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Berlin IFA Report

Jason McNeil

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Sorry everyone for the Radio Silence over these past two weeks—came down with something after the trip, hope it's not Zika...:ph34r: 

To a Wheel enthusiast, with the exception of Inmotion, there wasn't much else of interest : one maker licensed the Bugatti marque for their $350 Electric push-scooter, talk about brand prostitution....; another 'Hoverboard' exhibitor claimed to be 'German Engineered, German Designed,German BS...', nothing but an OEM of a $100 board! 

Ran into @Henrik Olsen & the Uniriders group who drove all the way from Denmark, met up for a group ride & dinner along with Wheel maestro Alex Segmuller. 

Security hassled us about riding the Wheel, but only outside in the deserted parking spaces, cries of "Das ist verboten!" still ring in my ears. On my last day, Alex had the brilliant idea of riding around the show until we got thrown out. He made a valiant effort—there wasn't a booth babe who hadn't been swooped up on his shoulders or danced with—it wasn't until we hit the citadel of the Samsung Hall that we were not too gently told to leave—took some video that I'll be posting a bit later.  

Inmotion released three new products at private Press Event: a light-weight handled scooter (the L8), the seated scooter (the P1), and a new type of 'Hoverboard' that has sensors instead of the central pivoting action, all are exceptional in their respected class. 

I had the pleasure of having dinner with the CEO of Inmotion, Vic Zhou. He's the mastermind behind Inmotion's pursuit of innovation. I think Inmotion is the only PEV company that has a leading Expert at the helm of the company, it definitely shows in their approach to development & in the new products that are making their way into the marketplace. 


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Welcome back! Oh no!!! ZIKA...:huh:If I buy another wheel from you please fumigate the shipping container!!:) 

Any video of you getting thrown out? That would be an awesome sight! :blink:

Any word on the V8?

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51 minutes ago, Rehab1 said:

Any word on the V8?

They might be airbound at this very moment, I'll have confirmation in a couple hours. We're also working on getting some fast(er) 2.5A Chargers ordered. These will follow about a week later. 

Need to get the V8s out before the mid-Autumn Festival, 3 day public holiday. According to this source, China has 20 Public Holidays, on average one every-other week. 


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@Jason McNeil Ok...please let me know! Oh that holiday...I remember ordering supplies from China and trying to avoid that shut down!

@Boxer Rebellion yes you are correct on that front but unfortunately I treat kiddos that are microcephalic and it is not pleasant. Terrible insult to a baby's brain!

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@Jason McNeil  I sold the NB Flame with an offer pending on the other NB. Now the dilemma...which 16" wheel to purchase: King Song or V8? I assume you have ridden both?

I love the handling of my V5F+ but understand that neither of the 16" wheels will produce the same type of agility that I feel so comfortable with. I wish I could coordinate some time off where I could fly down to see your company and then take a ride on each wheel when they arrive. Any advice in the interim would be greatly appreciated!

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1 hour ago, Rehab1 said:

@Jason McNeil  I sold the NB Flame with an offer pending on the other NB. Now the dilemma...which 16" wheel to purchase: King Song or V8?

Dude, you should DEFINITELY buy the V8. I have a ks16 in black. And it's agile enough. I can take really slow, deep turns. I love my ks16. But, the v8 is way more technology advanced than the ks16. Plus. You will be able to customize the side LED's. Built-in trolley hsndlr. And soon, there will be an update to go 30km/h. Only Con, is that an 820wh is not readily available. Your battery should ALWAYS be 820wh and up. Wait just a little while longer is my advise.

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8 hours ago, Boxer Rebellion said:

thank you for the transparency and updates. No worries on the Zika stuff, I can't imagine you'll be giving birth, so no imminent danger of microcephaly:D

It's not just women that need to be concerned.


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6 hours ago, Rehab1 said:

Now the dilemma...which 16" wheel to purchase: King Song or V8? I assume you have ridden both?

I love the handling of my V5F+ but understand that neither of the 16" wheels will produce the same type of agility that I feel so comfortable with.

I'd go with V8 unless you really need a very long range without battery swapping. It's 3 Kg lighter than KS-16 and much slicker and most of all basically one generation ahead of KS. The 84V system is also beneficial IMO. And don't worry - both V8 as well as KS-16 will be still pretty nimble, even my Solowheel Extreme at 18" is still very precise and easy to control at both low and high speeds.

15 hours ago, Jason McNeil said:

Sorry everyone for the Radio Silence over these past two weeks—came down with something after the trip, hope it's not Zika...:ph34r: 

Welcome back and hopefully you'll get better soon. Thanks for the IFA brief and we look forward to the videos as well as updates on V8 ;) 

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@HEC  @PriestHood Thanks! So far the score appears to be 1 1/2 in favor of the V8- 1/2 point deduction on the V8 because of the diminished battery capacity.:blink:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here's a bit of laugh for Tuesday. Inmotion had the (one) V8 at time, which would have been a better plug :) 

My friend Alex Segmuller, of eWheelmotion.com, the Electric Unicycle impresario, & I met at the Berlin IFA fair in September, 2016. Alex had the brilliant idea to see how long it would take riding the Wheel around the floor until we got kicked out by the security. Despite his best efforts, it wasn't until we made it through the 26 halls at Samsung that we were, not too politely, instructed to leave....

The Sony ActionCam gimbel was out of action at the time, apologies to the eyes for the unsteady footage.


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When I grow up I want to be just like Alex!  :wub:  I gotta start practicing my women carrying skills on the Ninebot!

BTW what was the reason that they told you guys to leave?  It's not like you were wrecking havoc or crashing into people.  (I'm thinking - that girl in red was the security guy's girlfriend :D)

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13 hours ago, HunkaHunkaBurningLove said:

what was the reason that they told you guys to leave?

Samsung were on edge, it was a couple days after the  recall of the Galaxy 7—now that's a disaster! It was also right at closing time, Security probably needed to demonstrate to their superiors that they earned their bread for the day.


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22 hours ago, Jason McNeil said:

Here's a bit of laugh for Tuesday. Inmotion had the (one) V8 at time, which would have been a better plug :)

I cannot stop laughing!! Pure entertainment!! What took so long? Did you have to edit out the X-rated stuff? Send me that version in a PM please!:P

16 hours ago, HunkaHunkaBurningLove said:

When I grow up I want to be just like Alex!  :wub:  I gotta start practicing my women carrying skills on the Ninebot!

Practice with a blow up doll first:) 


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43 minutes ago, HEC said:

Why - men have airbags too :D 

Now how the hell am I suppose to erase that disgusting image from my mind? He looks like John Goodman.


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