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Need Suggestions on New Wheel: Gotway MCM3/MCM4 vs IPS T350+


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Hi everyone, I'm trying to compare and buy a new/used wheel.

I came from a generic 14" wheel from eBay which I think is an Airwheel 350W 132Wh. 

It served me well in my learning and practicing process over the last year despite several overheating cutoffs...


I did some research and narrowed my upgrade down to Gotway MCM3/4 vs IPS T350+

I understand one is 14" and one is 16", but I feel they do compare to each other.

The difference I got from a little bit research is that ISP T350+ is much more reliable and the motor is a little bit stronger, but MCM3/4 is lighter and a little bit easier to carry when needed to.

Even though the MCM4 is a little bit better looking, after seeing what happened to Marty Becke and his MSuper V3s+, I am kind of hesitant on choosing the Gotway.

However right now Nevin is doing a little bit of used clearance and has a broken LED MCM4 for 300, and I really really want to take it.

Please advice, and if anyone knows a little bit more about the reliability side of the MCM4, please share with me. Anything helps. 

Thanks in advance!


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1 hour ago, KingSong69 said:


Welcome to the Forum!

Go definitely for the Mcm4 for Nevin!

the named ips is totally old stuff....

Yeah I was thinking about that, too. I guess I'll have MCM4 +1 score. 

But on the other hand I don't really mind old stuff, its speed and power is good enough for me at the moment. And is more time tested in my opinion.

Btw does anyone know if MCM4 has that "oscillation" problem? I don't see anyone mention it, I assume it's good?

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6 minutes ago, CMonk said:

Yeah I was thinking about that, too. I guess I'll have MCM4 +1 score. 

But on the other hand I don't really mind old stuff, its speed and power is good enough for me at the moment. And is more time tested in my opinion.

Btw does anyone know if MCM4 has that "oscillation" problem? I don't see anyone mention it, I assume it's good?

no, only NEWER Acm/msuper have that.....

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10 hours ago, CMonk said:

Hi everyone, I'm trying to compare and buy a new/used wheel.

I came from a generic 14" wheel from eBay which I think is an Airwheel 350W 132Wh. 

It served me well in my learning and practicing process over the last year despite several overheating cutoffs...


I did some research and narrowed my upgrade down to Gotway MCM3/4 vs IPS T350+

I understand one is 14" and one is 16", but I feel they do compare to each other.

The difference I got from a little bit research is that ISP T350+ is much more reliable and the motor is a little bit stronger, but MCM3/4 is lighter and a little bit easier to carry when needed to.

Even though the MCM4 is a little bit better looking, after seeing what happened to Marty Becke and his MSuper V3s+, I am kind of hesitant on choosing the Gotway.

However right now Nevin is doing a little bit of used clearance and has a broken LED MCM4 for 300, and I really really want to take it.

Please advice, and if anyone knows a little bit more about the reliability side of the MCM4, please share with me. Anything helps. 

Thanks in advance!


I have to recommend the MCM4, especially at $300. It is an awesome wheel and the most popular in my area. My first wheel was one of the old IPS wheels and it is solid and near indestructible, but the MCM4 is a generation ahead and definitely feels like it as well.

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11 hours ago, CMonk said:

The difference I got from a little bit research is that ISP T350+ is much more reliable and the motor is a little bit stronger, but MCM3/4 is lighter and a little bit easier to carry when needed to.

AFAIK, the IPS is not stronger than MCM3/4, at least the older IPS's apparently used the maximum power number in the marketing, rather than nominal, IPS T350 is 1000W max, nominal could then be maybe 400-500W. MCM4 is is 800W nominal (peak power might be something like 2kW?). On the other hand, you rarely hear anyone complaining that their IPS has broken down (maybe with the exception of IPS Zero?). In general, I'd consider IPS a more reliable brand than Gotway, but also more conservative (less speed, less power).


11 hours ago, CMonk said:

Even though the MCM4 is a little bit better looking, after seeing what happened to Marty Becke and his MSuper V3s+, I am kind of hesitant on choosing the Gotway.

However right now Nevin is doing a little bit of used clearance and has a broken LED MCM4 for 300, and I really really want to take it.

Please advice, and if anyone knows a little bit more about the reliability side of the MCM4, please share with me. Anything helps. 

guess the reliability of older Gotways was better. MCM4 doesn't (probably) have enough power to suffer from the melting cables-issue, and the oscillation problem seems to be limited to newer ACMs/MSupers (maybe Monsters?) built recently (May 2017 onwards?).

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I have the IPS Lhotz which to my understanding has a lot in common with the T350+:

- Tiltback keeps the speed under 26kph on full battery, gradually down to 22kph on near empty.

- Alarm beeps start at 23kph.

- Range for a 91kg rider is max 15km, after 12km must take uphills slowly.

- I think the peak power was recorded at 1200W. For level grounds and light inclines this is fine for peaceful riding. Will not handle emergency breakings or steep downhills, you will fall on your back without warning.

Lhotz is my first wheel and after a month ot two it turned out to be too underpowered for me to feel safe on my trips. Then again, I ride about 23km daily, and most of it on trails. For under 23kph and 15km it is a pretty nice wheel.

There is a fine gravel trail made for cross country skiing nearby (level "hard") that I'd love to ride, but Lhotz doesn't have the power to go up or even keep breaking when going down the steep hills. I'm pretty sure my next wheel will!

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8 hours ago, esaj said:

AFAIK, the IPS is not stronger than MCM3/4, at least the older IPS's apparently used the maximum power number in the marketing, rather than nominal, IPS T350 is 1000W max, nominal could then be maybe 400-500W. MCM4 is is 800W nominal (peak power might be something like 2kW?). On the other hand, you rarely hear anyone complaining that their IPS has broken down (maybe with the exception of IPS Zero?). In general, I'd consider IPS a more reliable brand than Gotway, but also more conservative (less speed, less power).


guess the reliability of older Gotways was better. MCM4 doesn't (probably) have enough power to suffer from the melting cables-issue, and the oscillation problem seems to be limited to newer ACMs/MSupers (maybe Monsters?) built recently (May 2017 onwards?).

Tyvm for clearing up the fear for me. I see the MCM4 being the much better wheel now. 


5 hours ago, mrelwood said:

There is a fine gravel trail made for cross country skiing nearby (level "hard") that I'd love to ride, but Lhotz doesn't have the power to go up or even keep breaking when going down the steep hills. I'm pretty sure my next wheel will!

Wow, I didn't think it wouldn't be able to break. But to be fair 91kg is close to its limit and the ski slope is quite steep for unicycles...

Thanks for the real world information.

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40 minutes ago, CMonk said:

Wow, I didn't think it wouldn't be able to break. But to be fair 91kg is close to its limit and the ski slope is quite steep for unicycles...

Thanks for the real world information.

Yes, the hill is very steep. I tried short bursts of hard braking at walking speed before going down the steep part, and I could feel the motor slipping. After thinking about my life for a while I decided to go down after all... I started at very slow speed, and steadily accelerated to near max speed at the bottom. It was scary, but worked fine.

I've been thinking about the limits of braking quite a bit after I suddenly fell on my back at 25kph (only minor damage). My reasoning is that as an EUC doesn't have brakes, for an electric motor, slowing down is just acceleration in the other direction. So if it can't accelerate a steep hill going up, it can't slow down going the same hill down.

Ofcourse, every motor has it's own power curve regarding speed. I'm sure smarter guys could calculate in detail wether going downhill at a steady speed at the peak of the power curve would make steeper downhills possible...

Back on topic, while I don't like a 14" wheel that much, the MCM for $300 sounds like a great deal.

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I have a IPS Lhotz too and am very pleased with it. I live at the top of a pretty decent hill and it handles that no problem and I'm 100kg. Plus I often have a couple of large shopping bags with me - shop is in town at the bottom of the hill :) 

I have only ever once had it dump me on my arse and that was when id overleaned on the down side of a canal bridge (turned out to be a lot steeper than id anticipated and i was going way to quick. The other people out walking on the path had a good laugh though .... I was lucky it didn't end up in the water.

I'd characterise the IPS as robust, nice wide tyre, works well on the off road footpaths i ride near me. Not very well dust proofed ( there was a lot of dust in it when i took it apart), well built as in sturdy but compared to others the build quality may lack refinement. The ride feels very safe, nice gradual tiltback. Cant comment on the beeps because i took the sound board  out so mine don't beep at all.

Ive never ridden a Gotway, but i have used a Kingsong and also own a V8. 

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