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KSS18 firmware upgrade 2.07


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I started out on 2.07 A few months ago. 
Recently I began to notice some  infrequent phantom power drains, after fully charging. (oh, that reminds me I need to go see if the wheel was topped off and unplug it).

I asked around and heard that 2.08 might address this very problem. But it was either released and removed or hasn’t been released yet.

I skipped the 20.71 release because The version number anomaly looked like a mistake.

Who knows? Maybe that’s the firmware update I need. 

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4 hours ago, Wrd said:

I started out on 2.07 A few months ago. 
Recently I began to notice some  infrequent phantom power drains, after fully charging. (oh, that reminds me I need to go see if the wheel was topped off and unplug it).

I asked around and heard that 2.08 might address this very problem. But it was either released and removed or hasn’t been released yet.

I skipped the 20.71 release because The version number anomaly looked like a mistake.

Who knows? Maybe that’s the firmware update I need. 

I am on 2.06 and I also have the "phantom" power drain after full charge. EUC world and darknessbot both show a 0.3A draw. If you power cycle the EUC after full charge, it goes away.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just wrote about this in our local forum, so I might as well share my "charging" experience in this thread. I usually use my 5A charger, but I did this test with the stock charger.

  1. Start charging. Amps drawn as shown in EUC world is 2.6 - 2.7 (actually shows a negative -2.6A)
  2. Amperage starts to decline once voltage reached 84V
  3. Once 84.5V is reached, the amperage goes further down. When it hits -0.5A the green light on the charger comes on. This is where I believe the "balancing" of the cells happen
  4. The voltage stays steady at 84.5V and the amperage slowly goes down to 0.
  5. Once "fully topped off" the wheel starts to pull 0.3A --> my belief is that this is the bluetooth connection that stays active. 
  6. This 0.3A "drain" is continuous. Unplugging the charger and replugging it does not help --> amperage drawn stays at 0.3A. I tested this when the voltaged had been consumed down to 83V by the 0.3A draw.
  7. Powering on the EUC and then powering off the EUC stops this draw.


So I have taken it as a habit that I cycle power on the EUC as soon as it is fully charged. This way I can ensure that I have 100% battery when I go riding.


Does anyone know if there is a setting for the wheel to put a timeout on the bluetooth?




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18 minutes ago, FinRider said:

I just wrote about this in our local forum, so I might as well share my "charging" experience in this thread. I usually use my 5A charger, but I did this test with the stock charger.

  1. Start charging. Amps drawn as shown in EUC world is 2.6 - 2.7 (actually shows a negative -2.6A)

You have an idea if the inaccuracy is from the charger or the wheel? Or both?

18 minutes ago, FinRider said:
  1. Amperage starts to decline once voltage reached 84V

Thats the end of the C(onstant)C(urrent) phase and start of the C(onstant)V(oltage) phase. Balancing starts around this point.

18 minutes ago, FinRider said:
  1. Once 84.5V is reached, the amperage goes further down.

Current declines (theoreticly) exponential.

18 minutes ago, FinRider said:
  1. When it hits -0.5A the green light on the charger comes on.

The ks18xl has 6 cells in parallel. Manufacturer recommendation is to stop charging at ~50mA per cell. So 6x0.05=0.3A. Given your lateron mentioned quiescent current this seems about a great moment to stop charging!

Maybe with the measurement inaccuracy some a bit longer charging would comply with the datasheet?

18 minutes ago, FinRider said:
  2. This is where I believe the "balancing" of the cells happen

As written above this already starts once the battery reaches 84V. But here balancing still goes on.

It was and is still recommended to leave the battery on the charger after it turned green for balancing, but imho that's ineffective and more stress for the batteries as it helps.

More on this topic in 


18 minutes ago, FinRider said:
  1. The voltage stays steady at 84.5V and the amperage slowly goes down to 0.
  2. Once "fully topped off" the wheel starts to pull 0.3A --> my belief is that this is the bluetooth connection that stays active. 
  3. This 0.3A "drain" is continuous. Unplugging the charger and replugging it does not help --> amperage drawn stays at 0.3A. I tested this when the voltaged had been consumed down to 83V by the 0.3A draw.

Very annoying :(

18 minutes ago, FinRider said:
  1. Powering on the EUC and then powering off the EUC stops this draw.

Maybe @Seba can implement such a power cycle for KS wheels in the EUCWorld charge control?


18 minutes ago, FinRider said:

Does anyone know if there is a setting for the wheel to put a timeout on the bluetooth?

There is a general wheel timeout that can be set with all the apps.

But i fear that this does not help as afaik the maximum timeout duration is about 2h and people reported severe discharge of their KS wheels... :(

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3 hours ago, FinRider said:

Once "fully topped off" the wheel starts to pull 0.3A --> my belief is that this is the bluetooth connection that stays active. 

With my 16x, the entire control board is powered on at this point. Later firmware like 2.07 is supposed to restart charging if the voltage gets low enough but perhaps more importantly it “seems” to power off the control board when the charger is unplugged.

I say “seems” because the headlight flashes and the speaker goes ‘whump’ softly the same way it does on a button power off. But I haven’t looked for phantom power drain and also power cycle the wheel after unplugging. Habit now! I should see what happens to the control board LEDs next time I have it open.

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5 hours ago, FinRider said:

This 0.3A "drain" is continuous. Unplugging the charger and replugging it does not help --> amperage drawn stays at 0.3A. I tested this when the voltaged had been consumed down to 83V by the 0.3A draw.

Active Bluetooth connection doesn't justify such high power consumption; 0.3 Amp at 84 Volts gives 25 Watts. My KS-18XL draws 0.07 A at the end of charging, with EUC World connected.

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1 hour ago, Seba said:

Active Bluetooth connection doesn't justify such high power consumption; 0.3 Amp at 84 Volts gives 25 Watts. My KS-18XL draws 0.07 A at the end of charging, with EUC World connected.

OK... so there is something else that is "powered" on at the time of charging then? 

I have started to take it as a habit to disconnect the charger as soon as it goes green.. when the "load" to the batteries is less than -0.5A and before it startsa pulling the 0.3A. Annoying, but it works for me.


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  • 4 weeks later...
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On 8/1/2021 at 10:24 AM, Wrd said:

Not sure @jrhz06. You might try one of the other apps. If you’re on iOS, try: softtuner

As an incurable tinkerer (ie I didn't need to, but did it anyways!), I used softuner to push 2.07 last night, as that firmware release isn't an option in KingSong or EUC World as stated above.  I did notice a newer version (2.071 or some such), but didn't want to push my luck...
I've not noticed any difference as yet, but have only given it a brief test ride (after calibration).  No issues upgrading.
Thanks for the pointer to softuner, @Wrd!

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off topic note about 2.07 — it might make unlocking your wheel difficult or impossible. I was fooling around with locking the wheel and EUCW couldn't unlock it, I was able to unlock with the iOS KS app though. This was on a 16XS.

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3 hours ago, FinRider said:

Has anyone found any release notes on the 2.07 firmware? I am curious to a) what it includes and b) why is it not available through EUC World @Seba?

2.07 is not compatible with older motherboards, the same goes for 2.06, it is not compatible with new motherboards. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sooooo, tinkered w/2.07, then dropped to 2.05 (wanted to see what the handle acted like at that .ver), then decided to go back to 2.06 tonight.  Using the Softuner app, I noticed that .ver 2.09 was available, so what the heck, installed it!
Only rode around the block (in the dark, no gear, so very cautiously), and haven't noticed any difference.
Firmware mentioned "Handle Improvement" or something along those lines, should have taken a screen shot.  Nothing else mentioned.... 



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