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    KS18L, Inmotion V8

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  1. Yes, now waiting for a new motherboard...
  2. Hello Rywokast, I purchased it at the Wheelies, they are out of business. The wheel is 2 years old. I will check your links to see. thanks!
  3. Hello people, I am looking for a brand new motherboard for my 18L, I live in Singapore where all resellers have closed (cf e-scooter ban...), where can I find one online? I searched on Aliexpress and couldn’t find one. Do you know where I can buy one? Also any idea about the price? Thanks!
  4. SoftTuner doesn’t allow me to choose my wheel type. Maybe because I connect with SoftTuner as a guest? I don’t have an account and don’t know how to create it. I also tried EUC World with an android phone: the wheel setting menu doesn’t even appear, as no info from the wheel can be accessed. nothing works... wheel wasted
  5. Hi Seba, I can turn on the wheel (“Bluetooth is connected”). SoftTuner connects to the wheel but no info comes out of the wheel. In the firmware upgrade section, it’s all empty. The wheel doesn’t react. Impossible to upgrade the firmware. I tried everything : to disconnect the engine and try to upgrade, to put the wheel upside-down and try to upgrade, ... KS support told me I needed to change my motherboard...
  6. Well my wheel has become an expensive paper-weight... Indeed using SoftTune, the upgrade process stopped in the middle and I couldn’t start it again... Now the app connects to the Bluetooth but won’t recognise the firmware version or get any data from the wheel! Same with regular KS App... the wheel is dead! How to deal with Failed firmware update?
  7. I'd say: being suddenly on free wheel, no more response from the wheel whatsoever. The wheel gave up litterally, no more self-balancing, nothing. It is maybe rethorical, I am not sure.
  8. Hi guys, thank you all for your answers. I definitely learnt a few things! BTW when I said 25 kph it's purely gut feel, I didn't look at the speed. It happened in the blink of an eye as you can imagine. I was about to overtake my wife who was riding an electric scooter in front of me! She never goes beyond 20 kph for sure... but yes, I put some pressure on the pedal, and that plus low battery created the problem I suspect! My wife said I was lucky I was not going too fast but as I was accelerating, I felt differently. Now I know it can happen! As any rider of EUC you always think about what would happen in case of a sudden breakdown, and that's what I experienced... I think I have been very lucky this time. A bit more than a year ago I broke my wist falling with a Ninebot. I wasn't skilled enough. I know that the same accident would not happen to me now, with my current mileage. An accident can still happen to me of course. But I had never experienced pure shut down of the wheel during a ride so far! I will definitely adapt my riding better to the situation. I will also observe the behavior of the wheel much closer now. Like the few moments where I was certain it was on when pushing the trolley and as I stepped on the pedals to go I realized it wasn't. A few takeaways from my side if I understood well: - ride with battery fully charged if possible; under a certain level the probability that such issue arises is much higher. For instance, to try to empty the battery before the next charging is apparently not a good idea, it seems better to charge it to full each time you can - do not hesitate to change the battery if behavior of the wheel changes : battery health is your health ! I wonder on which mileage we should think about renewing the battery in any way... maybe around 2000 km? - I was used to my wheel responding very well and give me the torque I wanted, I will now treat it a bit more gently - French Saying: "he who wishes to travel far takes care of his mount" Good summary Who_the, and thanks.
  9. Thanks, it confirms what I said: what happened to me is not covered on this page. no tilt up, I was not over leaning, no over speed... nowhere here it is said there is a risk that the wheel will turn off. but thanks anyway.
  10. Yes that's what happened : the wheel stopped, it just went off, simply. Conditions were not special, as far as I remember (speed, me leaning, ... nothing unusual)
  11. I would prefer that I did something wrong because that would mean I can prevent it and the wheel is not at stake, but I am not 100% convinced. does this kind of things happen with an electric scooter? Or car?
  12. Yes, exactly. It is written nowhere that if you are accelerating and reaching the speed of 25 km/h and your battery is under 30% the wheel will simply stop to teach you to be more careful - if you are still alive! If you find it normal and are still riding eWheels you must be suicidal. Beside, I did nothing different than during the last 1000 km so I don't understand why suddenly it happened. i'd like to see what this EV market would become if the retailers would explain to the future clients that "In some occasions, for instance if your battery is low,, the wheel will shutdown, especially when you reach high speed, and it's absolutely normal, so be prepared"
  13. After more than 2000 km (1000 with a Ninebot One E+, and 1200+ with the V8, I was considering myself a bit experienced. I have ridden in all kinds of conditions. I fell several times for different reasons. But the cut off while going straight on a flat road.... that's different. I don't know what warning you are talking about, beyond tilting, which did not occur.
  14. Hi Criull, I don't know about you but I would expect my wheel to NEVER shutdown when I drive it, what ever I do. One thing is true: the battery was Low. I downloaded the log in the Inmotion app but I don't know what to do with it, it is not accessible. It must be on Inmotion cloud, now, and I suspect it is only meant for after sales Engineers to check. I will contact them to see.
  15. What I mean by "power cut off" is that the drive simply stopped: like powered off. I was going straight on the road, I had the reflex to put a leg forward and started to run but with the speed I was not really running, just trying to avoid falling, I must have looked like someone trying to do a Long jump at the Olympics. I knew I would fall in the end, and saw that on the side of the road where some cars where parked there was a bit grass and was able to fall there. Result is only scratches (knee bleeding, elbow...) but nothing bad. The wheel is fine (although scratched especially on one side). I was lucky there was no car on the road at that particular moment. the wheel did not bip, but I switched off the sounds: for me feeling the wheel tilting is enough, I don't like too many noises. To start the wheel again I just had to switch it on again, as if nothing had happened. I went back on it but drove slowly as you can imagine. youn are right about the button...
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