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  1. Instead of trying one solution at a time, I would advise a "Belt and suspenders" approach, why not @redsnapper recommendation "use fine wire mesh / steel wool heated with soldering pen to solidify" and cover with superglue and baking soda. The drawback with superglue and baking soda is that it is a build up with additional material around the "wound" but leave a weaker bound on plastic to plastic the part of this wound. So I would guess superglue+baking soda would work for image 1&2 but not for no 3
  2. It is indeed hard to repair, but the following might be of help to you, If I was in your situation (with my 16X) I would use superglue reinforced with baking soda to make a pyramid shape around the elements, but before I would melt 3 staples around the element into the plastic of the case and the element. To melt a L shape staple into plastic, to reinforce its structure, cut one leg and then use a soldering iron to slowly push the staple into the plastic. Here is the video I refer to perform my repairs, you do not need to buy the stapler they have : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-5PsKU2ZLY One video on baking soda technic : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cARGGBa2ABY Hope it helps
  3. My mod for waterproofing is straight and simple, I have in my back pocket a cut-to-the-16X-size transparent plastic bag with small duck tape pieces to hold the front. In case of heavy rain, I stop and dress my 16X
  4. @Surfling the project is on hold, I have all the components but need the time to get down to the bottom of it, before summer since I 'm planning a road trip. I' ll let the community know when I done and provide explanations
  5. I am also in the process of building one small external battery for my 16x. A 20 cells of 42V with boost current limiting converter, I don't know if I'll use a bms (18650 are new) or a cell voltage display.
  6. Just plain genius, now no more "one wheel has a cooler body position" 😍🤣🤣
  7. Why attaching it to the wheel? Isn't the following a viable option?
  8. Would neck speakers do the job ? I sounds that it would be the perfect fit for what you are looking for.
  9. I glued some aluminum tubing (yellow lines) inside the holes where the cord is passing through the seat sides, so that, it does not cut through it. The magnet is attached to the cord with instant glue and string on one side, the other side (on the 16X) is with heavy duty double sided tape and home made aluminum brackets
  10. Sorry it took some time for me to figure out how to include images into this post
  11. I initially had the same idea, but I went another route with strong magnets. When I need to use the handle, the seat stay attached to the EUC with the magnets
  12. Have you seen the EUCs in Japan posts ? https://forum.electricunicycle.org/topic/9603-eucs-in-japan/
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