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careful handling or TRANSFER of Msuper wheel, cuidado zona de corte

Jose Otal

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cuidado con la manipulacion o translado de la rueda Msuper ,al cogerla por el neumatico , el dedo puede quedar atrapado y esta zona , corta  , recomiendo limar o ligar para evitar cortes , como me a pasado a mi , no se puede evitar atraparse el dedo  , pero si , que nos cortemos

careful handling or TRANSFER of Msuper wheel, to take her by the tire, the finger can get caught and this area, short, I recommend filing or link to avoid cuts, like me happened to me, can not be avoided trapped finger but if we cut us


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hace 12 minutos, Greg Spalding dijo:

Siento que Haya Tenido Experiencia ESA

Espero Que Hayan Recibido Una vacuna contra el tétanos y Reciente Poner Un poco de ungüento antibiótico en ESE

lo siento por el pediatra venta Que en Mí :D

Gracias Greg, de dos días que tengo la rueda, este accidente me últimos 4 veces, la última vez con un corte y aplastamiento, ya que muchas personas tienen la Msuper o está esperando la nueva rueda, este punto es peligrosa y debe ser lijada las 4 esquinas, no se puede evitar el aplastamiento, pero un corte profundo, lo siento por la traducción de Google , -)


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Interesting. Thanks for the warning. Just wondering - under what circumstances are you feeling the need to grab it by the wheel ? Is there a need to do this when pumping or changing the tyre for example ? I remember trying to change the inner tube on my old Airwheel. That was 40 minutes for me and the bloke in the bike shop, and so much of our combined brute force I'm exhausted just thinking about it :)

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2 hours ago, Jose Otal said:

Gracias Greg, de dos días que tengo la rueda, este accidente me últimos 4 veces, la última vez con un corte y aplastamiento, ya que muchas personas tienen la Msuper o está esperando la nueva rueda, este punto es peligrosa y debe ser lijada las 4 esquinas, no se puede evitar el aplastamiento, pero un corte profundo, lo siento por la traducción de Google , -)


Espero que el nuevo vamos a venir pronto. Entiendo perfectamente los problemas con la traducción de Google. Por favor, cuidar de sí mismo y estoy feliz de que estés aquí con nosotros en el foro. Esperanza que se recupera rápidamente

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42 minutes ago, Cerbera said:

Interesante. Gracias por la advertencia. Sólo me preguntaba - ¿en qué circunstancias ¿Se siente la necesidad de agarrarlo por la rueda? ¿Hay una necesidad de hacer esto cuando se bombea o cambiar el neumático, por ejemplo? Recuerdo tratar de cambiar el tubo interior en mi viejo Airwheel. Eso fue 40 minutos para mí y el tío de la tienda de bicicletas, y gran parte de nuestra fuerza bruta combinada estoy agotado sólo de pensarlo:)

when I catch in orizontal for anything, and if not grabs hard and a lot of balance, the wheel turns and fingers fall into that trap, the problem is that cuts a lot, if someone grabs the wheel when automatically turn speed you can lose a finger, it is very dangerous

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Happened to me the very first time I was touching an EUC. The unexpected mass/inertia trapped me in when I tried to turn the wheel. Of course, the sharp shell edges aren't helpful at all.

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My advice would be - 'don't put heavy wheels in the boot of the car'. It is rather easier and less risky to hold it by the handle and place it 'wheel-down' directly behind the drivers seat.

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32 minutes ago, Cerbera said:

My advice would be - 'don't put heavy wheels in the boot of the car'. It is rather easier and less risky to hold it by the handle and place it 'wheel-down' directly behind the drivers seat.

Sometimes, multiple EUCs have to carry, and all seats are occupied.

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5 minutes ago, zlymex said:

Sometimes, multiple EUCs have to carry, and all seats are occupied

Ah yes, I was working on the principle that most of us will be riding just the one wheel :)

Can I ask - what is that tubular foam padding stuff called, and where did you order it from ? And how did you stick it on your wheels ?

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9 minutes ago, Cerbera said:

Ah yes, I was working on the principle that most of us will be riding just the one wheel :)

Can I ask - what is that tubular foam padding stuff called, and where did you order it from ? And how did you stick it on your wheels ?

I'm not sure what it is called in English, probably bumper protector.
The seller of EUC usually provided them free of charge in China.
Can be bougght very cheaply in taobao such as https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=41185116047
All these comes with 3M double side tapes.

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1 minute ago, zlymex said:

I'm not sure what it is called in English, probably bumper protector.
The seller of EUC usually provided them free of charge in China.
Can be bougght very cheaply in taobao such as https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=41185116047
All these comes with 3M double side tapes.

Excellent, Thank you very much. Sorry to drift off-topic.

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On 29.10.2016 at 0:43 PM, zlymex said:

I'm not sure what it is called in English, probably bumper protector.
The seller of EUC usually provided them free of charge in China.
Can be bougght very cheaply in taobao such as https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=41185116047
All these comes with 3M double side tapes.

Is there a site where you can order them in english/spanish/french/german? They charge us 10 Euros for 2 meters here in Germany.

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2 hours ago, Michael Vu said:

Just try to never grab any EUC by the wheel. Always use the frame.

That's good advice. I found when picking up my IPS121 and IPS191 by the wheel, the power is off, so the wheel turns freely. Any shift of balance makes the wheel turn, dragging my hand into the gap between tire and EUC body. I hurt my hand a few times this way, but not as badly as the photo posted by Michael. Finally I realized it's best to hold onto a non-movable part of the EUC.

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