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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. Did you maybe switch some cables, so the wheel is self-unbalancing instead of self-balancing? (Because the motor turns in the wrong direction.) I don't know if this is actually possible (with the 18XL or in general), but it's the only thing I can come up with (other than your new board being bad). Might be worth it to double-check/ask here that your wires are where they should be.
  2. I think my brain must have fried a few days ago. Yes, it's 1500Wh of course. I am hoping for 1899 (or less?). The "?" being the highest number possible might lead to a bit of backlash, and I don't think they would have been so coy about the price if it was just 1999.
  3. Comes out to $2060 US or 1900€. Now I still have no idea how much this thing will cost Hoping for 1899, so the "?" isn't the highest number it could possibly be. Anyways, a 18001500Wh wheel with all the bells and whistles and more than enough performance for anybody but enthusiasts is great!
  4. Haha, sorry I thought this was the S16 thread. I need to learn to read. The price of the S19 is nothing new.
  5. Well, if you say that, I guess it's good. Sounded a bit sketchy at first.
  6. It should happen at some fixed voltage (per cell), so it should not depend on the wheel I think. So if your Monster Pro charge rate starts dropping at a higher voltage in comparison, then I don't know why. I have no io idea. Could be an explanation.
  7. I assume you tried another charger? That is normal I think (unless it used to be different in the past and has suddenly changed). The possible charging current starts dropping down towards 0 at some high percentage, so that's the limit then, no matter how "fast" your charger is. The last few percent will always be at the same speed (or rather slowness) regardless of the charger.
  8. And the tire size is different (12 inch rim/"16 inch" tire for the Extreme, 14 inch rim/"20 inch" tire for this). So it's not an Extreme with a bigger battery (= "small" tire with big 3600Wh battery). It's an EX30 successor that is built like the Extreme. Extreme 30. You mean this thread? Asking to be sure, with these confusing names With Begode wheels nowadays, one should really order a replacement board and other spare parts right away. Not sure how long they will be available when wheels are replaced left and right.
  9. Good! For such an expensive wheel, it better work flawlessly. Ensuring that is the seller's job.
  10. Sounds like their "remote calibration" just means hiding the problem I didn't know that.
  11. @The Brahan SeerHmm, you're definitely right, IM's past quality record is not so much different from the others. I edited my post to include them. The point is: the future of quality is looking good for Inmotion, otherwise they wouldn't go for this warranty. I think the V13 was pretty decent in this regard, wasn't it? I guess they now trust their current level of build quality that this warranty won't backfire. Really depends on the final price. And we have yet to hear from riders on how it feels to ride, could be anything from "meh" to "wow so much better".
  12. Here it says the Adventure has a 2 year manufacturer's warranty, with 18 months for the batteries. That is quite something! And it means they trust their wheel doesn't break quickly. Can you imagine in what trouble some all others (and the past Inmotion) would be with such a warranty!
  13. I think it will, which kind of justifies the price. Still steep though. I think we should complain, loudly and everywhere, about the (not yet announced) regular price, because it seems IM does not know it yet either Maybe we can get them to forgo/reduce the price increase. 3300 regular price would be very decent!
  14. Tbh the nicest thing about this wheel for me was when they showed hosing it down. That being possible is just so nice in real life, especially for offroad riders.
  15. It is 134.4V with a 4p battery unless something extremely crazy is going on inside and between the battery packs. (And yes, numbers matter, if only so people can compare to other systems.) "2400Wh" is what everyone else uses for a 134V 4p battery with 5000mAh cells. A more honest computation would be 32*4*3.7V*5Ah = 2368Wh (taking an average 3.7V per cell) or 2304Wh (with 3.6V). So "typical capacity" gets Inmotion out of the bind to either exaggerate or to be more honest but make their battery seem smaller than exactly-the-same-size batteries on other wheels (pretty clever wording actually). One pack has 32 cells, so each is "600Wh" (or 592Wh/576Wh more honestly like above).
  16. It's nice, nicer than expected! Great waterproofing, no "removable" batteries but easily removed battery packs (you just need a screwdriver) with waterproof connectors and protection against voltage differences (necessary but NICE!), the adjustable front light has a great range of angles, and they went for a low weight distribution and just for more quality. Cannot wait to see rider reports of this! And the price is high, just like the V13. 3300 as a special price is ok, but more (3600? 3700? Does Inmotion even know yet, or are they waiting to see the special price demand?) for a 2400Wh wheel is a lot. No idea how to judge the suspension travel. Does it make a big difference how much it is?
  17. This may not work for on-street riding with other traffic, but I found on steep gravel paths, you can simply start sideways and then immediately turn into the incline. Maybe a little wiggle from a-bit-sideways (towards the side of the road) to forwards works on streets, too.
  18. This is officially cool! (I always use the Activity tab to "read" the forum.)
  19. A: "Don't worry, this wheel has Extreme build quality." B: "It has extreme build quality?" A: "No, not extreme build quality, Extreme build quality. You know, like the Extreme." B: "Oh..." *board fries due to firmware bug* (Sorry, I could not resist the pun.)
  20. I assume this is just bad info on a dealer's site. If not, maybe it's a 134V wheel, sold with 1800Wh (3 battery packs + 1 empty dummy pack) by default, and people can add a fourth pack to get 2400Wh. I guess that could make a bit of sense if removable batteries are a thing (still not believing in that, looking at the pictures) and they want to keep the perceived default price lower. I think it would be easier to just offer 2400Wh right away and lose the removable battery effort overhead and complications, but who knows. If it's really 100V, then it better be really good (and not too expensive) to work out. Could happen, the Sherman-S is 100V after all, too. But it would be a bit disappointing, and as already mentioned above - what would even be the point of removable batteries then if the max is 1800Wh?
  21. What do you mean by countersteering? That can mean doing a little wiggle in the other direction, which is necessary to initiate a turn, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Countersteering. Like this: I tend to "wobble" in curves (a little countersteer movement regularly) instead of it being a smooth radius. Not sure if that is good or bad, it just happens to be how I ride. As for how, that's just the sideways balance that you hold on a EUC anyways - you just flick the EUC a little to the other side to initiate a countersteer. If you mean something else, I assume it is good form to do on a EUC what is good form on a bike, e.g. shifting your weight to the outside of a curve instead of the inside, like mentioned here. At least if it makes sense to do that on a EUC. I have no idea about that. Would be cool to hear from you if you have experience with EUCs and bikes.
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