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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. I had the wobble exactly once, and ended it instinctively by pressing both legs against the wheel for a moment (as soon as it started). If the wheel physically can't wobble (back-forth or to the sides), you won't have any wobble problems So you could try that.
  2. @logos122 Nice video (also enjoying the music choices on your channel). Hoping some of you won't learn the "wish I would be more visible when going in the dark" lesson the hard way Also, crazy huge camera setup with a fat gimbal (seen at the end). Wondering how much that cost. Don't crash when carrying that edit: looks like this is @Tishawn Fahie? Looking foward to the footage!
  3. Yachting World (British yachting magazine) looked at some space saving transport options. Not much of a conclusion, but I think he liked riding the EUC (as opposed to the boring rest).
  4. eroue.fr is a dealer right? Maybe the combination of available dense infrastructure, good dealer involvement, and French mentality is the secret. Did Solowheel maybe start with France (for some reason) for Europe sales, and that's how the difference to other countries is so notable? @KingSong69 You're staff now? 100% deserved! Congratulations (on the extra work).
  5. Afaik 7A might be dangerous for the usual GW charge ports without modification... just so you know. Maybe you already tested and everything works, but people here say 5A is fine, and between 5 and 6, charge port robustness starts being something you have to consider. Maybe we should some time gather a few German riders and do a concerted France invasion visit. -- @Pingouin, @Hansolo Thanks for the info and offers! Very impressed with the amount of organization going on there, by the dealers and everyone else. I'm not going to make any specific plans though until I got a working wheel again (in a few weeks).
  6. @Pingouin Yea I just mentioned Paris as it's the obvious target for a France ride holiday. And it is notable that there are 3 big "Western" EUC forums, 2 of which are in French, and the rest happens in Asia. @Hansolo That is so cool! How do you keep your wheels charged enough so that you get more than 50km per day? Monster chargers? It's still a few hours to charge a big battery fully with fat charger.
  7. Not my videos... 2 more by @Will Prowse. Nice SF day tour, + some highlights in the 2nd video. @Hansolo Thanks Wish I would speak French, that might make things easier
  8. This video and the one a few posts above show the French are doing something right. Dozens of riders, women, children, everyone. Mostly everywhere else (except these Thai riders you can see on youtube) you're lucky to get more than 5 people into a group. What's the secret, besides enough people with wheels? Seriously considering a short Paris vacation one day to join one of these mega group rides.
  9. NOW. THAT. IS. AMAZING! Even with a little selfie stick
  10. Selbst wenn du so einen Wisch gekriegt hättest, ist der nicht wertlos wenn er nur für "nicht versicherungspflichtige" Fahrzeuge gilt? (Mal von der Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung abgesehen, falls es überhaupt schon offizielle Einstufungen gibt). Die Frage ist ja ob wheels versicherungspflichtig sind (muss das ne spezielle Fahrzeughaftpflicht sein, oder geht die normale?), und das ist wohl bestenfalls ne Grauzone und ansonsten so (sonst könnten sie sich ja nicht über Fahren ohne Versicherung beschweren, was anscheinend sein kann). Meine Erkenntnis: den ganzen Mist mit Versicherungen kann man sich eh sparen, kann ja nix dabei rauskommen - schon gar nichts was im Zweifel gerichtsfest ist wenn die Versicherung was zahlen müsste und sich querstellt.
  11. For me it's the opposite, I do 2 steps: step on wheel while it's standing still, then go. I'm not good at combining these/doing a running start (aka driving on one leg).
  12. Heilige Sch****! Könnte mir vorstellen dass die Geschwindigkeit des Autos auch ne Rolle gespielt hat, also faktisch mehr als 15 km/h (will jetzt die Gefahr bei 15 nicht runterspielen). Bist du blöd gefallen/getroffen worden bzw kannst du die Details beschreiben (falls du willst und überhaupt eine öffentliche Aussage irgendeiner Art machen willst bevor alles Rechtliche erledigt ist)? An deiner Stelle würd ich mir mehr wg der Knochenbrüche Sorgen machen als wegen der Polizei - da hat der Rammmensch wohl eher ein Problem. Hoffe das heilt einigermassen schnell, aber dauert wohl so oder so. Nicht schön... Naja, gute Besserung und sonst viel Glück
  13. Uh, versteh ich das richtig, du hast ein Auto gerammt (bzw das dich) und dir Arm und Nase gebrochen???
  14. Give your brain time to process, that's important as well. If you train one day, then wait 3 days, you'll be much better on the next attempt simply because you "learned".
  15. @Marty Backe First the video thumbnail... then "I'm gong to take my msuper to the bottom of the San Gabriel river"... almost seemed like you'd sink your wheel @Jonathan Tolhurst Wow!
  16. What kind of parent gives their kid an Airwheel? ACM or stronger, or bust.
  17. Not my video, but I liked it. Some offroad ACMing.
  18. You really might be on to something there with your attachment slot! It may be the EUC equivalent of a bike's rack/luggage carrier. Also great to attach additional EUC specific bags, baskets, an enclosure for additional batteries, etc. Maybe in 5 years, most EUCs will have such a slot as a standard[ized] feature. It could be a bit like the built in telescoping handle - most people would prefer to have one if available with their wheels, quite the selling point. I'm already wishing my ACM had such an easy attachment point. When are you going to start your own EUC company? We could certainly need a communicative, maybe "Western", performance and extreme/offroad stuff focused manufacturer; and you seem to have some talent there
  19. @Shabba Pelicans are awesome. The only way to make your pictures better is to put your wheel into them
  20. Here are some random, mainly symbolic pictures. What you can see in them: nice, dry, warm spring weather with no rain for the last 2 weeks, sunshine, barely a cloud in the sky, flowers, happy happy joy joy plenty of EUC routes right from the doorstep, anything from nice smooth new pavement to dirt paths mountains in the distance, promising unending EUC adventures of the more spectacular kind, should you want it (not pictured, but still there) everyone and their kitchen sink is outside, enjoying the weather What you can't see in them: an electric unicycle!!!!!!!!! Learn from my mistakes! EUC protip: always have a second wheel on standby, should your wheel be broken/not available for any reason. Don't let it happen to you!
  21. @logos122 Nice!!! Price? (You said 1050 in the video? Ali?) Also I feel obliged to mention the charger is not "European" (tons of variants here), but it fits German, Austrian, Belgian, who knows where else (and I believe Russian) outlets.. sorry Stupid that the power cable is affixed to the charger instead of some exchangable plug. Looks like a really interesting wheel, with some minor improvements necessary (that splash guard would be great if it worked fully). Also, somehow it almost looks better with the handle attached than without. The back light is maybe the best for visibility in traffic: relatively bright, projects onto the ground, and it blinks often. What do you mean by smooth, can you describe it a little more? Sounds interesting. Also, is that wood behind the side cushions (at 1:07)?
  22. Not my videos. @Will Prowse won't post his videos here, but there are some nice rides worth looking at. These two fit the current beach and sea theme
  23. @captainwells A really beautiful route. How far could you go (one way) in theory along the beach? Also, any idea how much one of these houses right next the beach and pedestrian walk (as seen at the beginning) would cost?
  24. Why would you be afraid to hit people? Especially going uphill, when doing nothing slows you down automatically. Were you worried about stopping and not being to ride on due to the incline?
  25. @abinder3 Sorry didn't want to talk down the wheel, never seen one in RL. If I bought a 18 inch wheel, I'd choose this over the msuper, so it's not like I think it is bad. The pedal thing is just what I have heard. Also, is there an 18B? Does it not have a name like 18AY or something similar? I expected the rumored upcoming high capacity (2000Wh?) KS18 would be the 18B. Still hoping they use the huge size for lots of batteries with a more flexible shell (and a handle). I'd buy a KS20 or KS22 too. @Marty Backe Does the KS actually overheat and the GW does not, or is it just the KS warns you and the GW does not even know there is a problem? What temperature is measured anyways?
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