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    Vetera sherman max

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  1. @MetricUSA of course i did, and the answers it was the same both times the tilt back or the speed you are going is not the problem, the problem is that the wheel is not power limited to 25kmh.
  2. yep every town can set rules for PEVs, 1 year ago we can ride on the streets like a car now we can only ride on the bike lane that is almost non existant, an even cops dont know whats the rule for the PEVs is, if you ask one he says you can only ride on bike lane others says that we have to ride on the street, i mean my only option know its just sell my sherman, i love ride it but im not gonna leave my job gf and family just to ride in other town.
  3. The thing is the ticket is not for speeding is for riding a vehicle that is not power limeted, the tilt back for what the police says is not enough. anyways i live in spain and they really dont like EUC or Electric scooters we cant even enter whit them in a train. i tried to dispute the ticket but fail.
  4. so i ride a veteran sherman max in my city, when i stop in a red light a cop says he needs to talk to me, he says that this vehicle its not legal because the speed is not limited, i explain to him that this euc its in a way limited with the tiltback at 25kmh and says that does not matter and grab the wheel and does a freespin, the wheel takes hes max speed 85 kmh and he give me a ticket for riding a wheel that is not speed limited, and now i dont know what to do, because this happend twice in 3 months its a small city, and the tickets are not cheap, 500€ each i dont know if i can limit the speed of the wheel or change the speedometer that only shows 25kmh if someone have an idea what to do, i dont care about riding fast i live in a very turistic place and the trafic is always slow so go more than 25kmh its usseless here.
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