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evX_Mick last won the day on May 5 2021

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    Brooklyn, NY
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    Sherman, Nikola+, V12, MCM5 V2

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  1. Fun fact, I have the only one in existence still. I created all their video content. You can see it in all my recent reviews.
  2. Honestly hard to say and boy do we wish we had like actual scientific data. Cough Begode cough. but the 2400wh was fine for my crazy torque rides. Didn’t feel wanting FWIW.
  3. Saw your comment and did a butt measurement for ya: https://youtu.be/q00ls5JS2So
  4. https://youtu.be/q00ls5JS2SoThe Light That Burns Twice As Bright Burns Half As Long - Begode Master Electric Unicycle | evX https://youtu.be/q00ls5JS2So
  5. His cut out was not an old prototype. He’s on the same model as Hsiang and myself. He was in fact on a firmware version that now at this point is older. But at the time that’s what we were all on. And you could feel the weakness in the motor. You can understand why it would be hard to trust the wheel after hearing these stories from China and Europe. We have used further iterations of the firmware and thankfully I haven’t cut out. But what I saw and what Afeez’s tech (Kevin) described to me, likely has to do with the mosfets. This is why it’s inefficient from 0-20mph and was causing cut out, in our opinions. The mosfets can’t handle you punching it from zero. Lots of wheels ca min handle that. But the s20 cannot. It may not be a big deal for some, but it’s something that should be known and why I honestly tell you all about these issues. I hope they can be resolved with better firmware or design changes. Either way I try to give you all the best of what we know and I’ll give my heavily biased opinion on if parts of a wheel are good or bad. Thanks again for the conversation. -M
  6. I think all questions should be asked, as all these new wheels should be met with rigorous skepticism to see if they perform as advertised. No one here is shutting questions down.
  7. Also what do you mean by “we just want to know the facts”? Where have facts been withheld? Kuji and French guy cut out right before I got my s20. So as a father of 3 I said, not doing accel test, not worth it. where have i misunderstood what your issue is?
  8. No need for snarky-ass comments like this. YOU came to me with the gripe. I’ve been nice enough to response but clearly that was quite silly of me. again I’ve yet to see anyone here convince me of why i should put my life on the line for you, especially after this thread. At this point i seriously don’t understand the problem you have with the video… again, a feee video you didn’t have to pay for to see…
  9. “You don't make it clear in your video which of these scenarios happened in the cases you mention. You should have.” that’s your quote. my reply: Ok to say it one more time: they were cut outs. Not over lean. I said the word “cut out” in my video. I got this info from Kuji himself, about his cut out and the guy in France. If you’re looking for me to be specific about every single inch of detail of how why and when i know something (what time of day and mood Kuji was in when he told me this, etc), you’re barking up the wrong tree. This isn’t a dissertation on atomic particles, it’s an overview review video based on my experience with the wheel and the info I know. If YOU don’t like my presentation in regards to detail, I'm sorry but i can’t help you there. Plenty of wonderful engineer-types make videos. I would encourage you to watch their videos for THAT kind of detail. If you feel strongly about how poorly I create these free reviews for the community I would encourage you to create a YT channel and dedicate your time to showing in great detail how I fail at it. I’m very much for “better ideas will win out over poor ideas”. But truthfully I think you’re looking for some sort of evil or negligent motive here and you’re got the complete wrong idea. You all know what I know. And if you know more, than awesome! The more knowledge the better. Share it with us all so we are all enriched. thanks again. M
  10. Honestly i don’t think you see the difference between a production model wheel that had serious issues and a pre-production wheel with little to no testing and us alpha testers putting our life on the line. Yes if you got a batch 2 v12 its equally as dangerous and once you learned of the danger you’d likely quit riding it. Same applies when I’m testing a wheel, for FREE content for this community, if i hear of a danger, admitted and spoken to me from Kingsong and their associates, I’m gonna tread carefully on the wheel. So 2-3 humans cutting out early on in the influencer releases, would cause anyone to take pause. Often though they don’t tell us anything and we just didn’t out the hard way. So Kuji has been there more times than he should have been over the years. And had he been in America he may have sued these companies, depending on his stance on suing. Point is, there’s a relevance to why we showcase these things for you all. To know all we know and you can decide if it’s an issue or to just pay close attention to the wheel over time and see if the issue is resolved. The v12 straw man premise is quite silly but maybe you didn’t see the nuance so I’ll give It a pass. Hopefully this clears it up. Thanks for the conversation. -M
  11. How many bodies are enough for you? 2 is too few? I know this forum isn’t home turf for me lol, but seriously. Thats all. I won’t be responding to anything else. Enjoy the speculative banter.
  12. Great rebutle here from mrelwood. I think the original poster is making a lot of assumptions to be passed off as analysis of fact, and leaning heavily on malevolence. We are once again in ANOTHER Inmotion blunder. But I do not believe it’s due to bad engineering by some team lacking intelligence. Nor is it a conniving marketing team to cover it up. (That is what this post is getting at.) Guys this isn’t some western pharma company lol. These companies still see themselves are glorified factories.
  13. Jason pushes them on every wheel release otherwise they'd take like 5 years to get them out with little to no upside for the delay. This is China not USA manufacturing.
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