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thinking of getting an ebike for high speed.


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I feel comfortable riding perhaps 15 km/h  on an euc before running off begins to become difficult to do.

I am thinking of getting an ebike so I can begin riding over 22km/h which i do on the euc. The time it takes on the euc with the footpain that it causes leaves me wanting a faster wheel, but i am not too comfortable with the idea of riding the tesla like i am likely going to do.

It would be nice to have that extra wheel a bicycle affords you in the event of malfunctioning.

also. what range do you guys find would be nice to have on one charge? For me I would like the capability of 100km. then I could get where i wanted if i need to do several trips consecutively.

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I agree, for non-recreational use and speeds over 25km/h and/or distances over 30km 15km, e-bikes tend to be better suited than EUCs in general. To each his own.

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We've gotten electric bikeshares lately but I haven't had a chance to try them yet. They're not a bad deal, you can rent them for as little as $1 for 30 minutes and some will give you credit for future rides by starting with bikes at odd locations to reposition them. We have several companies--Ofo, LimeBike, Mobike, Spin, Jump, Capitol Bikeshare--beating each other's brains out trying to establish themselves. If you have something in your area you might give one of them a try. With so many of these around I don't think I'll buy a bike (electric or manual) any time soon!



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I agree with @Mono as well, I wish I had an ebike and am waiting for their prices to continue dropping.

There's a college girl who lives on my street who has one, a big powerful loud one, and it is more akin to a motorcycle with pedals. It is ridiculously fast, 30 mph at least, with suspension, and you can hear it from quite some distance. You could not easily lift this bicycle.

I had previously thought regulating them is kinda silly but after having a number of close calls with her passing me going 30 + uphill now I'm not so sure.

I did stop by the local bicycle shop and I think I ided her model as this 80 pound beast.

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4 hours ago, Mono said:

To each his own. 

Indeed. Agree to disagree. Many of us use our EUCs daily, safely, comfortably and regularly for commuting with sustained speeds > 25 mph (40 kph), and for extended recreational rides > 30 mi (48 km). 

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9 hours ago, who_the said:

Indeed. Agree to disagree. Many of us use our EUCs daily, safely, comfortably and regularly for commuting with sustained speeds > 25 mph (40 kph), and for extended recreational rides > 30 mi (48 km). 

I'll bet that most of "us" don't :D and I don't disagree with you at all. Some people like to use certain devices even when other devices would be more suitable. There is nothing wrong with that at all.

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I love my ewheels but I promised myself when I get hurt this year (yes when... it's going to happen, 29mph Telsa is too much fun)   I build an ebike.  60mph or bust beast, $3k-5k borderline motorcycle.  When $hit goes wrong, 2 wheels are better than 1.  information is limited at the moment for forums and such on building this animal though.  :(


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For me an EUC is more practical than an ebike but only because the city I live in is only 7 miles wide with heavy congestion and high incidence of bike theft. There are not always places to lock up a bike in the immediate vicinity so the ability to bring the wheel in unobtrusively is a big benefit. I am also able to easily bring the wheel with me into an uber, bus, or train if I have a few too many drinks or need to go across a bridge which doesn't allow electric unicycles (also no ebikes). This specific use case fits EUCs very well but the majority of people do not live with this exact set of contraints.

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I agree with the "to each his own" statement.

For me, getting an E-bike would be going back in the other direction...towards motorcycle. But, I can see how some people may prefer that.

Some the vid's I've seen on modified E-bikes are simply crazy as far as speed goes...very much into motorcycle territory.

As for the foot pain, I think that is something to address. For me, personally, I had significant plantars fasciitis in both feet when I started riding EUC's about 7 months ago, and for me it really helped me reduce the pain from everyday walking. Now, I have almost no noticeable pain (no pain really, just can't bring myself to think it's gone!) in one foot and very little in the other, and I can tell the more I ride the EUC the faster both feet are healing (after putting up with this for more than a year!). I am able to go on 5-10 mile rides without a problem, and am now planning longer trips.

If you cannot get rid of the foot pain, it is understandable to be searching for something else.  

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The foot pain comes to me at about 15 minutes. after that I just power through. My commute is about 30-40 minutes. If i rode the tesla I would do the trip in 15-20 minutes or faster, but then you have the problem of severe injury when stuff fails. That is why I am considering an ebike. Even one that can pull me at 25kmh up a hill would be fantastic as my speed down hill would be significant, so that would get me to the place in perhaps 25 minutes. I bicycled on a race bike once. got there at 26 minutes. I rode like a maniac down hill, but up hill unless i am going for a full work out, the speeds are much reduced. so 25 up would be a boon.

I am looking to build a 2000 watt plus monster. maybe even 5000 watt plus. I wouldn't ride too fast, but I would like to have the power available for quick acceleration so stops dont bother me so much.


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I have 2 EUCs .

I also  have 2 ebikes.

One is 250W electric assistance bike which is legal and one is DIY 1000W illegal.

With 250W bike (300Wh) I can ride 25kmh/ 60km and when battery is empty I can still ride on  for ever by feet like normal bike...

With 1000W bike (624Wh) I can  ride 55kmh/??km (do not know the range) without muscles and when battery is empty I can still ride on  for ever by feet like normal bike...

With both ebikes I can take a lot of stuff (10..30kg) with  me.


EUCs and ebikes are both very nice but for me they are for different purposes.

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Sorry but !

The foot pain comes It only when driving is not yet clear enough !  The same goes for speed, fear and uncertainty .

Previously, my wife was complaining foot pain but now we have run without problems more than six hours of riding .

I do not see a competitor against the EUC !

I only ride a bike if I want to power training muscles for hands and feet :D

Do not lose hope ! 

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On 10/01/2018 at 8:00 AM, LanghamP said:

I agree with @Mono as well, I wish I had an ebike and am waiting for their prices to continue dropping.

There's a college girl who lives on my street who has one, a big powerful loud one, and it is more akin to a motorcycle with pedals. It is ridiculously fast, 30 mph at least, with suspension, and you can hear it from quite some distance. You could not easily lift this bicycle.

I had previously thought regulating them is kinda silly but after having a number of close calls with her passing me going 30 + uphill now I'm not so sure.

I did stop by the local bicycle shop and I think I ided her model as this 80 pound beast.

Is it something like the stealth bomber, the one she has?

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19 hours ago, Pasi said:

I have 2 EUCs .

I also  have 2 ebikes.

One is 250W electric assistance bike which is legal and one is DIY 1000W illegal.

With 250W bike (300Wh) I can ride 25kmh/ 60km and when battery is empty I can still ride on  for ever by feet like normal bike...

With 1000W bike (624Wh) I can  ride 55kmh/??km (do not know the range) without muscles and when battery is empty I can still ride on  for ever by feet like normal bike...

With both ebikes I can take a lot of stuff (10..30kg) with  me.


EUCs and ebikes are both very nice but for me they are for different purposes.

What speed do you get from 1000 watts up a hill? say 5- 10percent incline?

Also how long can you ride before you feel that "this is sufficient, now I would like my ride to be finished" but still within comfort?

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On 1/10/2018 at 1:28 PM, exoplanet said:

The foot pain comes to me at about 15 minutes. after that I just power through. My commute is about 30-40 minutes. If i rode the tesla I would do the trip in 15-20 minutes or faster, but then you have the problem of severe injury when stuff fails. That is why I am considering an ebike. Even one that can pull me at 25kmh up a hill would be fantastic as my speed down hill would be significant, so that would get me to the place in perhaps 25 minutes. I bicycled on a race bike once. got there at 26 minutes. I rode like a maniac down hill, but up hill unless i am going for a full work out, the speeds are much reduced. so 25 up would be a boon.

I am looking to build a 2000 watt plus monster. maybe even 5000 watt plus. I wouldn't ride too fast, but I would like to have the power available for quick acceleration so stops dont bother me so much.


this might interest you. https://www.urb-e.com/?keyword=urb-e bike&creative=214548761651&gclid=Cj0KCQiAnOzSBRDGARIsAL-mUB27HB47IsgI-3Nsmrp8K5WneHsQRTazHANplMvfHR0afgfDhljkY4waArSvEALw_wcB

i've been checking them out too as thinking that this might be better than EUC but problem is if i can bring it inside a bus. train wouldn't be a problem but regular city bus is questionable.

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