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Sherman-S 3600wh: 100V, 20", suspension, 97lb

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1 hour ago, wstuart said:

EUC world says that my Sherman is charging to 101v.  Is would guess that 100.4 is within the acceptable range.

Where are you seeing 100.4v?  On the charger?  Euc world?  

The calibration of these measurements are within that margin of error. So most likely, the calibration is not perfect for measurement. Sherman should have ability to calibrate, with the display and function keys.

First I would measure the charger, see what it shows. Likely 100.8V or very close with digimeter. After full charge you could measure invidual battery packs, but people have made mistakes with this part, attaching the batterypacks in different  voltages, or not draining the unit capacitors. So usually checking charger is enough and then using fine tune calibration on shermans end to turn it to proper voltage. You should get instructions from your seller how to use the fine tuning on voltage calibration with the function menus next to display. There was some videos where they browsed and showed the sherman menus, but I forget, maybe wrongway did it?

Hope that helps.

(edit. if your charger shows proper voltage and wheel does balancing end stage, I would do nothin personally. Tho if it bothers, there is the menus where you can set the voltage correction..)

Edited by Tasku
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1 hour ago, tombo said:

Unboxed my Sherman-S today and it looks incredible. Just curious if the wheel is supposed to give off a high pitched whine at idle?

I don't think so, maybe record that noise and contact whoever you purchased it from. Add the desc too that you mentioned above. I was thinking maybe your fans are making the sound(bearing), but then again why at idle state.. Anyway your seller should give you instructions that help you.

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1 hour ago, tombo said:

Hi all. Unboxed my Sherman-S today and it looks incredible. Just curious if the wheel is supposed to give off a high pitched whine at idle? My v12 is mostly silent. Thanks!

Mine does not do that. 

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26 minutes ago, Chester Copperpot said:

Mine does 

I got this back from vendor: 



At low speeds electric unicycle motors do emit a characteristic rumble, this the frequency of the magnets coming into proximity of the stator. As you increase the rate of rotation, the noise tends to dissipate. 
This question comes up from time-to-time, but is generally not something to be concerned about. 


I'll try to post a video later.



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27 minutes ago, GothamMike said:

Has anyone 3D printed a cover the exposed wires under the shocks? 

Leaperkim have, they call it ‘the stand’. :laughbounce2:

Joking apart, if this is a major concern for your use case, maybe a strategically placed/glued/riveted metal plate within the box indicated would help dissipate/mitigate any sharp impact encountered?

I was more concerned with his finger flicking of the capacitors, and in my admittedly very limited understanding of Russian alluding to their lack of support or vulnerability to impact shock, or at any rate gave him sufficient cause to indicate and comment upon (1.27 or so, in the teardown video, last page). Might a dab of silicone or a small piece of supporting foam material fixed beneath the caps be beneficial or alternatively a potential liability? Unfortunately my Russian is more or less limited to “izvanitchye, ya nye gavaru pa Ruski’ - ‘I’m sorry, I don’t speak Russian’!


Edited by Freeforester
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8 hours ago, tombo said:

Hi all. Unboxed my Sherman-S today and it looks incredible. Just curious if the wheel is supposed to give off a high pitched whine at idle? My v12 is mostly silent. Thanks!

Mine does that, and when the headlights are turned on its even worse

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12 hours ago, tombo said:

Hi all. Unboxed my Sherman-S today and it looks incredible. Just curious if the wheel is supposed to give off a high pitched whine at idle? My v12 is mostly silent. Thanks!

Mine too.  Earlier I had posted that mine sounds like water running through pipes in the walls of my house. It seems like this is normal.

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On 1/19/2023 at 8:44 PM, MrMonoWheel said:

A dude in my group hit 61.8 indicated, 57 gps on his Sherman S tonight. Absolutely insane.

It certainly sounds like group ride speeds in the US are climbing. I don't think it is that hard to imagine that more and more riders of 45 mph or less top speed wheels are going to experience cutouts in group rides as they try to keep up with the latest batch of fast wheels riders with more battery and higher top speeds. 

Edited by techyiam
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14 hours ago, MrMonoWheel said:

Mine does that, and when the headlights are turned on its even worse


11 hours ago, wstuart said:

Mine too.  Earlier I had posted that mine sounds like water running through pipes in the walls of my house. It seems like this is normal.

Thanks for the confirmation guys! I could hear Duf's making the same noise on his livestream74, too.

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Put my order for Sherman S in early November, still waiting for delivery. Container ship docked end of December at port.

UPS tracking still says Label Created. Hopefully, my wheel wasn't nicked by some shady logistics employee. The shipping box has the words "Sherman-S" written on it. EUCs aren't the obscure devices they once were a few years ago.

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