsh but necessary) community backlash to finally convince them to improve. :) 

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38 minutes ago, WheelGoodTime said:

Yeah, they were definitely really poor quality back in the day with a horrible track record. Thank goodness for (harsh but necessary) community backlash to finally convince them to improve. :) 

Doesn't seem to have any effect as recent wheels are just the same; https://www.ewheels.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/2312119-EB-Mini-CP-50S-QC-Inspection-Report.pdf

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I don't watch "WheelGoodTime", since he is hard to take seriously.

I think actually inmotion doing well, they are making new non-EUC related products what will get theme more profit than fighting in EUC sector alone. Doing scooters and bikes is profitable way to go.
Resurrecting's V11y is smart.

Just because somebody dont like some products it doesn't mean that company have problems, such a drama queens....

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I think the V13 will go down in history as one of the first wheels of what I hope will be remembered as the 'safety era' of EUCs, the first real occasion where a manufacturer (under Bob Yan presumably) seriously upped the game in the safety, build quality and QC departments. I feel sure their example has led to the upping of games by several other manufacturers, not least Begode, who it seems are trying much harder these days, although, as mentioned, they seem to find it hard to prevent those occasional 'monumental mistakes' they let through. 

The V14 has not been out quite long enough yet for us to fully see where it will sit under the judgement of history, but personally I think the video flagging the company as being in crisis, based on a change of chairman and some dodgy first version firmware (aren't they all, to some degree or other on the first go round ?) seems to me to be mixing up a few light, wispy clouds on the horizon with the sort of smoke signals that might betray a fire... I get that it's a particularly shitty mistake to let through in the firmwares, and not the first time something like that has happened, but to be fair to them they are fixing it damn quick. The only thing I can't really defend at all is if they don't admit to the problem and keep everyone informed about when it's solved. 

Edit: Just read WGT's post above, which had a lot of info I didn't know or hadn't appreciated in it, which does change my overall view a fair bit !

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59 minutes ago, WheelGoodTime said:


7. After posting the video, IM employees and some with inside looks into the company have confirmed what I said is true (and that's putting it extremely lightly).


Nice little echo chamber you've built for yourself :)
Not a fanboy of IM, despite not riding any other wheel manufacturer, but still, you are maybe a little too much confident in yourself.


59 minutes ago, WheelGoodTime said:

Conclusions based on all these facts is that the company is facing a crisis

Because you don't really have a way to know if it is. Maybe they've sold millions of V8S and are in their best financial year? Catering to the loudest whether haters or fanboys in most cases doesn't really bring success to any company.

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17 hours ago, Funky said:

Yes begode was the worst company. Worst wheels in quality. But these past few release have changed their spotlight quite a bit.

I personally can say i hated their wheels - because insides where like "rats nest".. But that time has long been over. 2 years ago i didn't even consider a begode wheel for myself. But seeing what they have releases past year or so.. My mind is changing.

I can easily say begode company is the only one who is "growing" rest are standing in place. (At least the one who has improved over time the most..) You can hate the company all you want. Just don't hate the wheels. At least the ones that are actually good.. :D And i'm a KS owner and easily can say the same about them - they also aren't growing/improving much..

I too am disappointed in Kingsong's releases in 2023 and into 2024. I started on a 16x and would love to go back. But I am eyeing an Extreme Bull commander Pro. Kingsong really has nothing to offer me in 2024. No wheels over 124 volts no wheels that can hit 50 mph or 80 kmh. Unless they rectify this they will be left in the dust imo. I was eyeing a s19 but couldn't justify spending that much on a wheel that goes slower than the wheel I ride now. Sure it's a "Party Wheel" but I'm the only rider in my city and I don't really want to be a moving rave on my daily commutes or running around town. EB Commander Pro checks all the boxes for range, durability, and price.

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2 hours ago, WheelGoodTime said:

So allow me to revisit some facts:

1. The V11Y has nearly zero commercial demand, and is facing a massive battery recall.

2. The V14 is in low demand with unsold batch 1 inventory due to early issues. They were unable to raise the price beyond the initial $3300 "early bird" MSRP, and in fact they have lowered the price by $300 with little change in demand since then.

3. The V14 has a dangerous firmware bug that was not quickly communicated with V14 owners - and it resulted in multiple crashes/injuries and an erosion of trust in the brand.

4. The V13 was not a commercial success and they never were able to charge the full $4600 that they wanted to from batch 2 onward, because they didn't have enough demand at the batch 1 $4000 "early bird" price point.

5. The V13 Pro and V12 Pro are being nearly universally dismissed by the public, and both are likely going to be cancelled - if it may have already occurred (I don't know).

6. The 2024 product list was leaked to the public a few weeks back, and was described by an employee as "disastrous for the company."

7. After posting the video, IM employees and some with inside looks into the company have confirmed what I said is true (and that's putting it extremely lightly).

So let's just say it all out, I have some Inmotion wheels and of different models. 

I have had problems with some of these too. But some/most of these problems I were the cause of myself. 

These days I don't have many channels into Inmotion as I used to have around the launch of V11. 

So to me posting statements of facts ( that none can verify) is very bold. This is something others will question since there is no traceable source of these "facts". 

When you start stating many crashes... That is to me as pulling something out of the air and give me a taste of nothing. 

Now I do respect someone have an opinion. If I agree with it or not matters not. But to question an opinion is something that can happen. The bigger problem is to get what very easy could be seen as click bait videos that is where I loose all interest. 

Now I am still waiting for my V14 50S to arrive. I am not planning to do skateboard stunts on it. Nor do I plan on raceing cars on it either. 

Now I know @Jason McNeil have been a very huge part of this community and very important to drive EUCs to where we are right now.

What I do know is there is a culture clash between how you do things in Asia and EU and the US. In short they (Asian culture) keep quiet until they have a fix for a problem. It is kinda like seen as loosing face and they don't launch a fix that causes new problems. Where in US fixes comes fast but might lead to new problems. In EU it is somewhere in between leaning towards the US side. 

I do think it is fair to say EUC manufacyoers are not big companies like Toyota or GM/Ford or BMW/Mercedes/Audi. 

Nor like Apple/Microsoft or Philips or Sony. 

So despite we like problem free products problems still occur old or young or big or small companies. And origin do not matter either. 

Just a short side question to you @Jason McNeil. How fast do you as US reseller think is fast enough for an EUC? Let's just say a 16" model...

History show KS16X that started out as a 45kmh model to later be unlocked for 50kmh gave some riders problems. So when people ask a V14 to go fast than original designed for do you then as a customer accept you pushed this (maybe too far). It isn't only top speed it is also how you get to it that matters. 

I personally think very high speed EUC (to me that means +50kmh) is much much more dangerous to the EUC community due how the public eye view this. That is why I asked the question above to you as reseller Jason. In the EU new laws are now in place and that limits rides to 45kmh in most situations. If you can go faster then technically you can't use it is traffic. It matters not if you ride faster or not. 

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2 hours ago, onewheelkoregro said:

I too am disappointed in Kingsong's releases in 2023 and into 2024. I started on a 16x and would love to go back. But I am eyeing an Extreme Bull commander Pro. Kingsong really has nothing to offer me in 2024. No wheels over 124 volts no wheels that can hit 50 mph or 80 kmh. Unless they rectify this they will be left in the dust imo. I was eyeing a s19 but couldn't justify spending that much on a wheel that goes slower than the wheel I ride now. Sure it's a "Party Wheel" but I'm the only rider in my city and I don't really want to be a moving rave on my daily commutes or running around town. EB Commander Pro checks all the boxes for range, durability, and price.

As you know I started out on my 18xl.. 3 years later i'm looking for something lighter/smaller. Speed can be around the same -+10km/h don't care. Range - don't care.

I haven't seen any "new" wheel that could replace my 18xl yet. Just because of weight, everything new is TOO HEAVY.. (I need small/light last mileage wheel. And older models don't interest me..)

I'm now waiting for the begode "Falcon" 55lbs release. And after that i will be waiting for 14", C40, 45lbs wheel.. < That one i might get 99% i'm sure. C40 motor and 14" rim and 45lbs. Amazing! I want my new wheel to be around 5kg lighter than my 18xl and this 45lbs seems perfect.



Now we had our greetings. (Good day sir. :)) Let's not continue to go off-topic. :D

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1 hour ago, Funky said:

As you know I started out on my 18xl.. 3 years later i'm looking for something lighter/smaller. Speed can be around the same -+10km/h don't care. Range - don't care.

I haven't seen any "new" wheel that could replace my 18xl yet. Just because of weight, everything new is TOO HEAVY.. (I need small/light last mileage wheel. And older models don't interest me..)

I'm now waiting for the begode "Falcon" 55lbs release. And after that i will be waiting for 14", C40, 45lbs wheel.. < That one i might get 99% i'm sure. C40 motor and 14" rim and 45lbs. Amazing! I want my new wheel to be around 5kg lighter than my 18xl and this 45lbs seems perfect.



Now we had our greetings. (Good day sir. :)) Let's not continue to go off-topic. :D

I apologize. But I don't believe Inmotion is the only company on the decline. Kingsong should be included in this thread at the very least if we are talking about former giants coming up to bat and striking out.

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6 minutes ago, onewheelkoregro said:

I apologize. But I don't believe Inmotion is the only company on the decline. Kingsong should be included in this thread at the very least if we are talking about former giants coming up to bat and striking out.

Doh i think S16/19/22 are working as intended? Can't say the same amount Inmotion. And S19 was/is a joke of a wheel..

FIY: I did say this: And i'm a KS owner and easily can say the same about them - they also aren't growing/improving much..

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@WheelGoodTime For what it's worth, I thought the video was well done and made valid points.

A company's response to issues is top of the list on any technology. If new FW is causing an issue, they should be on that. I have not had issues with new Inmotion out of the box, but both my KS had issues out of the box...and the company addressed the issues through distributors very quickly. If it wasn't for that, I would never consider getting another KS.

OTOH, it could be a complex issue with a new product they just need time to get a handle on.

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13 hours ago, null said:

I never supported the "Inmotion is the safer brand" moto some have been pushing in the past.

Until other brands have similar aggressive PWM-based tiltback I will continue to believe Inmotion make the safest wheels, probably the most safety effective feature I use when riding and I feel uncomfortable riding other wheels without it.

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