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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. Keine Ahnung, bin juristischer Laie. Aber nem Rechtsakt kann man i.A. widersprechen. Bilde mir auch ein, sowas Vergleichbares mal wo gelesen zu haben - war eben bemerkenswert, weil das zwar geht, aber logischerweise nicht gerade oft vorkommt, dass jemand mit einer Einstellung ein Problem hat. Der Vorschlag war aber eh nicht so ernst gemeint
  2. Die tun halt so, als ob das Unterlassen weiteres rechtwidrigen oder bestenfalls fragwürdigen Verhaltens ein Akt der Gnade ihrerseits wär, anstatt eine Selbstverständlichkeit. Theoretisch kannst Du der Einstellung auch widersprechen, oder? Falls Du es ganz genau wissen willst
  3. Sehr schön. Fragt sich wieso den Polizisten nicht gleich sagen, dass sie uns in Ruhe lassen sollen War da deinerseits ein längerer Brief nötig, oder kam das mehr oder weniger von selber?
  4. Keep us updated, and don't pay anything if you don't strictly have to
  5. Didn't you sell the Monster for the Tesla? Or am I imagining things? Who would have expected that!
  6. This is good! It says the bad part (Straftat = felony, here that would be the no insurance thing) has been suspended (eingestellt) and is over - due to being not important enough to warrant anything more ($153 StPO = if it's not important and there is no public interest, they can stop any prosecution because "Who cares anyways?"). No worries for you. Great! The second parts says the minor part (Ordnungswidrigkeit = misdemeanor) has been sent to the appropriate authority in Bad Segeberg for possible penalty (eventuelle Ahndung). Translation: maybe you get a fine like 20€ or 50€ (like you'd get a fine for minor speeding with a car, or something like this), but I guess you'll never hear of it again. Not sure what misdemeanor (in addition to the felony that is gone now) they even think you committed...??? Also, you can still appeal that fine (if it ever comes). If they send you another letter and want you to pay something, you can appeal and I would be surprised if they don't give up then (at the latest). Awesome! -- I don't think you can get any insurance (in Germany) that would actually pay if anything happens. Very few people got it simply so they could say they have one, but many others didn't even get any insurance when they asked (the ones that got often tricked their insurance). So I don't think it is worth it to care about insurance, it doesn't do anything anyways.
  7. I'd rather have an English translation done by the person than a German one done by computer
  8. Wow, you videos are getting really impressive. Must have been a lot of work with all the fixed angles. All it missed was some nice circle riding on road crossings (like in that one other video). I'm totally not envious of your nice riding weather, compared to the rain/snow slush/wind crap here Also, the video really makes you want to get an mten3. Thank God it has that "I don't want to bother with this Gotway crap" battery issue.
  9. Hi! Let us know if you need any help or translation or whatever, if something comes (but probably you'll hear nothing)! Don't pay any money. Technically, it's more likely that EUCs are currently unregulated (=legal) in Germany than that they are not allowed, so don't give in. That's the spirit! -- Not sure about your initial idea, there are just not many EUCers in Germany. Politicians have ignored much bigger groups. And there would be more frightened old people for bans etc. than there would be people supporting EUCs, so not sure if we could win a popularity contest. But if there ever is a trial to see how exactly the laws are, I'm sure a lot of people will help (financially).
  10. Very well made video, you can't deny that! Makes me want to go out and snow ride... oh, no snow, just wind and rainy and 1°C The red tire looks great and changes the V8 from black and boring-ish to interesting and neat looking. Poland, obviously. The mountain they're on can be seen in an earlier video, pretty sure it's the same one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_Tatras
  11. Fantastic! Such a great idea! Though you need a bigger canvas (and a plan what to draw). Looking at this a makes me think, a spray can attachment + some easily washable chalk paint (or maybe self-removing paint that evaporates after an hour?) + a remote (or just a phone app) would be a great official accessory by a manufacturer of trendy wheels.
  12. Self upgrade! That's really cool.
  13. The Monster is still the best looking wheel, imho. Simple and readable, just nice. Fantastic ride, fantastic images! Wow! Great video! Blue haired guy is quite courageous/skilled. The ACM also looks really nice from the front/back (I love the top part there). Does @Jrkline "Wheel Whisperer" also have an 18S now?
  14. Seated riding = knee pads. Just saying. Think how a cut-out (it's a Gotway) would work out otherwise, vs. one when standing. Well, that's my opinion at least.
  15. Not my video. Car guy has another EUC video (or two, not sure if I posted them all). Check out the channel/EUC playlist. @Jason McNeil You really need to send that guy the bigger stuff. I understand that14D/S = mass market, but don't let him (and his viewers) miss the bigger ones. 16S, maybe even an 18S, all of them.
  16. Not my video. Chooch again, he puts up stuff quite regularly.
  17. Musst Du selber wissen. Es gab hier schon einige, die diese Frage gestellt haben, aber dann kam nichts Weiteres mehr von denen was sie gemacht haben oder was passiert ist. Ich persönlich bin der Meinung, dass Grosskopf realistischer als nicht-Grosskopf ist. Wenn selbst ein Jurist bei irgendeiner Polizei in NRW (Google: informativ 76 Polizei NRW) das so sieht, kann man das nicht einfach zur Seite wischen. Scheint mir eine so typische "weil nicht sein kann was nicht sein darf" Argumentation der Staatsanwaltschaften zu sein, die dann am Ende notfalls von einem europäischen (= nicht-deutschen) Gericht aufgehoben werden müsste, nach dem Motto, "es gilt die tatsächliche Rechtslage, nicht was ihr gerne hättet", und denen die landestypischen Unsitten austreibt. Ich würde dem StA einen freundlichen, aber bestimmten Brief schreiben, dass er sich das nochmal überlegen soll, da Du da keine Strafbarkeit siehst und deswegen auch nicht verstehst, wieso Du was zahlen solltest. Und evtl. noch ein bisschen bla bla von wegen Elektromobilität und Umweltschutz und überhaupt usw. - die üblichen Argumente, damits mehr als zwei Sätze werden, falls Du Lust hast. Das Ziel ist also: klar machen, dass er mit "schnell erledigt" nicht durchkommt, ohne sonst viel zu sagen, und mal schauen was dann passiert. Mit gewisser Wahrscheinlichkeit: nicht viel. Mein Eindruck ist, viele Strafanzeigen (falls es dazu überhaupt kommt, weiss nicht ob sie müssen) scheinen dann wohl eingestellt zu werden. Vielleicht merken sie dann doch, dass sie auf dünnerem Eis sind, als sie glaubten (oder, auch gut möglich, sie versuchens erstmal, vielleicht bist du ja so dumm dich nicht zu wehren - einfaches Geld, schnell erledigt, Existenz gerechtfertigt). Dafür, dass doch schon eine handvoll Fahrer einkassiert wurden, hab ich noch nix von einer einzigen Gerichtsentscheidung gehört. Ich behaupte einfach, nach dem Brief hörste nix mehr, oder Du kriegst eine Strafanzeige, widersprichst der in irgendeiner Form, und dann kommt nix mehr. Und dass man Geld zahlen soll, um sich vor eine Strafanzeige zu retten, ist ja auch lächerlich (und wirkt etwas halbseiden - ist das überhaupt in Ordnung so? Sonst heisst es ja immer als Ausrede, bei "Straftaten" hätten die Beamten keine Wahl, vgl. die typische Vermummungsverbot- Argumentation bei jeder Demo). Insbesondere bei dem hohen Betrag, selbst bei einer Verurteilung wirds wohl kaum teurer. Aber wie gesagt, musst Du selber wissen. Wir hatten schon zu viele Leute, die nachher nix mehr gesagt haben was nun bei ihnen Sache war. Da hab ich auch keine Lust, viel mehr dazu zu empfehlen, ist immer das Gleiche ohne neue Informationen.
  18. Thanks. That's slightly less worse. Unfortunately, the only thing it has going for it are the looks (which necessitate a tiny battery).
  19. But but...how can you forget the incredible Solowheel Extreme!! How can you...? After all, it goes a cool 16km/h (10mph)! ... Well... you're right! There are only two 18 inch wheels.
  20. You're upping your game both in videomaking (with some Backe-inspired ride by shots?) and distance travelled per month compared to the Ninebot. Nice! Snow actually is fun. But it has to be dry enough, this crap is very wet, not cold enough yet.
  21. It also depends on the wheel. Not sure where the 16S stands in that regard. With my ACM (heavy, wide stance, stable), I do full upper body turning because that actually does something, while subtle weight shifts of the feet aren't. With a bigger wheel like the Monster, you basically have to use your upper body or nothing will happen. When I tried the V8 (light, narrow stance, twitchy) I had to to precise shifting of the weight on foot, any upper body turning was WAY overkill (oversteering) and I did go snake lines for 5 minutes until I got used to only using the feet and slight balance changes there, instead of the much more involving upper body I'm used too.
  22. I think you'll just learn with time. No need to get impatient after the first day. For now, forget completely what your legs are doing and how they push on the pedals, do everything with the upper body. Simply turn your upper body. As an explanation: stand on the spot (on your feet) and turn your head (keeping the feet where they are all the time) to look behind you until your upper body automatically starts turning with it once you turned your head enough. Now add your arms to the movement (when riding, they are probably already not hanging down loosely, but held out to help with balance, just where you want them to be for this). That's the kind of movement to do curves on the wheel. Turn the upper body and the wheel follows. EUCs kind of go in the direction you look. They're very intuitive. In doubt, stop thinking about what you are doing and how you're doing it, and just act instinctively. The rest comes with training.
  23. すべてが明確です。 すべてのエラーは、Googleの翻訳者に起因する可能性があります。 ゴットウェイは超安全で、最高のクオリティを持ち、100 km / h以上で簡単に乗ることができます!
  24. Toshio Uemura Japan Perfektes Deutsch. !!!! Wow
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