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Incline obsession?!

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27 minutes ago, Roadpower said:

Okay so I did a tiny bit looking around on this. I may very well be wrong in my earlier conjecture and contrast. I am reading claims that with electric motors that actual peak torque is at zero RPM. BUT, peak torque on an electric motor is also peak current. This makes sense to me for numerous reasons including plain old observation. Both cut outs and failures almost always show under heavy demands.

Your right I mixed up  peak tq  and peak power. 

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12 minutes ago, RagingGrandpa said:

As discussed below:

that is very interesting and seems to hold true in practice. Thank you for sharing 

On some gotway models the board is cooled by air moving by the spinning tire I would imagine the the tire the better.

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Regardless of specs and degree of hill it's not like you're gonna stop and measure the incline before you ride a hill. Why can't the Sherman or EXN disengage the motor if it's under too much stress like so many other wheels? (WrongWay Inmotion V12 climb test is a good and clear example)

I'm also convinced they would have no problem climbing if the motherboard had a bit beefier components or an updated design to address the weak points, with so many blown boards there should be a big base for postmortem investigations to clearly see where it's failing.

5 hours ago, Resko727 said:

The one thing I found interesting about Marty’s test. is in one of the videos he rides with another guy on a ex from euco and Marty is on something I can’t remember v11 or whatever. They run overheat hill no problems they switch and do whole course again and Marty over heats the ex. There conclusion was that Marty is a slower rider so he puts more heat in the wheel. So after that I pretty much concluded that if you want to do steep terrain  with powerful wheels better pick up the speed. 

It's not always so simple, if it's off-road then it's technical and you don't want to go too fast over gravel, roots, rocks or uneven terrain, if the ground is packed then sure just go faster.

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"Does anyone climb those kinds of angles on a daily basis on their rides?" YES. I live in a very hilly part of the bay area, and I am not light so torque is a big part of the equation. I've been overpowering the Nik fairly often lately. Frankly - I would love to have a C38 Nikola, but it will never happen as most of this industry is obsessed with speed.

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Just now, Jack King Song said:

I'm sorry you got annoyed. 

But heres my response which Ive also shared on FB and my Youtube
In a recent video I posted on my channel I burned out both the EXN and the Sherman. The results surprised me, but what really surprised me was the feedback from riders who felt that if you took a wheel up a hill it should burn out like that, because it “wasn’t meant for it”. No wheel should leave you stranded because during engineering stage it failed to implement proper safety measures and temperature sensors. Why have those become accustomed to giving these brands excuses that these wheels are “good enough”, that is not the attitude we had to get to the wheels we have today. As an 8 year rider myself I have no prejudice to any brand. I just want all EUCs to be better in terms of safety for everyone. ✌️🤟

For the record, I love my Veteran, I annoyed people to buy this wheel, and they have and they loved it. It's just not perfect, nothing will ever be, but nor should our attitude be "thats it". I'll take responsibility for perhaps the way I portrayed everything in the video may have skewed your opinion to what it is right now.

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16 minutes ago, Jack King Song said:

or the record, I love my Veteran, I annoyed people to buy this wheel, and they have and they loved it. It's just not perfect, nothing will ever be, but nor should our attitude be "thats it". I'll take responsibility for perhaps the way I portrayed everything in the video may have skewed your opinion to what it is right now.

I agree with your main point, but I think you should have made it clear that you are affiliated with KS on the burn down video.


any news on the new wheel? :)

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14 minutes ago, enaon said:

I agree with your main point, but I think you should have made it clear that you are affiliated with KS on the burn down video.


any news on the new wheel? :)

my affiliation doesnt change what i portray in my video. If a product is good its good. I was not going to that hill do destroy it, I was going there to show the EXN could climb better than Veteran. I WAS NOT expecting it to burn up nor the EXN to also give out after a 5-7 rides up. 

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2 minutes ago, Jack King Song said:

my affiliation doesnt change what i portray in my video.

I am not saying they would go up otherwise, but nevertheless, I think fairplay says you should state those things in advance. 


back on the important subject, any news on the new wheel? :D

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I'm also one who's enamored with inclines. Besides the fact that alot (if not most) mtb trails involve inclines (ascent & descent), its also super fun. IMO & IME, it takes more skill & hence more satisfaction derived, from doing a dirt/pebbly incline/decline than just going fast in a straight line. Its also more safer should the unintended occur, unless ofcos the unexpected involves a Grand Canyon type fall.

Which is why I'm in awe of the mtb boyz doing Porcupine Rim Moab &or Bootleg Canyon Nevada but I digress. Much as I love doing trails on my S18, its nowhere nohow comparably to mtbs in that sense.

Nevertheless, what EUCs can do, its a boatload of laughs. & Doing inclines is part & parcel of it. Wheels should not overheat as otherwise, its just lousy engineering. Even if it overheats, there ought to be audible & slowdown warnings before stoppage. Mobo burnouts are unacceptable. IMO ofcos

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