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i cant ride my veteran sherman max in my city


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so i ride a veteran sherman max in my city, when i stop in a red light a cop says he needs to talk to me, he says that this vehicle its not legal because the speed is not limited, i explain to him that this euc its in a way limited with the tiltback at 25kmh and says that does not matter and grab the wheel and does a freespin, the wheel takes hes max speed 85 kmh and he give me a ticket for riding a wheel that is not speed limited, and now i dont know what to do, because this happend twice in 3 months its a small city, and the tickets are not cheap, 500€ each i dont know if i can limit the speed of the wheel or change the speedometer that only shows 25kmh if someone have an idea what to do, i dont care about riding fast i live in a very turistic place and the trafic is always slow so go more than 25kmh its usseless here.

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Cops don't understand how euc works.. And lifts it to do a "free spin" test. Didn't he notice the pedals lifting? Or wheel wanting to tilt backwards? That right there meant it was limited.. Not to mention the crazy alarms???

You could even shown it to him yourself.. But at slower manner. Make the wheel go to 25km/h and show the cop that it starts lifting the pedals, alarms, tilting backwards. Yes it can go 85km/h speeds. But that would be the same as cars.. They can also go 2/3 times the road allowed speeds. Doesn't mean we ride at those speed. Meaning it is limited! And he can shew his ticket in his ass. But don't mention the last part..

Same thing in court if you wanna fight those tickers. Very easy to show/proof it is limited. They need to understand that every single euc will go to it's max speed, if it's lifted doing "free spin". (Again same thing as cars, if you push down the gas pedal.) They are lifting it DOH... Your feet aren't on the pedals. So you don't notice the said put in limits. If cop wants to do a real "test" he needs to hop on the euc and try riding faster than those 25km/h, where the speed limit (If you have put it in place) kicks in. Otherwise he can again shew that ticket in his ass.


Eh how i love my ghost town.. Where you can go what ever speeds you wanna even on sidewalks. (Ofc slower around people.) Big plus not seeing/having any cops around ever.. Don't need to deal with this kind of a bullcrap. Even if euc's would become illegal here - still could ride without worry. :thumbup:

Edited by Funky
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That's a real pisser for the people who don't feel they can ride in their own town. Maximum sympathy to anyone who finds themselves in that position. And it's also bad more generally in that it suggests that yet more ignorant / lazy lawmakers are lumping EUCs in with other PEVs which do not use power to balance / be able to function. It is especially frustrating and unfair because people are still allowed to drive cars and motorbikes that will go faster than the maximum speed limits in any country, and incidents involving those are (correctly) judged on what speed they were actually being driven at the time, rather than what they can potentially do...

To OP I would say... If you have some good evidence, and feel up to it, it might be worth taking on the ticket, refusing to pay it and having your day in court, which might at least allow you to present evidence of your speed during that day's ride, and should give you a chance to explain why a free run speed test / judging the max possible speed is a wholly inappropriate test for this class of vehicle. Do you have the EUCWorld Tour log, which would show your actual speeds throughout the journey in a way that would be easily demonstrable to a circuit judge ?

Edited by Cerbera
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The thing is the ticket is not for speeding is for riding a vehicle that is not power limeted, the tilt back for what the police says is not enough.

anyways i live in spain and they really dont like EUC or Electric scooters we cant even enter whit them in a train.

i tried to dispute the ticket but fail.

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The fact is there are laws against PEV's that have motors with allowable power limits. And the police are enforcing these laws in the areas where you ride.

In Canada, federal laws regulate motorized two wheels vehicles. However, they make an exception for e-bikes that have a top speed of no more than 32 km/h without peddling on level ground, and do not have any design elements that resemble motorcycles, or gas scooters etc. However, it does not appear that the feds have not been enforcing this law yet. However, it has been know local police does give out big tickets for low powered electric scooters that looked just like a gas scooter or motorcycle.


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I think you are screwed. At least in that town. That policeman will always recognise you and your wheel and will use his method of testing to justify writing you a ticket.

You have to think outside the box. I have read on this forum local towns can set their own rules in Spain which over-rule the national law on PEVs. I don't know how true this is. Anyway I imagine local councils in Spain are much the same there as anywhere else. Run by a few and only a few are interested in what they do. Do some research. See if you can find someone on council who may be sympathetic to PEVs. Make your case to them and see if you can convince them to make an ordinance allowing EUCs. Perhaps frame it as a trial. It gives them an out if the locals flame up about it. Politicians/councilors like the get out of jail card.

Point out that cars have ability to do 200km/h but are allowed to drive in 30kmh zones. Point out that free lift speed displayed is NOT the max speed of the wheel which is usually 20-25km/h less. Point out that all wheels have a log. If the law is 25km/h max and a policeman thinks you are exceeding that, then he can check your phone or the wheel screen. If you are able to get statistics on EUC accidents (probably zero in your town) and offer it as a comparison to cyclist/pedestrian/car injuries in your town that should help as well.

Different places-different rules. See if you can find one that fits your Sherman and riding style. Simple is best. Then present that as a template.

Something like this.. https://www.wa.gov.au/organisation/road-safety-commission/erideables but modify the weight limit :-)

Or you could move?

Edited by DavidB
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yep every town can set rules for PEVs, 1 year ago we can ride on the streets like a car now we can only ride on the bike lane that is almost non existant,  an even cops dont know whats the rule for the PEVs is, if you ask one he says you can only ride on bike lane others says that we have to ride on the street, i mean my only option know its just sell my sherman, i love ride it  but im not gonna leave my job gf and family just to ride in other town. 

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Here in the states, ADA or American Disability Act Title III sometimes can be used to justify riding EUC of your choice due to medical reasons which authority can't ask you whatever they may be. I and my wife brought our wheels to Angel Island. When ferry landed, a ranger greeted us saying EUCs are not allowed. So I told him I am exercising ADA Title III and he let us use them. But funny he says, we can travel from point A to point B only and can't use them for entertainment. Huh?! Anything like that in Spain. For your information, we are in our mid 60s and walking around the whole island is really too much a hike. We wheel around the island in around one hour and saw beautiful scenaries on the island from every angle. Folks we met really envy us!

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If I lived in that city, I probably wouldn't be riding an EUC. Seems like they have it out for those and it's an easy 500euro each time they catch you. Sorry to say it but it might be time to look at getting some other form of PEV.

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Or you could try riding on sidewalks. I don't know how busy sidewalks you have, or police patrol your sidewalks..  But if you are trying to obey the law and still get ticket. F them and ride where police isn't around. Or if you see them - simply do 180degree turn and ride away from them, or take next path/road around them. Anything to simply not go anywhere near them.


And yes, i get that in some countries riding on sidewalk true pedestrians is a no-no. But in my country it's the only place for EUC. Same for regular bicycles and electric scooters - we all share one path with pedestrians and have zero problems.. Another plus - if you're riding on sidewalks, there are many, many paths to take, so you can skip police altogether.

I have never ridden on streets with cars.. Neither bike lanes (If we had them..) And i'm happy. :efee47c9c8:

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I would try riding on a tiny wheel like the mten3 or mcm5 with just a bike helmet. No gear. That way you look like a kid and they'll just warn you instead of "taking your toys away". Don't carry ID with you. Make it hard for them to write a ticket. Ride on bike paths/sidewalks where possible.

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At the moment there is probably not a single EUC that would pass that test. Even an Mten3 would go over 25. What is needed is a setting in the Leaperkim screen that you can trigger if you are stopped which will restrict the free spin speed to 25. Maybe Freestyler could write some code for you.

Or if there is a way to contact Leaperkim, explain your situation and maybe they can add it in a software update.

alcatraz in many jurisdictions failure to give personal details or giving false details to police is a much more serious offence.

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What I mean is, make it a tough sell for the cop to convince other fellow law enforcers, a "judge/jury", whatever, that he's right.

An Mten3 is like pulling over someone for riding rollerskates or a skateboard (which both now exist in motorized form BTW).

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Fuck limitation in first place! Limiting a device is just plain stupid. The rider needs to take the responsibility to follow speed laws. Same as cars. If he breaks the law and rides faster - then it's fair game - he gets ticket.

I personally hated the 25km/h speed limitation on electric scooters. First thing i did - searched how to unlock it. (When i wanted to buy scooter.) Even EUC's somewhat follow that 25km/h speed while ridding with pedestrians. But same time when no-one is around you can go 40km/h+. (Ofc not those speeds around blind areas and places where car/people can pop out any moment.)


As for that cop - he doesn't understand how EUC works.. And he doesn't wanna listen, it's his fault, not yours. You had the "Limitation" put in place. (I bet it even worked when he tested freespin..) He simply didn't care what you had to say. Go to court and fight it. Make them understand how euc works firstly, then they can ticket you fairly. 

Cars don't have riding logs aivable for police to check any given moment. And here you have a full ride log showing your speed every single moment while riding.. Cop stopped you - you show him the log - wasn't riding faster than 25km/h - everything fine. Was over 25km/h (or maybe 28km/h some lee way..) Then you get speeding ticket.


Giving limitation ticket for euc is right out wrong. Especially if he did the freespin test.. Again he needs to ride the EUC. Not lift the dam thing - if he wanted to test it right. OR do the freespin test in SLOW manner, so speed goes up 1 by 1 km/h. NOT 0-85 in 5 seconds.

Limiting speed and freespin is completely different things for EUC.. That test was faulty at best. Again you had the limitation in work.. So ticket SHOULD be thrown out.

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Man, I live in dread of that happening to me in my own hometown... I honestly dont know what I would do if I couldn't ride anymore. Frankly my mental health is not the best and nothing relaxes me and helps me like riding my EUCs does.

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