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Jason McNeil

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Jason McNeil last won the day on July 19

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  1. There's a new v5.0.12 update coming in the next few days: 1. Further firmware refinements/optimizations 2. Acceleration assist turned off by default 3. Raised the max power output limit from 300A to 330A 4. Time out limit extended to 15min—not sure what the purpose of this is
  2. Not sure, it may have been acquired used, or that the Seller(s) he bought it from did not undertake a recall on those packs.
  3. An insurance lawyer messaged us with a demand letter for $350k from an RS fire back in Mar, 2023, in WA state. it was not one of ours...
  4. You could try Declan Kurant, declankurant at aol.com, located at zip 20910, or Chip Gribben/ElectroScooterWorks, chipgribben at verizon.net, zip 20707
  5. Shipped out 70% yesterderay, most variants are in stock, except the 62/66lb tubeless street. Thank you @Seba for your vision & dedication with this labour of love project
  6. Thank you, that's most generous of you to say. The reality is that despite what mfgrs may think, faults/bugs will always find their way into public discourse, where the general trend of reliability statistics will inevitably emerge. Whenever there's a problem 'signal' early in, it's imperative to get the manufacturer to address as soon as possible; the tendency of 'wishful thinking' invariably leads to much greater pain down the road.
  7. Special thanks to Begode Peter for doing this side-by-side pendulum testing on MTen5 vs MTen5+ "up is Mten5P after 3 mins backward and forward testing from 36 to 58 degree; while down is Mten5 from 32 to 80 degree. So we can see improve reducing over heat from Mten5 to Mten5P. "
  8. The container is arriving this Tuesday, hopefully shipping out by the end of next week, but it all depends on what mood Customs are in.
  9. A couple weeks back, LK released an update, v5.0.9, in an effort to address the pedal-tilt on jumps issue. Yesterday, a Customer reached out with a couple videoclips, compiled from Discord, from v5.0.9 Riders, where the Wheel could cut out, at low speed, when going over a bump, see videoclip below. https://youtu.be/yrb_nhD9FwI If you have installed this v5.0.9 update, please use LK App to update to the latest v5.0.11 release as soon as possible. Alternatively, if you had not updated the firmware recently, the firmware versions v5.0.8, & earlier are stable, there is no urgency to update.
  10. I asked Mr. Lin [BG owner] about the decision to use a C32 motor on the Blitz, he provided a detailed explanation on why their Engineering team choose this motor spec The proof will be in the results of the circuit . 1. It's a race wheel, with a need for speed. Even though the width is a C32, supports higher current output limits 2. The rim we uses upgraded materials & processing methods, making the rim stronger than any other [BG] Wheel 3. Motor silicone seal is 5mm vs 3mm on the earlier model 4. The motor is 2 kg lighter than the Et Max. This decreases inertia lag, for flexible and faster acceleration and braking. 5. The [effective] power not only depends on the rated output, also the weight & controller output limits, under certain conditions and so on 5. Addition of a motor temperature sensor for improved ride-safety 6. Phase wires upgraded from a 3mm cross-section on the Master, to 3.5mm on the Blitz
  11. Good point, he's making adjustments to the pad to minimize upper leg contact with the pad.
  12. Beidou's working on a new seat design. He says it's not going make first production, scheduled to depart in a couple weeks, estimating 4-6 weeks.
  13. There's going to be news coming out over the next few days about it, but the Blitz is the first Begode Wheel to finally have datalogging memory chip for diagnostics & blackbox investigation. It will also have an integrated GPS chip, connected to the board, for Wheel tracking, through the use of sim data plan.
  14. Yep, here's a G-Drive link for the high-res images & product PPT presentation. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1U_FX5s2mH-KOtGmOsF7N7srQ7R1S9pqF?usp=sharing Yep, according to LK, this new feature can be rolled out on the earlier models too.
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