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Inmotion V14 Adventure: a new trail wheel from Inmotion


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As people have pointed out, steel does fatigue even below the point it permanently bends. I wrongly thought that as long as it springs back it had unlimited fatigue life.

That said, below a certain stress level it does have virtually unlimited stress cycles. This means a sufficiently sized piece of steel should have an unlimited fatigue life.

Edited by InfiniteWheelie
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So as of speak build in or not matter not that much. I a way I prefer without. This saves cost and weight. I use a bose mini bt speaker anyway. 

As for seated riding. Bought a seat for KS16X but couldn't use it as I can't shift between standing to seated or back again due to bad knee. Simply do not have the control and balance and muscle to do it. I bought a seat for V11 too. But same story. 

If you buy a off-road or trail wheel I doubt the seated riding would be top priority. 

Speaking of safety, I think the lack of praise to the battery monitoring is very odd to me. I think that is something most didn't pick up what it means. We just had a huge fire here in Sweden according to a escooter catching fire during charging. That spread to a has canister that exploded. 150 people evacuated and 30 people are currently unable to retur due to fire / explosion / water damage. To me this is what we have been asking for to improve safety to avoid these cases hitting the news. 

Right now I don't know if it has dual hall sensor or not. But it was argued that it is rare for hall sensor to be faulty. Yes it can happen. But I am sure Inmotion took a look at how frequently this would happen. And the V14 is not a top speed wheel. 

I am much more interested to see a dismantling video to get an idea how service friendly this wheel is. This is not something you might would do often but to me it is time consuming and I didn't have a good workspace to do it either. At first glance it look much better than my V11. 

As for suspension I do not care about travel length at all as long it surfice and it feel good. As a remark on feel good. It is about taking the spike or edge of bumps yet staying connected to the ground. Compared to V11 it can be setup to how I like it but it do require periodical check up. This "maintainace" is something I would like to avoid. 

Like I wrote the other day the V14 do appeal to me. But I like to know more about it before I pay up. And is seems it ships out late this year for my weather riding season. So spring gives me more time see review and comments from early riders. 

About the pedals they might be fine but I kinda like the spiked once for V11. 

I don't ride with power pads as I don't do high risk aggressive riding. It might be fun to some but to me it just means higher recovery time and lost of salary risks. As of the adjustable headlight I hope this is done right so it doesn't loose set position easily. 

On the cosmetic note, I would love to see it done in trafic green/yellow. And reflective sidepanels. But I guess the chance to this would be very very slim. 

As of kick stand. I rather have it resting like it is shown but tilting it forward. Less risk of problems like a V11 with knobby tire have. 

As for mudguard they always seems to be too short or leak at the open gab at the side of the mudguard. 

Also I am a bit sad that Inmotion didn't keep a scotpiontall design. 

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On 9/5/2023 at 8:55 PM, earthtwin said:

Not a torture test, just a drop test (if I remember correctly Inmotion claimed 1 meter) and a speed test, 43 mph, hard breaking and hard accelerations, climbing a 50 degree hill a few times for about 200 KM. Inmotion boasts some amazing feats of this wheel, so if it is really backed up with a warranty in real life, then I just gotta have it! But even the claims of the launch video invalidate the warranty policy aforementioned.

I have seen a video with breaking test. It did break pretty good. 

The numbers I recall (might be wrong) is 40-0 kmh at 7.5m. 0-50kmh in 2.5 sec.. 

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3 hours ago, Unventor said:

As for suspension I do not care about travel length at all as long it surfice and it feel good. As a remark on feel good. It is about taking the spike or edge of bumps yet staying connected to the ground. Compared to V11 it can be setup to how I like it but it do require periodical check up. This "maintainace" is something I would like to avoid. 

You can't avoid maintenance on any suspension. If it is not serviceable, that doesn't mean it will last a lifetime with unchanged characteristics, you will just need to replace it at some point.
Serviceability is a good thing. And good practice to open your wheel once a year to check bolts and potential problems. With design similar to v14, linkage bolts should be checked periodically, but if nothing is broken, don't fix it. The coil shocks are pretty easy to do a maintenance on. If you can't or don't want to do it yourself, the bike shop mechanic can certainly help.
For me the ability to upgrade suspension is huge. When I switched from stock shock to Fox air shock on my S18, the wheel dramatically changed. It became more plush and enjoyable to ride. You can't do that easily with Veteran's or with old Inmotion's suspension design. 

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10 hours ago, Rawnei said:

Display feels completely unimportant to me, more like a gimmick than anything, doesn't really provide anything useful, seated riding will see how that turns out, what do you mean by general lack of safety features?

Okay, I guess the display is not as beloved as I thought. I always appreciated that the wheel could be fully customised without an app. :o Maybe lack of safety features is a bit strongly worded, as it still has individual cell monitoring which is arguably the most important one; however, I was referring to the lack of a second hall sensor and this fire resistant gel in which they coated the batteries of the V13. If it was worth it for the V13, why not for the Adventure?

7 hours ago, Unventor said:

Right now I don't know if it has dual hall sensor or not. But it was argued that it is rare for hall sensor to be faulty. Yes it can happen. But I am sure Inmotion took a look at how frequently this would happen. And the V14 is not a top speed wheel.

Yes, the speed difference is there, but I would argue that cutting out during off-roading at high speed is at least as, if not more, dangerous compared to cutting out on a road at high speed. It could indeed be the case that it was not really worth it on the V13, but I think the omission is a bit suspicious. Did I miss the value of safety go down?

I cannot see anything wrong with a Patton style kickstand, so that could have been nice. I agree that burning your board with the kickstand is a significant design flaw.

I do agree on your other points. Winter is also approaching here as well, so I can wait out the first review cycle, but it does look promising. :efefae4566:

8 hours ago, mtl said:

Not safety related, but they also commented that they are developing a seat for the V14.

A seat could be a nice addition if it works well. :efee47c9c8:

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Inmotion has been having pedal problems for a while now.

I didn't experience drooping or snapping on my V10F though, and I never had a V12. The pedals on my Z10 seem good, but I do get creaking sometimes. Since Inmotion has been having problems with their pedals, I view it as an issue with the brand that I hope they do a stress test on the Adventure's pedals before fully releasing the wheel.

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i dont know whats happening with review vids of the V14.  did inmotion send out just 1 tester unit ?  and did it get delivered to the wrong address ?  is some stranger who doesnt ride an euc,  are they looking at this box and wondering what the hell they are going to do with it ?  did they mistake it for a very big blender or grass trimmer ?

if inmotions' ambitions are to sell this thing,  they really should communicate to their tester group and light a fire under their asses.  its so irritating, ...

Edited by bpong
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20 minutes ago, bpong said:

if inmotions' ambitions are to sell this thing,

I know what you mean, it's the same kind of thing that Ninebot did by abandoning Z10, it's problem child. The Inmotion Adventure doesn't really jive with their usual safety conscious products. It seems like they might not really want to sell high performance wheels as much as they want to prove that they can do it too. I guess we will find out, but I think the V8 is just fine for most of their customers.

Edited by earthtwin
wrong word
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9 hours ago, Menno said:

Yes, the speed difference is there, but I would argue that cutting out during off-roading at high speed is at least as, if not more, dangerous compared to cutting out on a road at high speed. It could indeed be the case that it was not really worth it on the V13, but I think the omission is a bit suspicious. Did I miss the value of safety go down?

I cannot see anything wrong with a Patton style kickstand, so that could have been nice. I agree that burning your board with the kickstand is a significant design flaw.

I do agree on your other points. Winter is also approaching here as well, so I can wait out the first review cycle, but it does look promising. :efefae4566:

I think this is a good reply to show we view thing in different perspective yet some point we agree upon and other we don't. And that as it should be. Diversity is good for all. Accepting and tolerance is in too short supply these days. 

Thank you for your views. 

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4 hours ago, earthtwin said:

Inmotion has been having pedal problems for a while now.

I didn't experience drooping or snapping on my V10F though, and I never had a V12. The pedals on my Z10 seem good, but I do get creaking sometimes. Since Inmotion has been having problems with their pedals, I view it as an issue with the brand that I hope they do a stress test on the Adventure's pedals before fully releasing the wheel.

Just a short recap on V10f pedal issue. 

The early version could break due to fatigue / crack appearing. I think this happened because they got larger compared to earlier model and as model was more powerful some heavier riders could now utilise this new model where a V8 might not accommodate them. 

They made new strengthen design and in general they were much better and stronger. There might be one or two case of something breaking. But that type of pedals are a designed most new models has moved away from due to hex/spiked design. So will the V14 also have pedals that do not have the V10f type of pedals. 

Now I got a V10f myself. It had the new pedals since I bought it. I have had a hard trouble of the wheel dyeing a turn on road marking that had ice on them. The pedal rod got bend but the pedals never too damage. 

Now anything can break and accident do happen too. But I don't view Inmotion any worse compared to other wheels. One still have to think of how many wheels there are in use and how frequently we hear a story of a problem. And add to this how a product is treated too. 

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On 9/5/2023 at 9:00 PM, Robse said:

Sellers who advertise with "no guarantee" due to low prices etc.  are scammers and fraudsters who try to get away with selling goods, making a profit and then screwing the customer.  There's no such thing as "no warranty" in EU, and if you are selling as a "non company", then it's a private sale, which rarely lasts longer than Customs asks what is going on.    I'm well aware that you're not quite in the EU anymore, but I assume that legislation on that point is hardly that much different in the UK.

There is no such thing as no warranty in Australia too. In reality that means absolutely nothing. There are many international companies here who just ignore anything after sales - bluetti for example. It's a great cost saving for business by not providing any after sales support. These same companies are very good at controlling the narrative especially by creating fb groups for their products run by "brand ambassadors". These fb admins (brand ambassadors) have to approve any comment etc before it is posted. You only ever read good things.

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On 9/7/2023 at 8:35 AM, InfiniteWheelie said:

below a certain stress level it does have virtually unlimited stress cycles. This means a sufficiently sized piece of steel should have an unlimited fatigue life.

Different steels have different qualities. Then you also have the variable of tempering. A file is steel that is very hard and brittle, a tent peg is steel that is very soft and maleable.

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2 hours ago, fbhb said:

Unfortunately, a 3amp charger will definitely be a bit of a let down, especially to those who incorrectly interpreted "16A maximum charging" to mean a much higher output charger would be included! No way would a 16A charger be included, but IMHO opinion, at the very least a 5A charger would have been easier for most people to accept!

Agreed 100%. I suspect that this is a misprint or possibly a filler for spec TBD. The Patton charger was originally listed at 3A for North America, but shipped with 5A chargers, thankfully. 

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According to Jason from ewheels, "the packaged V14 charger is going to be a 3A/134V. Inmotion is working with the charger supplier, Yuxing, to provide a 8A, details have yet to be flesh out."

Though I suppose Inmotion's plans could change between now and the first batch.

Edited by mtl
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48 minutes ago, mtl said:

Though I suppose Inmotion's plans could change between now and the first batch.

Inmotion Global responded to this Facebook post by asking for opinions on what amp charger the community would like to be included: INMOTION Electric Unicycle group [OFFICIAL] | Le chargeur est en 3A | Facebook

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