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Creative Nomad

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    Inmotion V10, Segway Mini Pro

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  1. Wales is beyond breathtaking and thanks to E-rides and Inmotion I took the V12 solo around Wales to test its range whilst capturing stunning views and local history along the way. More of the latest wheels to come on my channel.
  2. The V12 is definitely addictive to ride. Here are the pros & cons.
  3. EUCs are going to go mainstream. Here's my video on the topic featuring some of world's youngest EUC riders!
  4. I’m completely lost, what happened?
  5. Sooo my V11 cut off, in this episode I explain what happened and interview Marty, Hsiang, and Adam from Wrong Way about the dangers of EUCs. Thanks to them for being involved as well as Liam from Inmotion/ the engineers for promptly fixing the issue.
  6. Sooo my V11 cut off, in this episode I explain what happened and interview Marty, Hsiang, and Adam from Wrong Way about the dangers of EUCs. Thanks to them for being involved as well as Liam from Inmotion/ the engineers for promptly fixing the issue.
  7. 🤣🤣 i tried to delete this so many times! I’m convinced i’m a dinosaur when it comes to social media it’s too confusing! Sorry if it seemed like spam!!!
  8. As with anything it’s just practice sprinkled with a bit of trial and error so anyone with patience can do it I really wish i could have called on my trusted crew to help but because of the pandemic i decided to film it myself. A friend did help me film two moving shots though so I can’t take full credit. All my YouTube videos i shoot by myself though as they’re quite straightforward. RE: your other comments on riding, now i’m eager for the weather to get better here so i can try out the things you mentioned. It was dry terrain though not slippery but i’ll give it a try and practice the Z10 riding style you mentioned!
  9. Thanks I’m glad it didn’t make you cringe but now i’ve made a mental note to ensure i include cringeworthy material in the next The next video should be out in a fortnight or less
  10. Here’s where clarification and context is key as to why i said the XL excels in nimbleness and practicality. This is heavily down to how I ride and where. Take for instance, off road trails. I tend to ride them fast and relish turning corners equally so. However, the V11’s weight distribution makes it feel top heavy so when i round those corners quickly (not slowly as mentioned) it has felt like i was going to topple over. This effect around corners isn’t found in slimmer wheels. Their ergonomics and weight distribution prevents it. Unless one takes it to the 45 degree angle cut off. I can’t actually remember needing to navigate slowly on tight turns on the V11 so i’ll have to seek some out and try in comparison to a slimmer wheel to test whether or not the nimbleness is negligible. Yes agree completely the pedal height is perfect to avoid scraping but in the above instances that was superfluous as it was neither a help nor hindrance. In terms of weight, now here I definitely disagree but after reading what you’ve written i have a strong feeling i know why. I’m always conscious of the weight of the V11 when riding and i think this is solely due to my actual weight and frame. I spoke to another woman of smaller build than me and she said she had to throw her weight into the turns more too. Since you don’t feel that nor have i even heard anyone speak about it, it seems like men’s natural broader physique/ strength plays an advantage to eliminate that issue. Lifting up stairs, this will be down to an individuals strength. Lifting down/ up stairs is fine but when i have to place it in the boot of my car not so much. Other than the handle there isn’t a good gripping point. Either my fingers get caught in the large rim by the tyre when i lift it or I grab it by the pedal which just feels awkward. So it’s more cumbersome than the XL. I have to climb up parts of a mountain with it later this year so this is a big work around i have to figure out. The trolley handle of the V11 is my biggest gripe. When i walk I do so briskly and the length of the handle really hinders that. So i’m forced to slow my pace in order to navigate the wheel properly to prevent it from swaying. Also i’ve realised that i have to push the handle down firmly when closing otherwise riders can expect to experience a little surprise when riding. To all your other points yes, yes, and yes. It must be said though, none of the above are deal breakers (to me anyway) I would still readily recommend the V11 over the XL but that doesn’t negate that other wheels are more efficient in specific elements of the riding experience.
  11. Now that’s a painfully long time to leave a wheel! Are you from France then? 😁 If the XL was going to be your first wheel, i’d say by all means go for it but based on what you’ve said and the comparative specs it’s difficult to not see it as anything other than a downgrade specifically in relation to power, speed, and if memory serves me right range. Yes exactly, narrow body and weight. The V11 is fun to ride but not to carry! Decisions, decisions right lol let us know which one you go for.
  12. No such thing as a silly question i’ll just jump in with a response to this, the suspension feels very robust. I’ve jumped off some heights, sought out potholes/ cracks and the wheel didn’t feel or sound compromised after. Funnily enough although it’s a single wheel I actually feel more confident and comfortable riding fast over rough terrain than comparably priced suspension bikes. What were your thoughts riding the 18XL you seem to be leaning towards it? Like you said the 18XL is tried and tested and it is more nimble and practical in many instances than the V11. However since you’ve come from the MSV3 the 18XL may probably feel like a downgrade performance wise.
  13. Thank you and yep I’m a Cinematographer and Screenwriter
  14. 5”11 (i think) it definitely feels too low for me!
  15. An Inmotion V11 Commercial i put together.
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