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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. Can I get a ringlet of your hair (and Marty's while we're at it) for making some voodoo dolls? Because you people with your warm, summerly, pleasant riding weather make me jeeeeeeeeealous -- 2 pictures from an afternoon ride today. Cold and icy. Below 0°C it really gets unpleasant fast. But it was a maiden ride with new Flexmeters (at least they were kind of warm) and new phone (for better photos, I hope, and a battery that works for more than 2 hours) so a ride was necessary.
  2. Eek! I hope at least it wasn't too cold. White GT16 looking really good
  3. What exactly is Solowheels contribution then? Marketing (you guys) only? IP trolling? Sorry, don't mean to be unfriendly, just wondering because that's essentially a reversal of the Inmotion to Solowheel rebrands... which is not what I expected. Is there a non-Inmotion Solowheel in the works?
  4. Above 5°C and dry means riding weather, just close your eyes and pretend it's summer Came back from a spontaneous evening/night ride I did a few moments ago. It's fun riding where usually cars would be packed, but on a weeknight nothing's going on. High speed highway snaking and so on No photos, because night, but here you can see my extremely professional backlight construction (ACM still dirty from the mud run). Here's the route. Right under 2h, about 45km. I managed to avoid any Bad places this time
  5. Keep in mind, the Frenchies sell the 2400Wh Monster for 3200€ instead of 2500€ (German = more reasonable EU price) which is 30% more. [Meanwhile, U.S. $2600 = 2100€ but without taxes so it's relatively close to the German price if you added taxes]. So, in analogy, 2400€ in France means 1900€ in rest of EU. Which isn't too unrealistic for a 1kWh Ninebot wheel (Tesla 1020 = 1700€ here, 16S 840 = 1550€).
  6. It's just an Inmotion V3 with maybe a smaller battery or so. This means it's a perfectly fine product. But in the end, the twin wheel design kind of ruins what EUCs are all about - because instead of going into any desired curve radius smoothly, it's either go straight or balance on one of the wheels suddenlyy to turn. Also said to be quite bad for bumpy terrain because the "wide tire" gets twisted. But you seem to have a V3 yourself, so you know. Time to get a real EUC
  7. Nice editing. Looks like you use your new 4k camera well, for the tracking zooms now. Haha at the guy at the start filming you. Did you tell him about your Youtube channel? Could have saved him the work.
  8. "I can't believe the sun is actually out" ride #4. Not only was it sunny with no wind, the temperatures were even closer to 10°C than 0°C! Did a little mud run with the ACM, through some forest access roads. Because staying clean and on pavement eventually gets monotonous Mud! The strategy is to go right through the puddles because there the ground is firmest and you don't slide sideways (into the puddles, on the slippery stuff) or get pushed off track by the mud barriers. Some puddles were deep, though, slightly above pedal level. But it worked out well. No involuntary step offs! I had overtaken a horse rider some time earlier, and on the photo break she caught up with me. The horse was a beast, 2m shoulder height. I kind of want a horse now. Horse riding also explains why the ground is so uneven. Hooves. More fun. More mud. On the pro side, no need to look for something to lean the wheel against, just let it stand where you want. Horse lady came back the way she had gone. And more mud! Had to carry or push the wheel occasionally. Eventually the forest path ended. Later on the ride, I came by a group of people flying their RC aircraft on a field. Somehow EUCs and flying seem to overlap, the topic comes up quite often here. They had two 1:3 scale model paramotors with actual people puppets in them. The puppets arms move to control the paraglider like a real person would. They did some nice maneuvers, even loopings. Watchers. We talked a bit about their stuff, the EUC, and unnecessary overregulation of certain hobbies You can also see a model airplane. And here it is starting. More paragliding. You start them with a controlled throw, more or less.
  9. Must have happened really fast if you couldn't out-brake the wobble. Oh wow! But understandable. You probably lost some comfort with wheeling yourself, too. Not much to say what hasn't been said already. Hoping your arm heals fast and without problems or longer term issues!
  10. If you did write the "USA" with the mten3, I'm very impressed!
  11. Thought this too, right after I had taken the photos. But well, it was on and stable, so whatever. Maybe I'm unconsciously trying to kill it so I must buy another shiny new wheel? It's a river. And in this case, though in the photo it looks indeed different, it was right next to a huge bush + grass shielding it and even a spin out would probably not have it tumble into the water. -- Anyways, the point was to never switch it off during the two stops (because... well, because!), this is how these happened.
  12. So 84V with some slightly unusual cell capacities (going from what GW/KS do). Makes sense if it's an evolution of the V8. I wonder why they don't use 2900mAh and 3500mAh as well. Probably they know that the potential customers vowed never to buy a wheel that maxes out at 30 30 is indeed too slow. There's a huge difference between 25 (really too slow), 30 (ok but sometimes kind of slow), 35 (pretty good) and 40 (speed of death).
  13. "At least it's dry..." ride #3. Swampy impressions. The entire area used to be an ice age lake, so that's why you find this everywhere. At the river. The route (clockwise). Around 50km, 2h of ride time. Cold, but still fun. Some good reactions from people.
  14. Sounds like what you could expect from a new Inmotion wheel. Not going for the extremes, but nicely in the middle. Hopefully it looks good. Any idea what voltage/battery configuration that makes? I can't get any good numbers that make sense for both capacities. Hoping they did some pedal and general ergonomy thinking, after Ninebot apparently didn't.
  15. Mine, too! Well, the birthday thing at least, the only thing left from my original ACM are the batteries.
  16. A lot of my rides are where I just say "why not ride?" and do one. So loving to hear when other people get motivated to say the same and get on their wheels
  17. I'd guess it was canned. And tbh, it's not like EUCs were failing (cutting out) left and right because of hall sensor or hall sensor wire failures. Electronics that can deal with high currents are the real deal, and looks like the One Z will do this impressively well.
  18. Nice update! What's a torque ripple effect? Does it feel "uneven" or "loose" at slow speeds? Do they sell so much in Asia (small feet) and the West is only an afterthought, or why do they not do the obvious and go for bigger pedals? Wow, this looks fantastic. Great components, there's even officially official cable organization, very clean! Sounds like a dream! Did you see the motor wires gauge? Does the heat sink cool the motor wires? I was under the impressions the models had different tire sizes? So they're all 18 inchers? The Z6 looked so small in the videos. Now that is a great price! Looking forward to 2500+ € prices here... Bleh. Who needs a <1000Wh battery on such a power wheel. Double that would be a dream! I don't care about voltage if the torque is there.
  19. Another ride, still cold, but better than no riding. And even some sun! Well, here's the sunset. The route. Starts at the South end at the friend's house from the last ride, and goes back home.
  20. A ride today. Nothing special, just the weather was tolerable for the first time in a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooong while. Cold (5°C or so), still much wind, but no snow/ice/rain/slush at least. And even a little bit of sun! But after 1.5 hours you really start to chill through. Panorama on that spot. Didn't get stitched together properly, so only a small picture for the impression. On a spot closer to what's in the center of the first picture: Again, panorama went bad. But well... The Route. Starts at top, goes South, then North again to a friend's place. 1:15 of riding time, 32km or so.
  21. Not really, though maybe in actual usage and riding style. It's self-balancing with one wheel, so it's just a EUC with a really big, fixed "pedal". EUC + plywood = Onewheel. -- Not my video. Here's chooch reprising his famous snow riding.
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