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Got cut off

Jeremy Valentin

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So I’m riding this am to go get my son to walk him to school. I’m about to cross a McDonald’s drive entrance when a guy comes flying in and I slam into his back quarter panel. He tells me he seen me. So I asked him why did he just turn in, he said I should have stopped. I was only going about 10 mph or so cause I’m crossing entrances I don’t wanna get hit. I def tried to stop but he turned straight in front of me I couldn’t stop. So before I can ask what he wants to do dude gets in my face yelling and cursing. The crossing guard was there and told him he should have waited and she seen the whole thing. So dudes like all in my face so I took off. But I got his plate numbers and car on video. My shoulder hurts like heck. Should I make a report or call his insurance? Go to hospital. I was gonna stay but he was in my face so I left didn’t want to have to fight the guy over something I feel was his fault. I got my car and went back but he was gone but I seen him when I was driving down the road that’s how I got his plate. I can’t believe how hostile this guy was. 


On my way! To McDonald’s see if they have footage

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Don't sweat it.

Simply file a police report, saying you were injured and the wheel was damaged, if applicable, and that you tried to get insurance information but the person refused.

It's likely he didn't have auto insurance, and the police report should trigger a proof of insurance question. While you won't get anything you should be able to make his life a slight pain.

Next time always carry pepper spray, and use it when a person comes within touching distance while threatening you. 

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It all depends on what the situation is worth to you, in terms of time and effort. Here are things you can do:

  • Visit your primary care physician to get medically cleared, or referred for additional treatment if required.
  • Try to locate the crossing guard and ask if they'll be a witness. If yes, get their contact info.
  • Call the police non-emergency number stating you'd like to make a report--vehicle vs. pedestrian with complaint of pain.
    • Explain what happened, where, when, and why you left the scene without calling the police at that time (driver was getting verbally abusive and you did not feel safe).
    • Describe the driver of the vehicle and whether you could positively identify him if you saw him again.
  • Call your insurance company. Repeat all the above information, and give them the police report number.
  • Document any property damage and additional medical visits.

Assuming you take this as far as you can, the entire process will not be quick or easy. Good luck.

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A clear case of "call the police immediately". Not only were you in the right in any respect, despite some car drivers thinking they have the right of way over other people anywhere on and along the road, but also that guy seems unhinged and needs to be dealt with, in other people's favor.

Make sure it's a criminal report (file charges - assault and battery or whatever your shoulder injury means in legal terms, then hit and run, all the driving infractions, etc. - this is no joke and shouldn't be treated as such) and not just some consequence-less "report" for someone's insurance.

Do that, don't delay or let it slide, and take care of your shoulder. Hopefully it's nothing too bad:efee47c9c8:

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1 hour ago, meepmeepmayer said:

Make sure it's a criminal report (file charges - assault and battery or whatever your shoulder injury means in legal terms, then hit and run, all the driving infractions, etc. - this is no joke and shouldn't be treated as such) and not just some consequence-less "report" for someone's insurance.

Since you're in Germany, I'm going to assume you're not familiar with US laws. Laws differ from US state to state, and certainly from country to country. What you suggest makes no sense legally here.

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I assume going to the police and saying "This happened to me and it's a crime, right? Please prosecute that fucker!" can be done everywhere. That's what I meant. I know the authorities are the ones who press charges (or not), let's not get into legalities:efee47c9c8: (maybe I was also using some wrong words, language barrier)

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I agree with @Elder Meat. It all depends on how much energy you want to put in it.

Unfortunately, the guy was a jerk, that only makes things worse. If he was nice about the whole thing, it's easily forgotten/remedied. 

If you have any injuries or monetary damage to your EUC, I would follow up with getting a witness and filing a report. It may take a couple hours to get done, but at least you can move on.

Document all issues...cell phone pics as soon as you can,  for insurance. You don't need a lawyer for this. You can even contact their insurance company yourself to negotiate (after you find out who it is). The injured pedestrian is a good angle.

Otherwise, probably best to move on.

I was lucky, one guy that pulled out in front of me was more concerned about me than me hitting his car. Minor wrist pain (I was going too fast) and I moved on.

Good Luck.

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I hate to read stuff like this because it's exactly the type of incident I experience as an EUC rider.  I especially love how he had the gall to get angry about hitting a person with his vehicle.  I find it so exhausting.

I have toyed with the idea of installing a video camera on my EUC for exactly the experience had with this driver.  

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2 hours ago, mezzanine said:

I hate to read stuff like this because it's exactly the type of incident I experience as an EUC rider.  I especially love how he had the gall to get angry about hitting a person with his vehicle.  I find it so exhausting.

I have toyed with the idea of installing a video camera on my EUC for exactly the experience had with this driver.  

It should be exhausting; you're doing it all wrong.

You need to use transportation correctly.

1. Use your car on roads, as roads belong to cars and nothing else.

2. Park your car; from the parking space to your destination is the only time you should be walking.


Fortunately, urban planners are hard at work making sure 1 and 2 are enforced, as upon a car to bike/pedestrian collision the cops immediately fan out and start giving tickets to bikes and pedestrians.

I envision an utopian world, consisting entirely of just roads and enormous parking lots, where sidewalks and indeed pedestrians and bicyclists are consigned to museums as curiosities.

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I went to hospital to make sure I was ok. I went to police station to cover myself. Not gonna persue anything. Glad me and euc are ok. Lesson learned never leave house without all gear and rear mirror. Still wouldn’t have helped since he put his car in front of me giving me 1ft of stopping distance. I’m a hefty 200lbs so his car didn’t take my body to well. Hope he learns not to be such an aggressive driver. My brother is a body shop tech lol. Could have went well in his favor if he would have been calm. I ride motorcycles and u can’t be safe enough cause other people don’t care about you on the road! The fact that he told me he seen me at last intersection made me feel like he did it on purpose, and the hostile behavior as soon as he got out. But still couldn’t keep me off it drove it everywhere today. This thing is great. Only complaint I have is I’m the only person in my city with one I have no wheel friends lol

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Push it unless you are literally frightened of off-the-records retaliation.  It's not just about you.  It's about the next guy this guy might hit or intimidate .. or the next girl.  And about the kid he might be near who watches and sees the whole thing.  It's about society at large almost all the time.

Unless you will face a severe penalty for doing right, do it.

If you will endanger yourself or your own, do not.  

In the long run, the efforts you exert now are almost certainly extremely trivial.  But your behavior and the precedent it sets, if even only in your own mind, change the way the world spins, including whether it spins into darkness through your help or indifference.

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