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seage last won the day on February 5 2019

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About seage

  • Birthday 09/03/1986

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    Currently riding: Monster Pro (new baby!), Monster V3 (5000+km) | Pre-ordered: S22 | Not riding/Still Own: KS 16s (teaching wheel - 2000+km) KS-18XL (Glitched Moba - 20,000+km)

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  1. Ohhh, thats curious. Well that gives me more confidence. Its such weird behaviour, it makes me worried im pushing through warnings or saftey features, you know? Im riding soft as well, but its not like the oldschool V3 softmode. Its almost artificial. It does too much. I'm gonna just have to get used to the feeling of the pedals kicking back i suppose.
  2. Hey all! So i just got the monster pro, coming off a V3, and I'm really enjoying this wheel, but I'm having a few issues. Outside of that tire that bounces like a basketball, i was wondering about the new stabilization. On the V3, the pedal dynamics were predictable, especially in soft mode, but on the Pro, its throwing me off. I noticed that in medium or hard, if i hit a bunch of bumps while sitting, it would start to kinda oscillate as it was accelerating, the wheels tilt back a little, then levelling out, then tilting back again, etc etc. And at higher speeds it does this very quickly which makes me nervous in high speed seated riding. When in soft mode, i found that the pedals also tilt back and put me on my heels on certain bumps. It almost feels like the opposite of what used to happen, where the pedals would slowly tilt forward over successive bumps. Both are annoying. The only issue is that i cant figure out the pattern. If i hit a bigger bump, the pedals basically stay the same. But if i hit a bunch of all bumps/road imperfections, it puts me on my heels. Ive listened for beeps or temp issues but it seems to be fine. It seems like its just doing different things to stay balanced and I'm not used to it yet, so i cant ride comfortably. May I ask your experience with the wheel, in different modes too? Thanks.
  3. Oh word. Thanks. I wasn't sure because I'd had it set to disable first and second alarms in euc world, yet begodes app was showing me something different. Every wheel (moba) is so different. I'll do a lift test again to check once I change that. I'm always so paranoid when I get a new wheel, trying to learn their dynamics. Especially coming from the V3 in soft mode to the pro in soft mode. Their ride dynamics are different. It feels like consecutive bumps make the pedals tilt back instead of forwards like they used to. But it scares me because I attribute tilt back with warnings. Just little things like that that throw me. When I was riding in hard, the wheel was constantly correcting itself as my body bounced, as it seemed to accelerate with every bounce (due to my body weight over the front). But it also scared me because you hit bumpy road and the wheel is responding to every single tiny input and you feel like you're on an extremely twitchy bull lmao.
  4. Oh, I didn't explain properly. I have a Bluetooth communicator. The problem is, euc world is beeping at different times than the wheels internal alarms, even when I've set it to only use the wheels alarms, with 0 margin. I turned off the 1st and 2nd alarms the moment I opened the app, so the defaults are off. Everything but the 80% safety margin alarm is off and that is set to use the wheel.
  5. I actually turned off the margin. I wanted to hear it at the same time. But the wheel was silent and euc world kicked off. The freespin seemed to work. But actually riding, it has different plans I guess.
  6. How did you even find the speed guardian? Every time I've looked into it, it's been out of stock. I was kinda under the assumption they hadn't made any new units this past year. I'm struggling with beeps currently. Wind noise is too loud to hear that quiet beeper, and euc world seems to trigger the "use wheels alarms" before the wheels actual alarms and I have no idea why. Also question. I was checking the begode app earlier and saw that there were 3 options on the alarms setting. What is "open"?
  7. Yo. @desia is my sister. She just told me about you guys bumping into each other. Always a super pleasant surprise since its so rare, especially in guelph of all places, lmao. Anyways, we have a few local groups around the GTA. And although the official rides are pretty much over for the season, there are still random get togethers when the weather permits. Do you use Telegram? Thats what most of us are on.
  8. Explains why you've never written your name out on the pavement with face skin, lmao. I've been on kingsong until just recently, so i never tried the actual full send yet.
  9. Would you suicide lean at 40% battery?
  10. The events described in this article are nothing like the OP's aside from the fact it involved an old woman and an EUC. Even the EUC in the picture on the article isnt the same as the one the OP stated, and OP is in Indonesia and the article is from the UK.
  11. Man...that was really sad...... Gosh. I was not expecting that at all. Im so sorry for your experience and rest in peace to that lady. I can understand why her family might not be mad at you though. Accidents happen, as tragic as they are, they do. Anyone could have been riding anything and if she had the same reaction and they hit her, it could have led tot he same results. I hope you can forgive yourself for this, although its gonna be really hard, but i really dont think it was your fault. I myself am a very aggressive rider when it comes to cars. The only times ive ever almost been smoked were the times i reacted defensively to vehicles. But im the exact opposite with pedestrians. Im going WIDE wide around them. Like, you need to run and dive to be infront of me. I play music so they can hear me without getting scared, and sometimes i stop and walk. I also do hand gestures as to what side im going to go if they stop and stare at me. I'll point at myself, then the way i'll go and usually they get it. You clearly slowed right down, and she jumped into your path at the last possible second, that was impossible to guess in the moment. You had already thought you'd gotten past her by that point. All in all, this is just sad all around. The loss of life and the mental scars left behind.
  12. I don't think theres a competition here. Like, at all. Most serious riders seem to have at minimum 2 wheels to deal with their needs, as we've all learned that there is no 1 perfect wheel. I just got the monster, and i love that beast for the road. But since i ride softmode, i touch the grass, and the pedal dip is insane, loll. Maybe i'll have to switch to hard if i ever try a path setting, but thats a real issue, so, it stays as my city and mid range speed cruiser. But i also love offroading. For that, it calls for a different machine. If the S18 offered more power, then i'd probably get that as a second, because its like a mountain bike. And im sure we'll be getting better itterations for trails in the future. This is just the start. These arguments are as silly as comparing a road bike to a mountain bike, or a dirtbike to a sports bike. They have their places and functions. And sure cross over, Hybrids and explorer bikes, yes, but for specific needs, there will always be a reason for someone to pick one over the other. We're much closer to bikes in terms of function, than cars. No matter what happens, there will always be use cases and arguments for both types, and many enthusiasts will probably have one of each in their stable in the future, once they've gone through a few face lifts.
  13. Thankfully hes helping with everything. As you know, we got the issue with the balancing, but i'd still like to know waht the red flashing is. And hes getting me the batteries and whatnot. This hasnt been a fun first Gotway experience at all....
  14. Another thing from testing. If i hold down the power switch, the lights turn on (again, no headlight) and the bluetooth for music turns on, but if i let go it turns off. It only stays engaged if i press it 5 times. I figured it could be the travel lock thing, but even in that, the lift sensor makes a noise. EUC world detects the wheel. It pops up in the bluetooth list, but when i connect, nothing happens. Ive literally done nothing with this wheel and its broken......
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