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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. The thought has crossed my mind. It's a question of price, how well the shell would allow to put more standard battery packs in without many modifications, and how sturdy the shell is for offroading. Somehow I think it's big without offering good options, but maybe that first impression is wrong. For comparison, on the ACM or msuper, I'd have done it like this: put 2 battery packs vertically where the one battery pack is horizontally in the standard shell on each side. Extend shell upwards (with some cool fiberglass stuff) to cover the now-vertical packs, and you can add one or two packs in the middle where the handle is. So by lifting the shell only maybe 15cm, you can put 4000Wh (3885Wh) or 4800Wh (4662Wh) in (5 or 6 packs instead of the stock two). Still very compact, and very little shell modifications except the "new roof". The thing with the Nikola is the KS/Tesla-style central battery pillar with so much wasted space at the front and back (where the 4 speakers sit on the KS wheels). You could cram in cells everywhere, but there's no big space where you could just add a regular battery pack. I'd very much prefer that. (Not sure why, maybe it's a neatness thing or the wish of a ready-made huge-battery wheel designed like this.) Would love to see some pictures of the electronics/inside of the wheel! @EcoDrift Is one of your disassembly articles with the great pictures coming one day for the Nikola?
  2. That thing is huge! Nearly Monster size! Ok, maybe the lady isn't exactly 6 foot and makes it look bigger, but still... my ACM is about as tall as the USB ports or power button is high (black indentations above the light), with essentially the same tire size!
  3. Ian of Speedy Feet is the other end of the scale to the manufacturers' claims. He always gets surprisingly lousy range, for mysterious reasons. So easily expect more than he gets. Solid 80km for your 1600Wh. As for Marty, I looked up the nearest Hooters breastaurant he and his gang seem to like the place Even a Solowheel would do.
  4. I'm not sure if there is an official max wattage spec, or if it can be meaningfully given or tell you much. One can guess: Usually, EUC power is limited by what the batteries can do. On a 6p battery/58.8V wheel like the Z10, that would be 6*10A*58.8V = 3528W nominal (nominal = without overheating. 10A is what a typical battery cell can put out as long as it has enough charge.). But such a battery cell can easily do 20A for a short time, so double that. Something around 7000W theoretical peak? That's easily more than the 1800W nominal of the motor (1800W according to Ninebot. These numbers aren't very exact anyways.). So question is, how quickly will the motor overheat? Usually, a good max motor power number (as much as such a number makes sense) is about double the nominal value, so 3600W. You should be able to do that for a short while, at least. So 3500W is a good estimate. So the reading you found is realistic. But the Z seems to limit power in order to protect the electronics, as can be seen on the sluggish downhill braking many people reported. So that may be the real limit. In the end, I think 3500W (or whatever) is just a number that doesn't mean much. But since you asked
  5. 80km, not miles. 1600Wh is a solid 80km wheel. Just saying so you don't have false expectations for your upcoming 18XL
  6. Thank you But it's only common sense. If you have something where you can't exactly know when it fails unless it actually fails, and where the consequences of the failure are really bad, then you shouldn't try and test exactly where it fails. Plane, EUC, whatever. These can't just roll to a stop like a car or scouter can. That's all. But maybe this isn't compatible with how human curiosity usually works (try it until it breaks) and what people are used to from every other vehicle (floor it and you'll see how fast it can go). Nice! Sometimes the stars just align. Tell your wife Christmas dinner is off, you gotta do a range test Indeed. Some people get socks and ties, some people get wheels
  7. 20km/h is so oder so ein Witz. Das ist jetzt "schnell"? Wozu soll das nützen wenn man selbst mit dem Fahrrad normalerweise 30 fährt? (Das Fahrräder alle so schnell sind, habe ich gelernt, als ich denen mit dem EUC gefolgt bin - selbst 25 ist deutlich langsamer. Hätte die vorher eher auf 20-25 geschätzt, aber selbst jede Oma ist schneller.) Und woher kommt eigentlich diese durch nichts zu erklärende Fixierung auf eine "Lenkstange"? Hat da einer mal eine fixe Idee gehabt, und die hat dann ein (gewolltes oder ungewolltes) Eigenleben entwickelt? Und selbst die rottig schlechte geplante EU PLEV Richtlinie sagt "alles unter 25km/h ist ok" und damit hat sich diese deutsche Regelung dann auch erledigt (mal ganz abgesehen von irgendwelchen Versicherungspflichten, Altersbeschränkungen oder Führerscheinanforderungen). Aber vielleicht lobbyieren unsere deutschen Politiker die für die Autoindustrie noch kaputt. Erwarte ich zumindest. Eine schlechte Regelung ist schlimmer als gar keine, denn dann ist der Druck raus was Vernünftiges zu machen, und man hat eine Ausrede, "sie dürfen ja schon..." (ja, nur Unsinn). Drum halte ich von dem ganzen nicht viel. Aber wenn das den Polizisten eine Ausrede gibt, uns gepflegt zu ignorieren, dann solls mir recht sein. Das ist aber nicht gerade ein begeisternder Maßstab. Schauen wir mal, ob das überhaupt mehr als leere Versprechungen sind. Nuja, erstmal schönen Weihnachtsabend alle Gibt ja noch andere Dinge im Leben. Kann ich nur 100% loben. Du meinst wegen der Wette? Das ist weit entfernt von Allem, was man vernünftig nennen kann, da fühle ich mich noch lange sicher Allein schon, dass max 20km/h jetzt "schnell" sein soll Was soll man da noch gross sagen?
  8. I think it is 45kph Z10 and 35kph Z6.
  9. Looks like an overlean (pedals tilt forward), not a cut-out (instant off + motor lock). He even got a step in, this would hardly (or rather, not at all) have been possible in a cut-out. It's a bit disconcerting that it happened at ~47kph, even when accelerating. 45kph is the regular limit, so this might even be an unmodded wheel. But in the end, EUCs have no fixed top speed, only a power limit. Top speed always depends on rider weight and all the other stuff. People need to learn these things aren't cars. More like planes. Nobody would ever try to find out how fast a plane can go before the wings break off (by going into a nosedive and speeding towards the ground). Somehow for EUCs, this obvious thing is too hard to grasp? A EUC's top speed is when it beeps at you (emphasis on "you", what's happening right now). What other people did or did not do doesn't matter. It can go arbitrarily fast if nothing else speaks against it (power limit reached for any given situation, motor switch off at some speed, speed of light limit). Which is how every EUC works. These assumptions are unfounded to work for everyone and it's disingenious to blame the wheel. Unless it really was unmodded and gave up in the margin area around the 45kph alarm, there should be way more reserves or a non-ignorable tiltback as soon as there are not enough reserves. Does it say if it was modded?
  10. Your Monster is finally back in business! Looking good.
  11. Die Polizei geht leider den Weg des geringsten Widerstands, anstatt zu priorisieren. Das ist leider öfters mal allgemein so. Von wem sie Ärger, Trotz und Stinke erwarten, den lassen sie alleine. Typ gesetzestreuer Bürger ist ein leichtes Opfer, und gerechtfertigt ist die Existenz damit ebenso.
  12. #teamhirsute He's the best. He's a trained circus artist, after all! I wonder what else he can do, or what else with EUCs if he put his mind to it. EUCs are only a small aspect of his act and skills. Some talented kid from China or wherever won't beat him. https://www.cirquehirsute.com/ - More on topic, apparently we cope with winter by arguing on this forum about EUC-related tangents Could be worse. - Btw you can ride wonderfully on "ice" (compacted snow, or slightly melted) but definitely not on actual hard ice (with the standard tire). Don't ask me how I know. I learned on my 3rd ride ever. I also learned if you fall then, you get a fat bruise in the exact shape of what's in your pocket on the leg. Mine was phone-shaped Thank God I didn't have keys there. The scene of the crime. No chance without a dedicated tire. The below kind of "ice" is totally fine, though, but beware the distinction to the real stuff (hard frozen, in the shadows).
  13. Good point. People aren't used to buying stuff not on Amazon. And miss all the "real" wheels. I guess that's why so many non-Z Ninebots get still sold. No reason to buy one over a V5F or V8.
  14. You're doing the good work I always say: Ride and be seen. Though it's a bit sad seeing people still buy V8s. It's not a bad wheel, though, and the only <$1000 16 incher, and has a unique form factor, so that's understandable. But it's 2.5 years old and easily surpassed by more modern models. People tend to find Ninebots and Inmotions when researching, though, and never hear of Gotway and Kingsong. If it weren't fot this forum...
  15. Fernbedienung wie ein Modellauto. Nicht zum selber draufstellen.
  16. Ausnahmeregelung? Glaubt irgendwer dass da was Vernünftiges rauskommt? Wenn überhaupt? Nach der katastrophal schlechten, minimalen, geradezu sabotierenden Rollerregelung? Etwas bei dem nicht 99% aller jetzigen Gefährte rausfallen? Und wenns nur wegen 20 bauartbedingt ist, was auf nichts ausser die ollen Ninebots zutrifft? Auf welcher Basis soll da was einigermaßen Vernünftiges rauskommen? Das war m.M. ein leeres Versprechen weil grad eine entsprechende Interessengruppe da war. "Da könnte man über eine Ausnahmeregelung nachdenken..." mal kurz in den Raum werfen, klingt ja gut wenn die entsprechenden Leute grade da sind und sich freuen, und ist ja unverbindlich. Fallt da nicht drauf rein auf so einen Politikertrick, sicher nicht das erste Mal dass einer das tut, um ohne Gegenleistung für ne Weile Schönwetter zu schaffen und Druck rauszunehmen. Selbst wenns ernstgemeint gewesen wäre, glaubt jemand da wäre was rausgekommen statt "das geht jetzt leider doch nicht wegen Ausrede/Bedenken/Vorbehalte" am Ende? Will euch nur die Enttäuschung ersparen... wer anderer Meinung ist, mit dem/der wette ich gerne um Geld. Betrag beliebig groß, ich gewinn ihn ja
  17. Yea it's not exactly pretty, but from some angles (mostly from the front/back) it has the best silhouette, along with the Monster. Also one can see beauty in a simple, readable, compact design that most of all wastes little space *cough* KingSongs, Nikola, MSX, so many others*
  18. Nobody sellin' wheels quite like Marty Backe See MCM5. Jason definitely knows what he is doing. Has anyone ever thought of a subscription model for EUCs? Get the latest models automatically! You're close, Marty.
  19. Better board with the glorious TO-247 mosfets! Best (=safest) board in existence.
  20. I like the white parts. Makes it look less boring than pure black. Also, those ring lights are mesmerizing and look fantastic. Leave it to Gotway to do something right (ok, the full ring lights and board/mosfets for now, getting there, getting there...) Now they just need to put more batteries into this huge shell. The Nikola might be a great wheel to mod for range (I'd do it if I had the money). 3000+Wh here we come!
  21. Marty's 18 mph faceplant has nothing to do with Gotway! He overlooked a bump in the path. Would have happened with every wheel. The new Gotways (with the new TO-247 mosfet board) seem to be very very good. MCM5 is the only wheel with no problem reported at all (in ewheels). MSX with the same board pushed a car for 6 minutes before giving up!
  22. Do you ride a V8? It's very sensitive because it's so thin. Don't worry, you just need practice. Ideally, you don't touch the wheel's sides. To get there, use a wall/pole to step on and just stand on it relaxedly (holding on to the support lightly with one hand) and get your legs off the wheel body (you can even wiggle it a little left-right). Relaxed stance is important here. * Step on with the second foot to the side of the wheel. A relaxed stance can happen when the wheel is in neutral during stepping on (first foot on the pedal) and when you're on it (both feet on the pedals), so it doesn't try to go forward or backward on its own any time. Then you can relax, stand straight, look straight forward. You can use a wall to get a good stance and then go from there. * Don't put your shoes against the wheel, more to the outside of the pedals or overhanging. Better leverage for your legs against the wheel. * Speed up! Going faster is easier than going slow. Don't be afraid of 15kph or even 20, you're much more stable then. Going slow and free mounting is much harder. * A wheel always goes where you look. Slightly turn your head and see what happens. Just keep standing straight and looking forward. * You balance by twisting the wheel like a bicycle tire. Like this (extreme case). Be aware of it (instead of balancing by shifting weight between the legs) and then don't think too much, just keep practicing
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