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Sherman-S 3600wh: 100V, 20", suspension, 97lb

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14 hours ago, Freeforester said:

We can, I’m struggling to imagine that a lighter rider can slow a wheel by the same amount of braking input as a heavier one, being both say, on a heavier than average wheel, but I do indeed get the idea that it’s the motor which does the actual braking, it’s the inertia/momentum bit that is causing me a bit of reticence, I have it in my mind that a heavier wheel rolling (rider atop or otherwise) carries more momentum than a lighter one? This momentum takes more effort to slow to a stop for both riders equally, but my feeling is that a lighter weight  rider is obliged to make his effort to brake with less body mass on hand than is the case with a heavier rider, the perception there being that it may feel that he is having to make more effort in slowing the heavier wheel, proportionate to his/her body weight?  Please feel free to export this to an appropriate thread, and apologies for derailing whilst getting myself bogged down here, and thanks to Mrelwood for offering me a helping hand out of the quagmire!


My guess is that it has to do with the weight and diameter of the motor/rim/tire

So I've got 2 wheels that are both heavy but but brake and accelerate very differently.  I ride a Begode EX (big heavy c40 motor) and a Sherman Max (smaller lighter motor.)  

Lighter riders have commented that the EX is hard to get going and stop.  Heavier riders commented that they experience the same thing but they didn't mind it as much.  I'm 6'8" 240 lbs and relative to my Sheman max, I find the EX much harder accelerate and brake.  This must be because the motor is heavier.  

The Sherman max is easier to accelerate and break, but I've found that it's less nimble to turn and control - I would guess because of the big heavy batteries.  

So I guess this is my point:

Big heavy motor - hard to accelerate and brake.

Big heavy wheel overall - hard turn and manipulate. 

If you have both - everything is harder.... especially for a lighter rider...


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42 minutes ago, wstuart said:

This must be because the motor is heavier. 

For it to “must be” because of anything would need a bit more detective work.

 For one, the hardest ride mode on a Sherman is comparable to at least medium or possibly even the soft mode on a modern Begode. And we already know that a softer mode brakes easier. Second, the vertical weight distribution of the wheels is different, as is (third) the pedal height.

 The more weight you have above the axle, the more the top part of the wheel wants to keep going and tilting the wheel forward when you brake.

 And the lower the pedals are, the more leverage you have to tilt the wheel back with your body weight as you brake.

 Why doesn’t it “must be” because of these factors that actually have some physics behind them?

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On 12/12/2022 at 11:05 AM, UPONIT said:

V13 weighs only 13 lbs more than Sherman-S.

13% increase.

Gallon and a half of milk. Bowling ball. Gallon of paint. A Dachshund. Half of an Mten4... :D


what would you say to something that weighed 13lbs less than a sherman s?

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2 hours ago, MrMonoWheel said:



Another review saying nothing but great things about this wheel. I'm very excited to get mine. Of course time will tell if the chassis setup and suspension resilient.

Congrats on the new wheel, I'll be interested to hear your feedback after a few months of ownership. My batch 2 should be here between March/April 2023 so it would be nice to know what to expect from the wheel when I get it.

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3 hours ago, MrMonoWheel said:

Another review

This is a well put together review.

It even covered big jumps on this roughly 100 lbs. wheel. And there was no mention of mods being needed. I think among the big heavy fast wheels, this wheel is going to be popular for those who enjoy going on long range offloading with some stunting, and group rides, especially if you are a big guy.

For me, I am really curious as to how it will compare to the V13 for urban commuting on main roads with traffic. It does look very promising. 

Edited by techyiam
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On 12/12/2022 at 1:05 PM, UPONIT said:

V13 weighs only 13 lbs more than Sherman-S.

13% increase.

Gallon and a half of milk. Bowling ball. Gallon of paint. A Dachshund. Half of an Mten4... :D


Actually I think the V13 is 20 lbs more.

The V13 was being listed at 50kg earlier, but newer specs are now showing it at 53kg vs the Sherman-S at 44kg.  So that is ~117 lbs for the V13 vs ~97 lbs for the Sherman-S.

I'm now seeing a 9 kg (20 lbs) difference in the most up to date specs I can find. 53/44 = 1.205, so that is a 20.5% increase in weight for the V13 compared to the Sherman-S.

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18 hours ago, Freeforester said:

Anything less than a “professionally designed” suspension system is not going to cut it

I’m  guessing you mean this?

Honestly now that it's been shown possible to use a motorcycle-esq suspension system on an EUC I would call this the new standard. Minimal parts, very little exposed to dirt/water, and compact. If this first attempt doesn't have the best long term durability due to lateral forces or whatever I'm sure the industry will improve upon the design to make something that does work.

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It is indeed a very interesting challenge for other manufacturers, particularly Begode.

With their S18, KingSong introduced a concept of suspension that could worked well (when adjusted well) and Begode adjusted the entire production line to the assumption it would be the best way forward. And now, if indeed Sherman-S is the better way to do suspension, will Begode have to change the entire production line?...They will probably have to find a Fastace competitor to get suspension design from or give Fastace an offer they wouldn't be able to reject...

Edited by That Guy
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A dealer whose name I won't mention showes $1000 pre order deposit for Comander Pro expected delivery roughly around February 2023. Competition is a good thing  even if it looks to have the same crummy Begode rim


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9 hours ago, MrMonoWheel said:

motorcycle-esq suspension system on an EUC


Might become the dominant suspension system in the future.

Akin to water over air cooled engines for cars.

WW's polling seems to indicate a strong preference for the Sherman S, the main determining factor likely to be the suspension.

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34 minutes ago, Paul A said:


Might become the dominant suspension system in the future.

Akin to water over air cooled engines for cars.

WW's polling seems to indicate a strong preference for the Sherman S, the main determining factor likely to be the suspension.

I find that poll reassuring that this wheel might be supported for a long time if it becomes very popular. I’m hopefully getting one soon from ewheels. 

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1 hour ago, Paul A said:

WrongWay's polling, current results.

1400 votes thus far.


Having a 2200 Wh wheel in there with the pavement eaters is a little like asking which pickup you prefer, and your choices are three full sized trucks and a Ford Ranger.

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2 hours ago, Tawpie said:

Having a 2200 Wh wheel in there with the pavement eaters is a little like asking which pickup you prefer, and your choices are three full sized trucks and a Ford Ranger.

Tbh between those options I'd get the Ford ranger for my use case 😂

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